심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림
G-13 Use the high-probability instructional sequence.
2022. 12. 4. 11:11
- Behavior momentum should always be used with previously taught responses, not novel responses.
- Behavior momentum(=a high-p request sequence) is the use of a series of high-probability (pre-task, interspersed) requests to increase compliance with lower-probability requests, 2-4 mastered pre-tasks should be presented before presenting the new, more difficult tasks.
- Behavior momentum relates to the theory that evoking and reinforcing High-probability behavior before presenting the SD for a low-probability behavior will increase the probability of the low-probability behavior occurring.
- High-p request sequence method should be used to increase the probability of behaviors in the client's repertoire.
- This method should only be used for behaviors that the client can do, it is not a skill-aquisition procedure and should not be used to teach new skills.
- High-p requests are presented as SDs which are an antecedent intervention
- High-p request is a response in the client's repertoire that he/she typically complies with.