심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림
G-20 Use self-management strategies
2022. 12. 5. 09:11
- Self-monitoring is a procedure that was developed for data collection that only the student could observe and it has evolved since to make it the most widely used because it results in target behavior change and reative effects.
- Self-monitoring and self-evaluation are key parts of successful and using self-management to change behavior.
- After the review of the data collection from self-monitoring, you deliver the consequence. Reinforce those good behaviors an put those undesirables on extinction.
- Providing response prompts is an antecedent-based tactic because you're #desiredbx. This can be delivered by you or another person you recruite to help you.
- Implementing and designing self-management inculde: 1)starting to self-monitor, 2) going public with the commitment to change the behavior, 3) constant evaluation of the program, 4) removing materials required for an undesired behavior, 5) limiting undesired behavior to restricted stimulus conditions, and 6) dedicating a specific environment for a behavior. #environmentalplanning
- Self-management has many benefits, one key benefit is that people with different learning backgrounds can learn self-management skills that are individualized and effective for them.
- Four purposes of self-management include: 1) living daily life more effectively and efficiently, 2) making better habits and breaking bad ones, 3) managing challenging jobs, and 4) obtaining self-behavior goals.
- Guideline of self-monitoring : providing additional prompts, providing early and often self monitoring, making sure not to interrupt the flux of the target behavior. providing materials that are easy to use, each occurrence of the behavior should be self-recorded immediately.
- Self-instruction is self-generated verbal responses, which can be covert or overt that function as response prompts for the desired behavior. #self-talk
- Self-management is the application of behavior analytic interventions to the behavior of yourself, it requires the desired change in behavior.
- Self-administered consequences include providing consequences for yourself after reviewing self-monitoring data. If you find it difficult to elimiate bootleg reinforcement, you can entrust another individual to deliver your consequences. Putting another trusted individual in charge of delivering the reinforcement is possibly necessary when developing self-administered consequence. Example: you make the decision to stop texting your ex for a week, but you cave one day that week, so your BFF takes your phone for the weekend as the consequence.
- Controlling response is the self-management behavior and the cotrolled response is the target behavior you want to change. They are the 2 response of self-management(AKA 2-Response Phenomenon of Self-management)
- Environmental planning is another term for self-management, it includes the tactic of manipulating MOs and performing initial steps of a behavior chain such as making your lunch for the next day.
- Antecedent-based self-management: not having a mimosa before bruch with your squad because you got druck and danced on the breakfast table last weekend.
- Massed practice is a self-management tactic that is forcing yourself to perform an undesired behavior repeatedly. This can be very dangerous to a person, so make sure it is ethically sound and absolutely necessary before implementing it.
- Bootleg reinforcement allows for other avenues of receiving reinforcement for the undesired behavior, which is why it is important to set up easily attainable consequences that are small and realistic. Eliminating bootleg reinforcement is achieved by using consequences that are easy to achieve.
- Self-management tactics: mass practice, sepf-instruction, and habit reveral