

Term Part of Speech Translation 

AB design Noun AB 설계 ABA design Noun ABA 설계 ABAB design Noun ABAB 설계 Abative effect Noun 제지효과 ABC record Noun ABC 기록 Abolishing operation Noun 동기해지조작 Absolute stimulus control Noun 절대자극통제 Absolute unit Noun 절대단위 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Noun 수용전념치료 Accuracy Noun 정확도 Acquisition phase Noun 습득국면(Acquisition phase) Acquisition Noun 습득 Activity reinforcer Noun 활동 강화제 Activity schedule Noun 활동 일정표 Addictive reinforcer Noun 중독 강화제 Additivity theory of behavioral contrast Noun 행동대비의 부가이론(Additivity theory of behavioral contrast) Adduction contingency Noun 내전 수반(유관) (Adduction contingency) Adduction Noun 내전(Adduction) Adjunctive behavior Noun 부속행동 Adjusting schedule Noun 조정 스케줄 Adquisition (of an operant response) Noun 습득 Adventitious reinforcement Noun 우발강화 Affirmation of the consequent Noun 후건긍정(affirmation of the consequence) Ainslie-Rachlin principle Noun Ainslie-Rachlin 원리 Ainslie-Rachlin theory Noun Ainslie-Rachlin 이론 Alternating treatments design Noun 교대중재설계 Alternative behavior Noun 대체 행동 Alternative schedule Noun 대체 스케줄 Analysis of behavior Noun 행동분석 Anecdotal observation Noun 일화관찰 Antecedent Noun 선행사건 Antecedent control Noun 선행통제 Antecedent event Noun 선행사건 Antecedent intervention Noun 선행 중재 Antecedent stimulus class Noun 선행자극군 Anticipatory contrast Noun 예측대비 Appetitive stimulus Noun 욕구자극 Applied behavior analysis (ABA) Noun 응용행동분석 Approximation Noun 근접 

Arbitrary matching Noun 임의적 매칭 Arbitrary stimulus class Noun 임의 자극군 Artifact Noun 인위적 산물 Artificial reinforcer Noun 인위적 강화제 Ascending baseline Noun 상향 기초선 Associationism Noun 연합주의 Associative learninig Noun 연합학습 Associative strength Noun 연합강도 Attention-maintained behavior Noun 관심-유지 행동 Audience Noun 청중 Auditory matching Noun 청각 매칭 Auditory stimulus control Noun 청각자극통제 Augmentative communication systems Noun 보완의사소통체계 Augmenting stimulus Noun 보완자극 Autoclitic frame Noun 오토클리틱 프레임 Autoclitic Noun 오토클리틱 Automaintenance Noun 자동유지 Automatic punishment Noun 자동적 벌 Automatic reinforcement Noun 자동적 강화 Automatic reinforcer Noun 자동적 강화제 Automaticity Noun 자동성 Autoshaping Noun 자동행동형성 Aversive control Noun 혐오통제 Aversive counterconditioning Noun 혐오 역조건화 Aversive stimulus Noun 혐오자극 Aversive Adjective 혐오적 Avoidance contingency Noun 회피 수반성(유관성) Avoidance Noun 회피 BAB design Noun BAB 설계 Backup reinforcer Noun 지원 강화제 Backward chaining Noun 후진 행동연쇄 Backward chaining with leaps ahead Noun 도약형 후진 행동연쇄 Backward conditioning Noun 후진형 조건화 Bar graph Noun 막대그래프 Baseline logic Noun 기초선 논리 Baseline Noun 기초선 Basic attention programs Noun 기본적 주의집중 프로그램 Behavior Noun 행동 Behavior-altering effect Noun 행동-변화 효과 Behavior analysis Noun 행동분석 

 Behavior analyst Noun 행동분석가 Behavior-analytic Adjective 행동-분석적인 Behavior beneath the skin Noun 개인 내적 사건 Behavior chain with interruption strategy Noun 행동연쇄 방해전략 Behavior chain with limited hold Noun 제한형 행동연쇄(Behavior chain with limited hold) Behavior chain Noun 행동연쇄 Behavior change tactic Noun 행동변화 전략 Behavior checklist Noun 행동 체크리스트 Behavior modification Noun 행동수정 Behavior outside the skin Noun 개인 외적 사건 Behavior product Noun 행동산물(Behavior product) Behavior system Noun 행동체계 Behavior-systems analysis Noun 행동-체계 분석 Behavior therapy Noun 행동치료 Behavior trap Noun 행동함정 Behavioral assessment Noun 행동평가 Behavioral chain Noun 행동연쇄 Behavioral contingency Noun 행동수반(유관) Behavioral contract Noun 행동계약 Behavioral contrast Noun 행동대비 Behavioral cusp Noun 중추적 행동 Behavioral deficit Noun 행동결손 Behavioral dynamics Noun 행동역학 Behavioral ecology Noun 행동생태학 Behavioral economics Noun 행동경제학 Behavioral excess Noun 행동과잉 Behavioral flexibility Noun 행동 유연성 Behavioral genetics Noun 행동유전학 Behavioral history Noun 행동이력 Behavioral medicine Noun 행동의학 Behavioral momentum Noun 행동 관성 Behavioral pharmacology Noun 행동약리학 Behavioral priming Noun 행동점화 Behavioral psychology Noun 행동주의 심리학 Behavioral skills training Noun 행동기술훈련 Behavioral units Noun 행동단위 Behavioral variability Noun 행동 변상성 Behavioral Adjective 행동적 Behaviorism Noun 행동주의 Believability Noun 신뢰성 

 Biofeedback Noun 바이오피드백 Biological context Noun 생물학적 맥락 Bizarre vocalizations Noun 기이한 발성 Block Noun 블록(Block) Block Verb 차단하다 Blocking Noun 차단함 Board certified assistant behavior analyst Noun BCaBA Board certified behavior analyst Noun BCBA Bonus response cost Noun 보너스 반응대가 Brief functional analysis Noun 간편 기능분석 Burst (of behaviors) Noun 폭발 Calibration Noun 보정 Captured learn units Noun 포착된 학습단위 Case study Noun 사례연구 Celeration Noun 셀러레이션 Celeration time period Noun 셀러레이션 단위기간 Celeration trend line Noun 셀러레이션 경향선 Chained schedule of reinforcement Noun 연쇄강화계획 Chaining Noun 행동연쇄 Chamber Noun 실험실 Changeover delay Noun Changeover delay Changeover ratio Noun Changeover ratio Changeover response Noun Changeover response Changeover Noun Changeover Changing criterion design Noun 준거변경설계 Choice Noun 선택 Classical conditioning Noun 고전적 조건화 Clicker training Noun 클리커 트레이닝 Clinical behavior analysis Noun 임상적 행동분석 Closed economy Noun 폐쇄경제 Codic Noun 코딕 Coercion Noun 강제 Collateral behavior Noun 부수적 행동 Combinatorial entailment Noun Combinatorial entailment Community behavior analysis Noun 지역사회 행동분석 Community of reinforcers Noun 강화제군 Comparison stimulus Noun 비교자극 Competing response Noun 경쟁반응 Compliance Noun 순응 Component analysis Noun 요소분석 

