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F-5 Conduct preference assessments

LoveABA 2022. 11. 26. 12:59
  • Powerful reinforcers help improve the success of ABA therapy, they show clear controlled relations and estblish contingencies for desired and undesired behavior. #strongmotivators


  • Progressive-ratio schedules, concurrent schedules and multiple schedules are all examples of reinforcer assessment. A tandem schedule is not a reinforcer assessment, it is a schedule of reinforcement. 


  • When assessing data from a progressive-ratio schedule reinforcer assessment, one should analyze the # of responses for each schedule and type of reinforcement. 


  • During free operant observation the individual gets presented with a wide variety of stimuli in an unrestricted envrionment and they get observed focusing on the total duration they engage with each of the stimuli, it can be contrived or naturalistic #freeoperant=freeplay


  • Preference assessments are conducted to identify potential reinforcers. We don't know that these things are actually reinforcing until we see if applying the items increases a behavior. Trial-based, free-operantm pre-task are all types of preference assessments. To determine if a potential reinforcer is actually reinforcing, we use a reinforcer assessment 


  • A free operant preference assessment can be conductiong with in both a natural environment or a/an contrived environment.


  • Forced choice method is an AKA for paired-stimuli presentation method. The indidivual's selection when presented with two stimuli. Paired means 2 options, to make a #CHOICE between #oneortheother


  • Reinforcers are momentary, they are given in the moment after the behavior occurs, to pair the desired response with a preferred outcome to the individual to increase the behavior occuring in the future.


  • Every individual has different prefereces and interests, what works for one person may not work for another, it is based on each individual's needs and can change depending on the conditions. 


  • A single stimulus preference assessment(AKA successive choice method) is the most basic trial-based method. This is when a single simulus is presented at a time and the person's reaction to it is recorded. This is beneficial with individuals who have troble selecting between two or more items/making a choice. 


  • When conducting the preference assessment prior to a task, the client's choice(or caretaker if the client cannot make the decision on their own) should be the only opinion that matters in this case. 


  • Multiple Stimuli preference assessments present many items are presented at one time. This is an efficient mothod with two variations: Multiple Stimuli with Replcement(MSWR) and Multiple Stimuli without Replacement(MSWOR). In MSWR, the item chosen remains in the field and all other items that were not selected are replaced by other items. In MSWOR, the item chosen is removed from the field and the field diminishes in size on each selection. MSWOR is the fastest methos of preference assessment. 


  • Trial-based stimulus preference assessment uses a ranking system when stilmuli are presented to the client to show a hierarchy of reinforcers' potential strenth/effectiveness. 


  • When you're looking at mutiple reinforcers for independent(separate) schedules of reinforcement for different behaviors, they are concurrent- they do not overlap but they occur at the same time. So a concurrent schedule reinforcer assessment is most appropriate here


  • Putative reinforcers are generally common reinforcers, but now shown to function as one by actually changing behavior when made response-dependent. They are presumed to be or could be potential reinforcers. Putative reinforcers are transitory(temporary) 