  • Goals should include specific examples of occurrences and non-occurrences of the target behavior to provide practioners a clear description of what is included within the behavior being measured. 
  • Operational definitions decribe the actions of an individual as they are directly observed and can be measured by others. 
  • Clear, complete, and objective goals provide researchers and practitioners explicit instructions on how to conduct goals to reach accurate evaluations and be replicated.
  • Clearly written goals provide a understandable and replicable instruction of the intervention and behaviors targeted. 
  • Clearly written treatment plans provide staff, caretakers, and other stakeholders simple and understandable instructions and information regarding the interventions and behaviors targeted. 
  • Complete goal includes operationally defined behaviors, examples, and non-examples of the behavior.
  • Goals should not inculde subjective terminology but purely be based on facts observed and measured.
  • Goals should include specific examples of the behavior and non-examples of the target behavior to provide practictioners a clear description of what is included within the behavior being measured. 

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