 Compound conditioned stimulus (compound CS) Noun 복합적인 조건화된 자극 Compound schedule Noun 복합 스케줄 Concept formation Noun 개념형성 Concept Noun 개념 Concurrent contingencies Noun 동시수반(유관) Concurrent operants Noun 동시작동 Concurrent schedules of reinforcement Noun 동시강화 스케줄 Concurrent schedules Noun 동시 스케줄 Concurrent-chain schedules Noun 동시-행동연쇄 스케줄 Condition (experimental) Noun 조건(실험적인) Conditional discrimination Noun 조건변별 Conditional probability Noun 조건확률 Conditional response Noun 조건반응 Conditional stimulus Noun 조건자극 Conditional Noun 조건적 Conditioned aversive stimulus Noun 조건화된 혐오자극 Conditioned compensatory responses Noun 조건화된 보상반응 Conditioned emotional responce Noun 조건화된 정서 반응 Conditioned establishing operation Noun 조건화된 동기설정 조작 Conditioned inhibition Noun 조건화된 제지 Conditioned inhibitor Noun 조건화된 제재 Conditioned motivating operation Noun 조건화된 동기 조작 Conditioned negative reinforcer Noun 조건화된 부적강화제 Conditioned opponent theory Noun 조건화된 대응이론 Conditioned punisher Noun 조건화된 벌제 Conditioned reflex or conditional reflex Noun 조건화된 반사 Conditioned reinforcement Noun 조건화된 강화 Conditioned reinforcer Noun 조건화된 강화제 Conditioned response (CR) Noun 조건화된 반응 Conditioned stimulus (CS) Noun 조건화된 자극 Conditioned suppression Noun 조건화된 억압 Conditioned Adjective 조건화된 Conditioning Noun 조건화 Confidentiality Noun 비밀보장 Conflict of interest Noun 이익 충돌 Confounding factor Noun 혼동 요인 Confounding variable Noun 혼동 변인 Conjoint schedules Noun 공동형 스케줄(Conjoint schedules) Conjugate reinforcement Noun Conjugate reinforcement 

 Conjunctive schedule Noun 연계형 스케줄(Conjunctive schedule) Consequence Noun 후속결과 Consummatory response Noun 완료반응(Consummatory response) Context Noun 맥락 Contextual control Noun 맥락통제 Contextualism Noun 맥락주의 Contiguity Noun 연속성 Contingency contract o contingency contracting Noun 수반(유관)계약 Contingency control Noun 수반(유관)통제 Contingency discriminability Noun 수반(유관)변별 Contingency language Noun 수반(유관)언어 Contingency management Noun 수반(유관)관리 Contingency of reinforcement Noun 강화수반(유관) Contingency space Noun 수반(유관)공간 Contingency-governed behavior Noun 수반(유관)-지배 행동(contingency-governed behavior) Contingency-shaped behavior Noun 수반(유관)-형성 행동 (contingency-shaped behavior) Contingency-specifying stimulus Noun 수반(유관)-특정 자극(contingency-specifiying stimulus) Contingency Noun 수반(유관) Contingent associations Noun 수반(유관)연합 Contingent delay Noun 수반(유관)지연 Contingent exercise Noun 수반(유관)운동(contingent exercise) Contingent observation Noun 수반(유관)관찰(contingent observation) Contingent Adjective 수반적(유관적) Contingent response Noun 수반(유관)반응 Contingent stimulus Noun 수반(유관)자극 Continuous measurement Noun 지속측정법 Continuous recording for specified periods Noun 특정기간 지속기록법 Continuous recording Noun 지속기록법 Continuous reinforcement Noun 연속강화 Contrast or behavioral contrast Noun 행동대비 Contrived contingency Noun 고안된 수반(유관) Contrived mediated stimulus Noun 고안된 매개 자극 Contrived reinforcer Noun 고안된 강화제 Controlled behavior Noun 통제된 행동 Controlling behavior Noun 통제행동 Controlling stimulus Noun 통제자극 Controlling variable Noun 통제변인 Conversational unit Noun 대화단위 

Copying a text Noun 베껴쓰기 Correction procedure Noun 교정절차 Correlated stimuli or correlated reinforcers Noun 상관자극 혹은 상관강화제 Correspondence (between saying and doing) Noun 상응 Count Noun 횟수 Countercontrol responses Noun 역통제 반응 Counting time Noun 카운팅 타임 Covert behavior Noun 내현행동 Critical feature Noun 주요 특성 CS-US interval Noun CS-US 간격 Cumulative graph Noun 누적그래프 Cumulative record Noun 누적기록 Cumulative recorder Noun 누적기록기 Data collection Noun 자료수집 Data path Noun 자료선 Data point Noun 자료점 Data sampling Noun 데이터 샘플링 Datum, data Noun 데이터 Dead-man's test Noun Dead-man's test Defensive conditioning Noun 방어적 조건화 Delay conditioning Noun 지연 조건화 Delay of reinforcement Noun 강화의 지연 Delay-reduction hypothesis Noun 지연-감소 가설 Delayed conditioning Noun 지연된 조건화 Delayed imitation Noun 지연된 모방 Delayed matching to sample Noun 지연된 샘플매칭(MTS) Delayed multiple baseline design Noun 지연된 중다기초선 설계 Delayed reinforcement Noun 지연강화 Delayed response Noun 지연반응 Demonstration research Noun 데모 연구(Demonstration research) Dependent group contingency Noun 종속집단수반(유관) Dependent variable Noun 종속변인 Deprivation Noun 결핍 Deprivation operation Noun 결핍조작 Derived equivalence relation Noun 파생된 등가 관계 Derived relational responding Noun 파생된 관계적 반응 Derived relations Noun 파생된 관계 Derived stimulus relation Noun 파생된 자극 관계 Descending baseline Noun 하향 기초선 Descriptive analysis Noun 기술분석 

 Descriptive autoclitic Noun 기술적 오토클리틱 Descriptive functional behavior assessment Noun 기술적 기능행동평가 Desensitization Noun 둔감화 Destructive behavior Noun 파괴행동 Determininsm Noun 결정론 Differential conditioning Noun 차별적 조건화 Differential punishment of high rates Noun 고비율 차별 벌 Differential punishment procedure Noun 차별 벌 절차 Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) Noun 대체행동 차별강화(DRA) Differential reinforcement of communication Noun 의사소통 차별강화 Differential reinforcement of diminishing rates of responding (DRD) Noun 반응감소율 차별강화(DRD) Differential reinforcement of high rates of behavior (DRH) Noun 고비율 차별강화(DRH) Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI) Noun 상반행동 차별강화(DRI) Differential reinforcement of incompatible/alternative behavior (DRI/DRA) reversal technique Noun DRI/DRA 반전기법 Differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) Noun 저비율 차별강화(DRL) Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) reversal technique Noun 타행동 차별강화(DRO) 반전기법 Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) Noun 타행동 차별강화(DRO) Differential reinforcement schedules Noun 차별강화 스케줄 Differential reinforcement Noun 차별강화 Differential response Noun 차별반응 Differentiation Noun 차등 Dimension of behavior Noun 행동차원 Differential response Noun 차별반응 Differentiated response Noun 차별화된 반응 Dimensional measurement Noun 차원적 측정(Dimensional measurement) Dimensional quantity Noun 차원적 양(Dimensional quantity) Dimensionless quantity Noun 비차원적 양(Dimensionless quantity) Direct instruction Noun 직접교수 Direct measurement Noun 직접 측정 Direct measures Noun 직접척도 Direct replication Noun 직접적 반복 Discontinuous measurement Noun 불연속 측정 

