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G-19 Use contingency contracting

LoveABA 2022. 12. 5. 07:04
  • Reinforcers are delayed with a contingency contract as they are delivered upon completion of the target bx. 
  • You need to know what behavior you're intervening on, what the reward will be dor engaging in the behavior and how to record the performance of the behavior. (Behavior, reward, and data)
  • Self-contract : making an agreement with self(only one person). Self-contracts are also contingency contracts you can make for yourself. These only require one person to manage their own behaviors. There is still a specific contingency between the behavior and a reinforcer present.
  • Contingency contract (AKA behavioral contract)
  • The behaviors should be operationally defined and there should be specific parameters  must occur. The behavior needs to occur under specific conditions and cna be confined to a length of time, otherwise the reinforcer is not delivered. 
  • Contingency contracts can be added as a part of a treatment package for intervening upon behaviors. 
  • The client should be able to successfully complete the behavior for the contingency contract to be valid/appropriate for the client to attain success. If they don't have the skillset of the behavior, there's no way they'll be able to get the reinforcer. In a contingency contract the behaviors must be in the client's repertoire.
  • Contingency contracts usually involve setting up conditions which signal the availability of reinforcement contingent upon successfully completing a target bx. There is an SD delivered(response prompt) to signal when the bx should be completed. The reinforced is then contingent upon engaging in the behavior. A contingency contract is a collaborative agreement between both parties that states a specific contingency for person between the behavior and a reinforcer. 