심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림
G-17 Use token economies
2022. 12. 4. 16:10
- A level system is a type of token system that clients can earn tokens based on criteria of performance of the target behavior and where the level of performance falls on the list nor how highly the behavior should be reinforced.
- A token is generalized conditioned reinforcer for the target responses, backup reinforcers can be purchased with the tokens earned. When you play poker, the poker chips are used to obtain backup reinforcers such as money.
- A response cost is used in conjuction with most token systems with specific behaviors resulting the loss of a specific amount of tokens. If a student in a classroom talks during individual work, he loses a gold star on his star chart for that instance of maladaptive behavior.
- Making a list of behaviors to reinforce is a key component of developing a token economy, it's the second step of the process.
- Fading/withdrawing the token system should be planned and a natural way to promote generalization and maintenance of the target response to natural environment conditions just like any other intervention.
- When creating a token system/rate of exchange, the exchange should start out low to establish the tokens as reinforcement before increasing the amount of tokens needed to obtain reinforcement.
- You should always test the token system BEFORE implementing it, then you'll know if you need to make any changes.