 Discontinuous observation Noun 불연속 관찰 Discrete trial teaching or instruction Noun 개별시도교수 혹은 훈련 Discrete trial Noun 개별시도 Discriminated avoidance Noun 변별회피 Discriminated extinction Noun 변별소거 Discriminated operant Noun 변별작동 Discrimination hypothesis Noun 변별가설 Discrimination index Noun 변별지수 Discrimination learning Noun 변별학습 Discrimination training procedure Noun 변별훈련 절차 Discrimination training Noun 변별훈련 Discrimination Noun 변별 Discriminative stimulus (SD) Noun 변별자극 Discriminative Adjective 변별하는 Discriminative function Noun 변별기능 Disinhibition Noun 탈억제 Disruptive behavior Noun 방해행동 Distancing Noun 거리두기 Distractors Noun 산만자극 Distributed practice Noun 분산연습 Double-blind control Noun 이중-맹목 통제 Duplic Noun 듀플릭(Duplic) Duration recording Noun 지속시간 기록법 Duration Noun 지속시간 Early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) Noun 집중적 조기행동중재(EIBI) Echoic behavior Noun 에코익 행동 Echoic-to-mand Noun 에코익-맨드 Echoic-to-tact Noun 에코익-택트 Echoic Noun 에코익 Ecological assessment Noun 생태학적 평가 Effect law Noun 효과의 법칙 Elastic demand Noun 탄력적 요구(Elastic demand) Electronic speaking device Noun 전자음성기기 Elicit Verb 유발하다 Elicitation Noun 유발 Elicted Adjective 유발된 Elopment Noun 이탈행동 Emerge Verb 발현하다 Emergent relation Noun 발현된 관계(Emergent relation) Emit Verb 방출하다(Emit) 

Emitted Adjective 방출된 Empiricism Noun 경험주의 Environment Noun 환경 Equal-interval graph Noun 등-간격 그래프 Equivalence class Noun 등가군 Equivalence relation Noun 등가 관계 Equivalence Noun 등가성 Equivalent Adjective 등가의 Error correction Noun 오류 수정 Errorless discrimination Noun 무오류 변별 Errorless discrimination learning Noun 무오류 변별학습 Errorless discrimination procedure Noun 무오류 변별절차 Errorless learning Noun 무오류 학습 Escape Noun 도피 Escape contingency Noun 도피수반(유관) Escape extinction Noun 도피소거 Escape-maintained behavior Noun 도피에 의해 유지되는 행동 Established response method Noun 설정된 반응 방법 Establishing operation Noun 동기설정 조작 Establishing stimulus Noun 동기설정 자극 Ethical codes of behavior Noun 행동 윤리 조항 Ethics Noun 윤리 Event recording Noun 사건기록법 Evocative effect (of a motivating operation) Noun 동기유발효과 Evoke Verb 유발시키다 Exact count-per-interval interobserver agreement (IOA) Noun 정확한 간격당 횟수 관찰자 일치도 (Exact count-per-interval interobserver agreement: IOA) Excitatory Adjective 흥분성의 Exclusion time-out or exclusionary time out Noun 배제 타임아웃 Exemplar Noun 예시 Experiment Noun 실험 Experimental analysis of behavior Noun 실험행동분석(EAB) Experimental condition Noun 실험조건 Experimental control Noun 실험통제 Experimental design Noun 실험설계 Experimental question Noun 실험문제 Explanatory fiction Noun 설명적 허구 Exposure therapy Noun 노출치료 External validity Noun 외적 타당도 Extinction Noun 소거

Extinction burst Noun 소거폭발 Extinction gradient Noun 소거점층(extinction gradient) Extinction stimulus Noun 소거자극 Extinguish Verb 소거하다 Extra-stimulus prompt Noun 가외-자극 촉구 Extraneous sources of reinforcement Noun 강화제의 외재자원 Extraneous variable Noun 외재변인 Extrinsic reinforcer Noun 외적 강화제 Extrinsic reinforcer Noun 외적 강화 Extrinsic variability Noun 외적 가변성 Facultative behavior Noun 부수적 행동(faculatative behavior) Fade Verb 점차로 줄이다 Fading Noun 용암법 Fading across prompts Noun 촉구간 용암법 Fading procedure Noun 용암 절차 Fading within prompt Noun 촉구 내 용암법 Faultless instructional presentation Noun 무결점 교수 제시 Feature stimulus class Noun 특징적 자극군 Feature-positive stimulus Noun 특징-정적 자극(feature-positive stimulus) Findley procedure Noun 파인들리 절차 First-order Conditioned stimulus (CS) Noun 1차 조건화된 자극 First-order conditioning Noun 1차 조건화 Fixed action pattern Noun 고정된 행동패턴 Fixed consecutive number Noun 고정된 연속번호 Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement (FI) Noun 고정간격 강화스케줄 Fixed momentary differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) Noun 고정 순간 타행동 차별강화(DRO) Fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement (FR) Noun 고정비율 강화스케줄 Fixed ratio Noun 고정비율 Fixed time schedule Noun 고정시간 스케줄 Fixed-ratio responding Noun 고정비율 반응 Fixed-time schedule of reinforcement (FT) Noun 고정시간 강화스케줄 Fixed-time schedule Noun 고정-시간 스케줄 Flooding Noun 홍수법(flooding) Fluency Noun 능숙도 Follow-up Noun 추후 Force Noun 힘 Forced choice Noun 강제된 선택(forced choice) Foreign variable Noun 대외변인(foreign variable) Formal similarity Noun 형태 유사성

 Forward chaining Noun 전진행동연쇄 Free choice Noun 자유선택 Free operant Noun 자유작동 Free operant avoidance Noun 자유작동회피 Free operant method Noun 자유작동방법 Free operant procedure Noun 자유작동절차 Frequency Noun 빈도 Frequency of reinforcement Noun 강화 빈도 Frequency of responding Noun 반응 빈도 Frequency-within-interval-recording Noun 간격 내 빈도기록법 Full session Differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) Noun 전회기 저비율행동 차별강화(DRL) Function of behavior Noun 행동의 기능 Function-altering effect Noun 기능-변화 효과 Function-based definition Noun 기능-기반 정의 Function-based treatment Noun 기능-기반 중재 Function Noun 기능 Functional analysis Noun 기능분석 Functional analytic psychotherapy Noun 기능분석적인 심리치료 Functional behavior assessment Noun 기능행동평가 Functional class Noun 기능군 Functional communication training Noun 기능적 의사소통 훈련 Functional equivalence Noun 기능의 등가성 Functional independence Noun 기능적 독립성 Functional relation Noun 기능적 관계 Functional response class Noun 기능적 반응군 Functional stimulus Noun 기능적 자극 Functionally equivalent Adjective 기능상 동등한 General case analysis Noun 일반사례 분석 General case programming Noun 일반사례 프로그래밍 Generality Noun 일반성 Generalization Noun 일반화 Generalization across subjects Noun 대상간 일반화 Generalization gradient Noun 일반화 점층(Generalization gradient) Generalization probe Noun 일반화 프로브 Generalization setting Noun 일반화 세팅 Generalized behavior change Noun 일반화된 행동 변화 Generalized conditioned punisher Noun 일반화된 조건 벌제(Generalized conditioned punisher) Generalized conditioned reinforcer Noun 일반화된 조건 강화제 

