
Split-middle line of progress

- is a way to draw and calculate a line of progress(aka trend line)


Data points should not be connected

a) across discontinuities of time

b) between data points falling on either side of a condition change line

c) for postcheck or follow-up data points, or

d) across significant spans of time in which the target behavior was not measured or data was lost/destroyed


The most common way behavior analysts display their data is in graphs

Examining the number of data points reported for each condition consists of simply counting the data points #AtLeastThree

The line graph is the most common type of graph used in ABA.


Visual Analysis

- Behavior analysts use visial analysis of graphs to systematically examine and interpret data

- is considered a conservative method to determine the social significance of behavior change because it is more susceptible to interpretations of a false negative rather than a false positive. A behavior change that is statistically significant may not look impressive on a graph.



- the overall direction that a data path takes

- trend may be described as ascending, descending, or no/zero trend(i.e., stable)


External Validity

- the extent to which a finctional relation reliably demonstrated in an experiment can be held under different condition. #Generalizable to the #externalWorld



- refers to the natural changes to a subject which occur over the span of time and may impact the internal validity of an experiment


Treatment integrity

- refers to the extent to whitch the IV is implemented as planned over the course of the experiment. 


A flase positive, or Type 1 error

- refers to when a researcher concludes that the independent variable had an effect on the dependent variable, when in truth no such relation exists.


Condition change line

- indicates that the independent variable was manipulated at the point in time in which it is displayed on the graph. 

- typically, solid lines are used to signify majoy changes(i.e., phase change) while dashed lines indicate relatively minor changes


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