심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림
H-8 Make data-based decisions about the need for ongoing services.
2022. 12. 6. 10:29
- A behavior analyst should always plan for maintenance and generalization. Securing support for the client ensures that these procedures are more likely to be carried out by the stakeholders.
- A BCBA should always be planning for reinforcement within a natural environment. This starts when the BCBA is developing programming and interventions.
- A behavior analyst should alwasy maintain professionalism when working with clients, attending meetings, and working with stakeholders. A behavior analyst should also maintain professionalism within the community and attending event associated with their profession.
- There are many strategies that a BCBA must take into consideration when working with stakeholder. Some of the main strategies are to take into consideration that a BCBA does not use technical language, promote integrity, maintains professionalism, and listens what the stakholders have to say.
- A beahvior analysts should try and train stakeholders with a natural environment whenever possible. The client will have increased probability to come in contact with natural contingencies when stakeholders are trained in a natural environment
- When a BCBA collaborates with others it promotes teamwork and increases the likelihood of treatment involvement.
- If the intervention is evidence-based and has been proven to be a successful intervention for the behavior, then the behavior analyst should try and modify the plan to fit the client and the stakeholders.
- When securing support of the client a behavior analyst must take into consideration concerns and ideas of the stakeholders. This builds a better support system for the client.
- Behavior analyst must teach all stakeholders that may come in contact with the client. This promotes generalization and maintenance of the client's repertiore. This is especially significant when teaching social skills.
- BCBA should start to plan for support during the beginning phases of treatment. THis will help with any adaptations that may need to be made if there is a lack of support for the client.