 Generalized imitation Noun 일반화된 모방 Generalized matching law Noun 일반화된 매칭법칙(Generalized matching law) Generalized matching Noun 일반화된 매칭 Generalized reinforcer Noun 일반화된 강화제 Generalized social reinforcement Noun 일반화된 사회적 강화제 Generic extension Noun 일반적 확장 Gestural prompt Noun 제스처 촉구 Gestural topography Noun 제스처 행동형태 Goal gradient Noun 목표 점층(Goal gradient) Graduated guidance Noun 점진적 안내 Graph Noun 그래프 Group behavior Noun 집단행동 Group contingency Noun 집단수반(유관) Group-oriented consequences Noun 집단-기반 후속결과 Guided compliance Noun 안내된 순응 Habilitation Noun 적응 Habit reversal Noun 습관반전 Habit Noun 습관 Habituation Noun 습관화 Hallway time-out Noun 복도 타임아웃 Hand-over-hand prompt Noun hand-over-hand 촉구 Hear-write Noun 듣기-쓰기 Hero procedure Noun 영웅절차(Hero procedure) Herrnstein’s equation Noun Herrnstein 방정식 Heterogenous chains schedule Noun 이질적 행동연쇄 스케줄(Heterogenous chains schedule) High-probability request sequence Noun 고확률 요구 시퀀스 High-probability request Noun 고확률 요구 High-probability sequence Noun 고확률 시퀀스 Higher order operants Noun 상위 작동행동 Higher-order class of behavior Noun 상위 행동군 Higher-order conditioning Noun 상위 조건화 Higher-order schedule Noun 상위 스케줄 History of reinforcement Noun 강화 이력 Homogenous chains schedule Noun 동질적 행동연쇄 스케줄 Hypothesis Noun 가설 Hypothetical construct Noun 가설적 구조 Hypothetico-deductive method Noun 가설적-귀납법 Identity Noun 아이덴티티 Identity matching Noun 아이덴티티 매칭 

Imitation Noun 모방 Imitative reinforcers Noun 모방 강화제 Impulsive choice Noun 충동적 선택 Impulsiveness or impulsivity Noun 충동성 Impure mand Noun 비순수 맨드 Impure tact Noun 비순수 택트 In vivo desensitization Noun 실제상황 둔감화 Incentive Noun 인센티브 Incidental chaining or incidental reinforcement Noun 우발적 연쇄 혹은 우발적 강화 Incidental language training Noun 우발적 언어훈련 Incidental learning Noun 우발학습 Incidental teaching Noun 우발적 교수 Incompatible behavior Noun 상반행동 Independent group contingency Noun 독립집단수반(유관) Independent variable Noun 독립변인 Indirect functional assessment Noun 간접기능평가 Indirect measurement Noun 간접측정 Indirect measures Noun 간접척도 Indiscriminable contingency Noun 변별 불가능한 수반(유관) Individualized education plan Noun 개별화교육계획(IEP) Individually based contingencies Noun 개별수반(유관) Induction of capabilities Noun 잠재능력의 유도 Induction Noun 유도 Inelastic demand Noun 비탄력적 요구 Informative stimulus Noun 정보성 자극 Informed consent Noun 고지된 동의(Informed consent) Inhibitory gradient Noun 억제성 점층(Inhibitory gradient) Inhibitory stimulus Noun 억제자극 Initial links Noun 초기 링크 Instructional control Noun 교수적 통제 Instructional setting Noun 교수 세팅 Instrumental behavior Noun 도구적 행동 Instrumental learning Noun 도구학습 Intensity Noun 강도 Intensive behavioral intervention Noun 집중적 행동중재 Intentional learning Noun 의도적 학습 Interdependent group contingency Noun 상호의존적 집단수반(유관) Interdependent schedules Noun 상호의존적 스케줄 Interim behavior Noun 중간행동 Interlocking schedule Noun 상호 맞물린 스케줄(interlocking schedule) 

Intermittent reinforcement Noun 간헐강화 Intermittent schedule of reinforcement Noun 간헐강화 스케줄 Internal validity Noun 내적 타당도 Interobserver agreement (IOA) Noun 관찰자 일치도 Interobserver reliability Noun 관찰자 신뢰도 Interoceptive conditioning Noun interoceptive conditioning Interperse Verb 섞어서 제시하다 Interpersed Adjective 섞어서 제시된 Interrater agreement Noun 측정자간 일치도 Interrater reliability Noun 측정자간 신뢰도 Interreinforcement interval (IRI) Noun 강화 간 간격(IRI) Interresponse time (IRT) Noun 반응간 시간(IRT) Interresponse time theory Noun 반응간 시간 이론 Interrupted chain Noun 중단된 행동연쇄 Intertrial interval (ITI) Noun 시도간 간격(ITI) Interval differential reinforcement of low rates Noun 저비율 간격 차별강화 Interval interobserver agreement Noun 간격 관찰자 일치도 Interval recording Noun 동간기록법 Interval schedule Noun 간격스케줄 Interval-by-interval interobserver agreement (IOA) Noun 간격 대 간격 관찰자 일치도 Intervention package Noun 중재 패키지 Intra-stimulus prompt Noun 자극 내 촉구(intra-stimulus prompt) Intradimensional training Noun 차원 내 훈련(intradimensional training) Intraverbal Noun 인트라버벌 Intrinsic reinforcement Noun 내적 강화 Intrinsic reinforcer Noun 내적 강화제 Intrinsic variability Noun 내적 가변성 Irreversibility Noun 공동관심(joint attention) Joint attention Noun 공동관심(joint attention) Joint stimulus control Noun 연합자극통제 Lag reinforcement schedule Noun 레그(lag) 강화 스케줄 Latency Noun 지연시간(latency) Latency-based functional analysis Noun 지연시간 기능분석 Law of effect Noun 효과의 법칙 Law of exercise Noun 연습의 법칙 Law of intensity magnitude Noun 강도 크기의 법칙 Law of latency Noun 지연시간의 법칙 Law of threshold Noun 역치의 법칙(law of threshold) Learn unit context Noun 학습단위 맥락 

 Learn unit Noun 학습단위 Learn units to criterion Noun 기준 도달 학습단위 수 Learned helplessness Noun 학습된 무력감 Learning Noun 학습 Learning set Noun 학습 세트 Least-to-most prompting Noun 최소-최대 촉구 Level system Noun 레벨 시스템 Level Noun 레벨 Limited hold Noun 제한이 있음 Line graph Noun 선그래프 Linear interval scale Noun 선형간격척도 Listener behavior Noun 청자(listener) 행동 Listener component of naming Noun 네이밍의 청자(listener) 요소 Listener literacy Noun 청자(listener) 능 Listener training Noun 청자(listener) 훈련 Listener Noun 청자(listener) Local rate or local response rate Noun 부분반응 비율(Local rate or local response rate) Logical positivism Noun 논리적 실증주의 Long-delay conditioning Noun 장기-지연 조건화 Logarithmic interval scale Noun 로그간격척도 Loose teaching Noun 느슨한 교수 Magazine training Noun 매거진 트레이닝 Magnitude Noun 크기 Maintenance Noun 유지 Mand Verb 맨드하다 Mand Noun 맨드 Manipulandum Noun 조작기(manipulandum) Masking Noun 차폐 Massed learn units Noun 집중적으로 제시된 학습단위 Massed practice Noun 집중연습 Mastery criteria Noun 습달준거 Match-to-sample responding Noun 샘플 매칭 반응 Matching Noun 매칭 Matching law Noun 매칭 법칙(matching law) Matching to sample Noun 샘플 매칭 Maximizing Noun 최대화 Mean count-per-interval interobserver agreement (IOA) Noun 평균 간격당 횟수 관찰자간 일치도 (Mean count-perinterval IOA) Mean duration-per-occurrence interobserver agreement (IOA) Noun 평균 발생당 지속시간 관찰자간 일치도 (Meam durationper-occurrence IOA) 

