심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림
H-4 When a target behavior is to be decreased, select an acceptable alternative behavior to be established or increased
2022. 12. 5. 14:02
- BCBA cannot decrease the maladaptive bx(punishment) without increasing an alternative replacement behavior(reinforcement). There should always be a functionally equivalent alternative bx to replace the problem bx, so that the reduction of one bx is paired with the reinforcement of another.
- BCBA should take into account the bx currently within the client's repertoire that have functional equivalence with the target problem bx to serve as replacements. Functionally equivalent alternative bx that the client already know how to demostrate provide quicker access to reinforcement and reduction of the problem bx and less time spent teaching. The alternative bx does not need to be reinforcing to stakeholders.
- Functional equivalence is when different forms of behavior produce the same consequences or result in access to the same reinforcement
- Functional equivalence has the AKA of functionally equivalent behaviors.