심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림

H-6 Monitor client progress and treatment integrity.

LoveABA 2022. 12. 6. 06:22
  • Procedural integrity is important to treatment because it helps to determine that the services that are being provided are good quality services.(procedural fidelity, treatment fidelity, program integrity, fidelity of implementation, treatment integrity)
  • Procedural integrity is the extent to which the treatment plan is implemented as it was written.
  • Procedural integrity is important not only for the client but for the technician and the plan as a whole. It not only provides information that the treatment plan is a good quality service but it also provides feedback and keeps the client and staff motivated and reinforced. When techinician is adding additional step in implements and it decreases client's behavior, BCBA can collect data on the procedure with the additional step and modify the plan if the step is consistent with the client's program goals.
  • The main goal of procedural integrity is to monitor the staff that is implementing the treatment plan in accordance to haw it was written. The BCBA can also measure each procedure for procedural integrity.
  • BCBA must ensure that the staff is properly trained on all portions of the treatment plan. In order to train the staff properly the BCBA uses competency-based and performance-based strategies. 
  • BCBAs should always reinforce not only client with immediacy but the staff as well. If the staff was provided with delayed reinforcement it could affect theri performance level which in turn can affect the successfulness of the client. 
  • Staff that implements the plan play an important role in the success of the client. The staff's skill level must be securely in place. Providing training and immediate feedback alsp is key in the successfulness of the client and staff. Staff sucess=client success.
  • There are 4 ways to create treatment integrity which include: specify, train, monitor, and reinforce.