Measurement bias Noun 측정편향 Measurement by permanent product Noun 영속적 행동 결과에 따른 측정 Mechner notation Noun 매크너 기록법(Mechner notation) Mediating behavior Noun 매개행동 Melioration Noun 개선 Mentalism Noun 유심론 Mentalistic Adjective 유심론적인 Metacontingencies Noun 메타수반(유관) Metaphorical extension Noun 은유적 확장 Metaphysical behaviorism Noun 형이상학적 행동주의 Methodological behaviorism Noun 방법론적 행동주의 Metonymical extension Noun 환유적 확장(metonymical extention) Mixed schedule Noun 혼합 스케줄 Model prompt Noun 모델링 촉구 Model Verb 모델링하다 Modeling Noun 모델링 Molar and molecular analyses Noun 질량과 분자의 분석 Molar Noun 질량 Molar theory Noun 질량 이론 Molecular theory Noun 분자 이론 Molecular Noun 분자 Momentary deprivation Noun 순간적인 박탈 Momentary differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) Noun 타행동 순간 차별강화(momentary DRO) Momentary maximization theory Noun 순간극대화 이론 Momentary maximizing Noun 순간극대화 Momentary time sampling Noun 순간시간 표집법 Most-to-least prompting Noun 최대-최소 촉구 Motivating operation Noun 동기화 조작 Multi-element design Noun 다요인 설계 Multiple baseline across behaviors Noun 행동간 중다기초선 설계 Multiple baseline across settings Noun 상황간 중다기초선 설계 Multiple baseline across subjects Noun 대상자간 중다기초선 설계 Multiple baseline design Noun 중다기초선 설계 Multiple control Noun 중다통제 Multiple exemplar instruction Noun 중다반응교수(Multiple exemplar instruction) Multiple exemplar training Noun 중다예시훈련(Multiple exemplar training) Multiple function (stimulus) Noun 중다기능(자극) Multiple probe design Noun 중다간헐설계 Multiple schedule Noun 복합 스케줄 

 Multiple stimulus preference assessment Noun 중다자극 선호도평가 Multiple treatment interference Noun 중다중재 간섭 Multiple treatment reversal design Noun 중다중재 반전설계 Multiple-stimulus wihtout replacement preference assessment Noun 대체 없는 중다자극 선호도평가 Mutual entailment Noun 상호수반(mutual entailment) Naive observer Noun 실험조건을 모르는 관찰 Name Verb 명명하다 Naming Noun 네이밍 Natural concept Noun 자연적 개념 Natural reinforcer Noun 자연적 강화제 Natural setting Noun 자연적 상황 Naturalistic language intervention Noun 자연적 언어중재(Naturalistic language intervention) Naturally existing contingency Noun 자연적으로 존재하는 수반(유관) Negative automaintenance Noun 부적자동유지 Negative contrast Noun 부적대비 Negative practice Noun 부적연습 Negative punisher Noun 부적벌제 Negative punishment Noun 부적벌 Negative reinforcement Noun 부적강화 Negative reinforcer Noun 부적강화제 Negative stimulus Noun 부적자극 Neutral stimulus Noun 중립자극 Noncontingent escape Noun 비수반(비유관) 도피 Noncontingent reinforcement (NCR) Noun 비수반(비유관) 강화 Nondifferential training Noun 비차별적 훈련 Nondiscriminated avoidance Noun 비변별적 회피 Nonexclusionary time-out Noun 비배제 타임아웃 Normalization Noun 정상화 Observation period Noun 관찰기간 Observational learning Noun 관찰학습 Observed value Noun 관찰값 Observer drift Noun 관찰자 표류 Observer reactivity Noun 관찰자 반응성 Observing response Noun 관찰반응 Occurrrence/non-occurrence interobserver agreement Noun 발생/비발생 관찰자간 일치도 Oddity procedure Noun 특이 절차(Oddity Procedure) Omission training Noun 생략훈련 Omission Noun 생략 

On-task behavior Noun 과제수행행동 One-factor theory Noun 단일요인이론 One-party contract Noun 일방계약 Ontogenetic Noun 개체발생적 Ontogeny Noun 개체발생 Open economy Noun 개방경제 Operandum test Noun 작동장치 테스트(opearndum test) Operant Adjective 작동적 Operant agression Noun 작동적 공격 Operant behavior Noun 작동행동 Operant chamber Noun 작동적 공간 Operant class Noun 작동행동군 Operant conditioning Noun 작동적 조건화 Operant imitation Noun 작동모방 Operant level Noun 작동수준 Operant selection Noun 작동선택 Operant variability Noun 작동적 가변성 Operational definition Noun 조작적 정의 Opportunity-to-respond Noun 반응기회 Optimization theory Noun 최적화 이론 Optimizing Noun 최적화 Organizational behavior management Noun 조직행동관리 Overall response rate Noun 전체반응비율 Overcorrection Noun 과잉교정 Overexpectation effect Noun 과잉기대 효과 Overmatching Noun overmatching Overselectivity Noun 과민감성(Overselectivity) Overshadowing Noun Overshadowing Overt behavior Noun 외현행동 Paced respose Noun Paced response Paired-stimulus preference assessment Noun 두 자극조합 선호도 평가 Pairing Noun 짝짓기(Pairing) Pairwise preference assessment Noun 짝선호도 평가(Pairwise preference assessment) Paralell contract Noun 병렬계약(paralell contract) Parametric analysis Noun 파라미터 분석(parametric analysis) Parametric design Noun 파라미터 설계(parametric design) Parroting Noun 말흉내내기(parroting) Parsimony Noun 절약(Parsimony) Partial interval recording Noun 부분동간 기록법 Partial reinforcement effect Noun 부분강화 효과 

Partial-interval recording Noun 부분-동간 기록 Partition time-out Noun 파티션 타임아웃 Passive avoidance Noun 수동적 회피 Pattern analysis Noun 패턴 분석 Pavlovian conditioning Noun 파블로프식 조건화 Peak procedure Noun 정점절차(peak procedure) Peak shift Noun 정점변경 Percentage reinforcement Noun 백분율 강화 Percentage Noun 백분율 Percentile schedule Noun 백분위 스케줄 Percentile-reinforcement schedule Noun 백분위-강화 스케줄 Performance Noun 수행 Performance behaviors Noun 수행행동 Permanent product recording Noun 영구 산물 기록법(Permanent product recording) Personalized system of instruction Noun 개별적 교수체계 (PSI) Perspective taking skills Noun 조망수용능력 Phase change lines Noun 국면 변경선(Phase change lines) Philosophic doubt Noun 철학적 의구 Phylogenic Noun 계통 Phylogeny Noun 계통발생론 Physical guidance Noun 신체적 안내 Physical prompt Noun 신체적 촉구 Physical restraint Noun 신체적 억압 Picture exchange communication system (PECS) Noun 그림교환 의사소통 체계(PECS) Picture prompt Noun 그림 촉구 Pilot research Noun 예비 연구(pilot research) Pivotal behavior Noun 중심축 행동 Pivotal learning Noun 중심축 학습 Pivotal response Noun 중심축 반응 Placebo control Noun 위약 통제 Placebo effect Noun 위약 효과 Planned activity check Noun 계획된 활동 점검 Planned ignoring Noun 계획된 무시 Point-to response Noun 가리키기를 통한 반응 Point-to-point correspondence Noun 일대일 대응 Polymorphus stimulus class Noun 다형적 자극군(Polymorphus stimulus class) Positive behavior support Noun 긍정적 행동지원 Positive contrast Noun 정적대비 Positive practice overcorrection Noun 긍정적 연습 과잉교정 

Positive practice Noun 정적연습 Positive punisher Noun 정적벌제 Positive punishment Noun 정적벌 Positive reinforcement Noun 정적강화 Positive reinforcer Noun 정적강화제 Positive stimulus Noun 정적자극 Postdiscrimination gradient Noun 변별 후 점층(Postdiscrimination gradient) Postreinforcement pause Noun 강화 후 휴지(Postreinforcement pause) Potentiation Noun 상승작용(potentiation) Practice effects Noun 연습효과 Precision teaching Noun 정밀교수 Precurrent behavior Noun 사전행동(precurrent behavior) Precurrent contingency Noun 사전수반(유관)(precurret contingency) Precursor behavior Noun 전조행동(percursor behavior) Prediction Noun 예측 Predictive stimulus Noun 예측자극 Preference assessment Noun 선호도 평가 Pre-listener Noun 미청자(pre-listener) Premack principle Noun 프리맥 원리 Preparatory response Noun 준비된 반응(preparotory response) Preparedness Noun 준비성 Preratio pause Noun 비율전 휴지(Preratio pause) Preratio pausing Noun 비율전 휴지(Preratio pausing) Prerequisite behavior Noun 선수행동 Presence-absence training Noun Presence-absence training Primary aversive stimuli Noun 일차적 혐오자극 Primary laws of reflex Noun 일차적 반사의 법칙(primary laws of reflex) Primary reinforcer Noun 일차적 강화제 Principle of behavior Noun 행동원리 Private behavior Noun 사적 행동 Private events Noun 사적 사건 Probability of response Noun 반응 출현빈도 Probabilistic stimulus class Noun 개연적 자극군 Probe multiple baseline design Noun 간헐중다 기초설계법(Probe multiple baseline design) Probe Noun 프로브 Procedural fidelity Noun 절차적 충실도(procedural fidelity) Procedural integrity Noun 절차적 완성도(procedural integrity) Procedure of fixed-outcome shaping Noun 고정-결과 행동형성 절차(procedure of fixedoutcome shaping) 

Procedure of variable-outcome shaping Noun 변동-결과 행동형성 절차(procedure of variableoutcome shaping) Product recording Noun 산출물 기록 Programmed instruction Noun 프로그램 교수 Programming common stimuli Noun 공통자극 프로그래밍 Progressive muscular relaxation Noun 점진적 근육 이완 Progressive schedule Noun 점진적 강화 스케줄 Progressive-interval schedule Noun 점진적-간격 스케줄 Progressive-ratio schedules Noun 점진적-비율 스케줄 Progressive-time schedules Noun 점진적-시간 스케줄 Prompt delay Noun 촉구 지연 Prompt dependency Noun 촉구 의존성 Prompt fading Noun 촉구 용암법(prompt fading) Prompt Noun 촉구 Prompt Verb 촉구하다 Property destruction Noun 기물 파괴 Prosthetic reinforcer Noun 보완적 강화제 Prosthetic stimulus Noun 보완적 자극 Pseudoconditioning Noun 의사조건화(pseudoconditioning) Pseudotrial Noun 의사시도(pseudotrial) Psychological behaviorism Noun 심리학적 행동주의 Public behavior Noun 공적 행동 Public event Noun 공적 사건 Punish Verb 벌하다 Punisher Noun 벌제 Punishment contingency Noun 벌 수반(유관) Punishment Noun 벌 Pure mands Noun 순수 맨드 Pure tacts Noun 순수 택트 Quantitative law of effect Noun 양적 효과의 법칙(Quantitative law of effect) Quid pro quo contract Noun 상응계약(Quid pro quo contract) Radical behaviorism Noun 급진적 행동주의 Random-interval schedule Noun 무선-간격 스케줄(Random-interval schedule) Random-ratio schedule Noun 무선-비율 스케줄(Random-rate schedule) Rapid motor imitation Noun 고속동작모방 Rate dependency Noun 비율 의존성 Rate of reinforcement Noun 강화율 Rate of responding Noun 반응률 Rate of response Noun 반응의 비율 Rate Noun 비율 

 Ratio run Noun ratio run Ratio schedule Noun 비율 스케줄 Ratio strain Noun 비율긴장(Ratio strain) Reaction chain Noun 반응연쇄 Reactivity Noun 반응성 Reader immersion Noun 독자집중훈련(Reader immersion) Reader Noun 독자(reader) Real-time recording Noun 실시간 기록법 Reciprocal contingency Noun 상호적 수반(유관) Recording Noun 기록법 Recovery from punishment procedure Noun 벌 절차로부터의 회복 Redirection Noun 재지시 Reflex Noun 반사 Reflexive aggression Noun 반사적 공격성 Reflexive conditioned motivating operation Noun 반사조건 동기조작(Reflexive conditioned motivating operation) Reflexive relation or reflexivity Noun 반사성(reflexivity) Regression Noun 퇴행 Regulated breathing Noun 조절된 호흡 Reification Noun 구체화(reification) Reinforce Verb 강화하다 Reinforcement Noun 강화 Reinforcement contingency Noun 강화수반(유관) Reinforcement function Noun 강화기능 Reinforcement rate Noun 강화비율 Reinforcement relativity Noun 강화상대성(reinforcement relativity) Reinforcement schedule Noun 강화 스케줄 Reinforcer assessment Noun 강화제 평가 Reinforcer delay Noun 강화제 지연(reinforcer delay) Reinforcer magnitude Noun 강화제 강도 Reinforcer ratio Noun 강화제 비율 Reinforcer-abolishing effect Noun 강화제-해지 효과 Reinforcer-establishing effect Noun 강화제-설정 효과 Reinforcer Noun 강화제 Relational autoclitic Noun 관계적 오토클리틱(relational autoclitic) Relational discrimination or relational learning Noun 관계변별(Relational discrimination) 혹은 관계 학습 Relational frame Noun 관계 프레임 Relational theory of stimulus control Noun 자극통제의 관계이론 Relational-frame theory Noun 관계-틀 이론 Relative rate of reinforcement Noun 강화의 상대적 비율 

 Relative rate of response Noun 반응의 상대적 비율 Relative rate Noun 상대적 비율 Relative stimulus control Noun 상대적 자극통제 Relaxation training Noun 이완훈련 Relevance of behavior rule Noun 행동법칙의 적절성 Reliability Noun 신뢰도 Repeatability Noun 반복가능성 Repeated acquisition Noun 반복된 습득 Repertoire Noun 레퍼토리 Replacement behavior Noun 대체행동 Replication Noun 반복 Rescorla-Wagner model Noun 레스콜라-바그너 모형(Rescorla-Wagner model) Research design Noun 연구설계 Resistance to change Noun 변화에 대한 저항 Resistance to extinction Noun 소거저항 Respondent Adjective 수동적(Respondent) Respondent behavior Noun 수동적 행동(Respondent behavior) Respondent conditioning Noun 수동적 조건화(Respondent conditioning) Respondent discrimination Noun 수동적 변별(Respondent discrimination) Respondent extinction Noun 수동적 소거(Respondent extinction) Respondent generalization Noun 수동적 일반화(Respondent generalization) Respondent level Noun 수동적 수준(Respondent level) Respondent acquisition Noun 수동적 습득(Respondent acquisition) Response Noun 반응 Response adduction Noun 반응제시(response adduction) Response allocation Noun 반응할당 Response blocking Noun 반응차단 Response chain Noun 반응연쇄 Response class Noun 반응군 Response competition Noun 반응경쟁 Response cost Noun 반응대가 Response deprivation theory Noun 반응결핍 이론 Response deprivation Noun 반응결핍 Response differenciation Noun 반응 차별화 Response effort Noun 반응노력 Response generalizatrion Noun 반응 일반화 Response hierarchy Noun 반응위계 Response induction Noun 반응유도 Response latency Noun 반응지연시간(response latency) Response maintenance Noun 반응유지 

Response omission Noun 반응생략 Response prompt Noun 반응촉구 Response rate Noun 반응율 Response restriction preference assessment Noun 반응규제 선호평가(Response restriction preference assessment) Response strength Noun 반응강도 Response topography Noun 반응행동형태 Response-deprivation hypothesis Noun 반응-결핍 가설 Response-independent reinforcer Noun 반응-무관 강화제(Response-independent reinforcer) Response-reinforcer correlation theory Noun 반응-강화제 상관 이론 Response-shock (R-S) interval Noun 자극-충격 간격(Response-shock (R-S) interval) Responses per minute Noun 분당 반응 Restitutional overcorrection Noun 복원적 과잉교정 Resurgence Noun 자발적 회복(Resurgence) Retention interval Noun 유지간격 Reversal design Noun 반전설계 Reversal technique Noun 반전기법 Role-play Noun 역할극 Rule-governed behavior Noun 규칙-지배 행동(rule-governed behavior) Run of response Noun run of response Running rate Noun running rate Salience Noun 부각성 Salient Adjective 부각되는 Sameness Noun 동일성 Sample stimulus Noun 표본자극 Sample-specific behavior Noun 표본-특정 행동(Sample-specific behavior) Satiation Noun 포만 Say and do correspondence Noun 말하기-행하기 상응 Scallop Noun 스캘럽(Scallop) Scalloping Noun 스캘럽핑(scalloping) Scatterplot Noun 산포도 Schedule control Noun 스케줄 통제 Schedule of reinforcement Noun 강화 스케줄 Schedule thinning Noun 스케줄 약화(schedule thinning) Schedule-induced behavior Noun 스케줄-유도행동 Schedule Noun 스케줄 Science of behavior Noun 행동과학 Script fading Noun 각본 용암(Script fading) Script Noun 각본 Second-order conditioning Noun 2차적 조건화 

Second-order schedule Noun 2차적 스케줄 Secondary reinforcer Noun 2차적 강화제 See-write Noun 보기-쓰기 Selection by consequences Noun 결과에 따른 선택 Selectionism Noun 선택이론 Self-contract Noun 자기-계약(self-contract) Self-control choice Noun 자기-통제 선택(self-control choice) Self-control Noun 자기-통제(self-control) Self-editing Noun 자기-교정(self-editing) Self-evaluation Noun 자기-평가(self-evaluation) Self-generated mediator of generalization Noun 일반화에 대한 자생적 매개변인 Self-injurious behavior Noun 자해행동 Self-injury Noun 자해 Self-instruction Noun 자기-교수 Self-instructional training Noun 자기-교수 훈련 Self-management Noun 자기-관리 Self-monitoring o self-recording Noun 자기점검 혹은 자기 기록 Self-paced Adjective 자기 보조에 맞춘(self-paced) Self-praise Verb 자기 칭찬하다 Self-reinforcement Noun 자기-강화 Self-stimulatory behavior Noun 자기-자극 행동 Self-talk conversational units Noun 독백적 대화 단위(self-talk conversational unit) Self-talk to govern other behavior Noun 타행동 조절을 위한 독백 Semilogarithmic chart Noun 반로그 도표 Sense modality Noun 감각양식 Sensitization Noun 민감화 Sensory extinction Noun 감각소거 Sensory preconditioning Noun 감각 전 조건화 Sequelic Noun 시퀄릭(sequelic) Sequence analysis Noun 행렬분석(sequence analysis) Sequence effect Noun 순서효과 Serendipity Noun serendipity Setting event Noun 상황사건 Shadow Verb 쉐도우 Shadowing Noun 쉐도잉 기법 Shaping Noun 행동형성 Shock-shock interval Noun 충격-충격 간격(Shock-shock interval) Short-circuiting the contingency Noun 단기수반(유관) Short-delay conditioning Noun 단기지연 조건화 Shuttle box Noun 셔틀 박스 

Sidman avoidance task Noun 시드만 회피 과제(Sidman avoidance task) Sign language Noun 수화 Sign topographies Noun 수화 행동형태 Sign-tracking theory Noun 신호-추적 이론(sign-tracking theory) Sign-tracking Noun 신호-추적 Sign Noun 신호 Simple baseline design Noun 단순기초선설계 Simultaneous conditioning Noun 동시 조건화 Simultaneous discrimination procedure Noun 동시변별절차 Simultaneous discrimination Noun 동시변별 Simultaneous stimulus prompts Noun 동시적 자극촉구 Single-subject research Noun 단일대상연구 Skinner box Noun 스키너 상자 Social referencing Noun 사회적 참조(social referencing) Social reinforcers Noun 사회적 강화제 Social validity Noun 사회적 타당도 Solecistic extension Noun Solecistic extension Spaced-responding differential reinforcement of low rates Noun 간격유지 저비율 차별강화(spaced-responding DRL) Speaker component of naming Noun 화자요소 네이밍(Speaker component of naming) Speaker inmersion Noun 화자 몰입(Speaker inmersion) Speaker-as-own-listener Noun 청자로서의 화자(Speaker-as-own-listener) Speaker-listener exchanges Noun 화자-청자 교환 Speaker Noun 화자(speakier) Specification Noun 특정화 Split-middle line progress Noun 중앙선 분리 진행(split-middle line progress) Spontaneous imitation Noun 자발적 모방 Spontaneous recovery Noun 자발적 회복 Stable baseline Noun 안정된 기초선 Standard celeration chart Noun 표준 셀러레이션 차트( Standard Celeration Chart) Steady-state responding Noun 안정된 반응 Steady-state strategy Noun 비변동성 전략 Steady state Noun 비변동성 Steady-state performance Noun 비변동성 수행 Stereotypy Noun 상동행동 Stimulus, stimuli Noun 자극 Stimulus class Noun 자극군 Stimulus continuum Noun 자극연속 Stimulus control Noun 자극통제 Stimulus delta (S-delta) Noun S-델타 

Stimulus discrimination Noun 자극변별 Stimulus discrimination training Noun 자극변별훈련 Stimulus equivalence Noun 자극등가 Stimulus exemplars Noun 자극예시 Stimulus fading Noun 자극용암법 Stimulus function Noun 자극기능 Stimulus generalization Noun 자극일반화 Stimulus generalization gradient Noun 자극일반화 점층(Stimulus generalization gradient) Stimulus preference assessment Noun 자극선호도평가 Stimulus prompt Noun 자극촉구 Stimulus relation Noun 자극관계 Stimulus satiation Noun 자극포만 Stimulus shaping Noun 자극형성 Stimulus substitution theory Noun 자극대체이론 Stimulus substitution Noun 자극대체 Stimulus superimposition Noun 자극중첩(stimulus superimposition) Stimulus-generalization gradient Noun 자극-일반화 점층(Stimulus-generalization gradient) Stimulus-response chain Noun 자극-반응 연쇄 Stimulus-stimulus pairing Noun 자극-자극 페어링 Stimulus Noun 자극 Strength Noun 강도 Succesive approximations Noun 점진적 접근 Successive discrimination procedure Noun 점진적 변별절차 Successive discrimination Noun 점진적 변별 Summation Noun Summation Superstition Noun 미신 Superstitious behavior Noun 미신적 행동 Surrogate conditioned motivating operation Noun 대리로 조건화된 동기조작(Surrogate conditioned motivating operation) Symbolic matching Noun 상징적 매칭 Symmetrical relation Noun 대칭관계 Symmetry Noun 대칭성(symmetry) System of least prompts Noun 최소촉구 시스템 Systematic desensitization Noun 체계적 둔감화 Systematic replication Noun 체계적 반복 Tact Verb 택트하다 Tact Noun 택트 Tandem schedule Noun 직렬 스케줄 Target behavior Noun 목표행동 Task analysis Noun 과제분석 

Taste aversion Noun 미각 혐오 Teaching loosely Noun 느슨한 교수(teaching loosely) Teaching sufficient examples Noun 충분한 사례교수 Temporal conditioning Noun 시간적 조건화 Temporal contiguity Noun 시간적 연속성(Temporal contiguity) Temporal discounting Noun Temporal discounting Temporal discrimination Noun 시간적 변별 Temporal extent Noun 시간적 범위 Temporal integration Noun 시간적 통합 Temporal locus Noun 시간적 위치 Terminal behavior Noun 도달점 행동 Terminal link Noun 도달 관계(Terminal link) Terminal rate Noun 도달점 비율 Textual Noun 소리내어 글읽기(Textual) Textual prompt Noun 소리내어 글읽기 촉구(textual prompt) Textual responding Noun 소리내어 글읽기 반응(textual responding) Three-term contingency Noun 3요인 수반(유관)(Three-term contingency) Time delay Noun 시간지연 Time sampling o time sample recording Noun 시간표집법 혹은 시간표집기록법 Time schedule Noun 시간계획표 Time-out Noun 타임아웃 Time-out from positive reinforcement Noun 정적강화로부터의 타임아웃 Time-out ribbon Noun 타임아웃 리본 Titration schedule Noun 적정 스케쥴(Titration schedule) Token economy Noun 토큰경제 Token reinforcement Noun 토큰강화 Token reinforcer Noun 토큰강화제 Token Noun 토큰 Topographical drift Noun 행동형태 표류(Topographical drift) Topographical response class Noun 행동형태 반응군(Topographical response class) Topographical tagging Noun Topographical tagging Topography Noun 행동형태(Topography) Topography-based definition Noun 행동형태-기반 정의(Topography-based definition) Total count interobserver agreement Noun 총 횟수 관찰자 일치도 Total duration interobserver agreement Noun 총 지속시간 관찰자 일치도 Total task presentation (chaining) Noun 전체과제 제시(연쇄) Total-task chaining Noun 전체-과제 행동연쇄(Total-task chaining) Trace conditioning Noun 흔적 조건화(trace conditioning) Tracking Noun 추적하기(tracking) Trans-situationality Noun Trans-situationality 

Transcription Noun 받아쓰기(transcription) Transfer of stimulus control Noun 자극통제 전이 Transfer Noun 전이 Transformation of functions Noun 기능전이 Transition state Noun 전이상태(Transition state) Transition-state performance Noun 전이-상태 수행(Transition-state performance) Transitive conditioned motivating operation Noun 조건화된 동기조작의 전이(Transitive conditioned motivating operation) Transitive relation Noun 전이적 관계(transitive relation) Transitivity Noun 전이성(transivity) Transposition Noun 전위(transposition) Treatment acceptability Noun 처치 수용성 Treatment drift Noun 처치 표류 Treatment integrity Noun 처치 충실도 Trend determination Noun 경향 결정 Trend Noun 경향 Trial-and-error learning Noun 시행-착오 학습(Trial-and-error learning) Trial-by-trial interobserver agreement Noun 시도 대 시도(trial-by-trial) 관찰자 일치도(IOA) Trial Noun 시도 Trials to criterion Noun 기준도달 시도수 True value Noun 참값(true value) Two-factor theory Noun 2요인 이론 Two-key procedure Noun 2개의 중요한 절차(Two-key procedure) Two-party contract Noun 양방계약 Type I error Noun 1종오류 Type II error Noun 2종오류 Unconditional positive reward Noun 무조건 정적보상 Unconditional reflex Noun 무조건 반사 Unconditioned motivating operation Noun 무조건 동기조작 Unconditioned negative reinforcer Noun 무조건 부적벌 Unconditioned or unconditional response (UR) Noun 무조건 반응 Unconditioned punisher Noun 무조건 벌제 Unconditioned reflex Noun 무조건 반사 Unconditioned reinforcer Noun 무조건 강화제 Unconditioned response (UR) Noun 무조건적 반응 Unconditioned stimulus (US) preexposure effect Noun 무조건 자극 사전노출 효과 Unconditioned stimulus (US) Noun 무조건 자극 Undermatching Noun 언더매칭(undermatching) Unit of analysis Noun 분석 단위 

 Unit of measurement Noun 측정 단위 Unlearned aversive condition Noun 학습되지 않은 혐오조건 Unlearned reinforcer Noun 학습되지 않은 강화제 Unpairing Noun 짝해제(unpairing) Unprompted response Noun 촉구되지 않은 반응 Unscored-Interval interobserver agreement Noun 비발생-간격 관찰자 일치도(IOA) Validity Noun 타당도 Value-altering effect Noun 가치-변화 효과 Value-altering principle Noun 가치-변화 원리 Variability Noun 가변성 Variable baseline Noun 가변적 기초선 Variable interval differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) Noun 변동간격 타행동 차별강화(DRO) Variable interval schedule of reinforcement (VI) Noun 변동간격 강화스케줄 Variable interval Noun 변동간격 Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement (VR) Noun 변동비율 강화스케줄 Variable ratio Noun 변동비율 Variable time schedule Noun 변동시간 스케줄 Variable-interval responding Noun 변동-간격 반응 Variable-momentary differential reinforcement of other behaviour (DRO) Noun 변동-순간 타행동 차별강화(DRO) Variable-ratio responding Noun 변동-비율 반응 Variable-time schedule Noun 변동-시간 스케줄 Variable-time stimulus presentation Noun 변동-시간 자극제시 Verbal behavior analysis Noun 언어행동분석 Verbal behavior Noun 언어행동 Verbal community Noun 언어 공동체 Verbal discrimination Noun 언어변별 Verbal episode Noun 언어 에피소드 Verbal functions Noun 언어기능 Verbal learning Noun 언어학습 Verbal mediation for problem solving Noun 언어를 통한 문제해결 Verbal operant Noun 언어 작동행동 Verbal prompt Noun 언어적 촉구 Verbal recognition Noun 언어적 인식 Verbal Noun 언어 Verbally governed behavior Noun 언어지배행동 Verification Noun 검증 Vicarious learning Noun 대리학습(vicarious learning) 

 Video modelling Noun 비디오 모델링 Visual analysis or inspection Noun 시각적 분석 Visual prompt Noun 시각적 촉구 Visual tracking Noun 시각적 추적 Vocal behavior Noun 음성행동 Vocal topographies Noun 음성행동형상 Vocal verbal behavior Noun 음성언어행동 Warning stimulus Noun 경고 자극 Whole-interval differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) Noun 전-간격 타행동 차별강화 Whole-interval recording Noun 전-간격 기록법 Withdrawal design Noun 중재철회 설계 Within-experiment replication Noun 실험 내 반복 Within-phase replication Noun 국면 내 반복(Within-phase replication) Within-session replication Noun 회기 내 반복 Within-stimulus prompt Noun 자극 내 촉구 Within-subject design Noun 대상자 내 설계(Within-subject design) Writer immersion protocol Noun 필자 집중훈련 프로토콜(Writer immersion protocol) Writer immersion Noun 필자 집중훈련(Writer immersion) Writer-as-own-reader Noun 독자로서의 필자(Writer-as-own-reader) Writer Noun 필자 Yoked contingencies Noun 유대수반(유관)(Yoked contingencies) Yoked schedules Noun 유대 스케줄(Yoked schedules) Yoking Noun 유대(Yoking) Zero-second time delay prompt Noun 0초 시간지연 촉구


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