미국 재난 지원금 Stimulus check가 $600불로 일단 승인이 되어서 2018년과 2019년에 세금 보고 tax report를 한 사람에게 1인당 600불 부양 자녀에게도 1인당 600불 해서 부부와 두 자녀가 있는 가정의 경우에는 2400불을 받게 되는데요.
이번주에 처리를 하게 되서 받는건 1월 둘째주즘으로 예상이 된다고 해요.
2018년과 2019년 세금 보고를 한 미국 시민권자만 해당이 되는게 아니라, 영주권자, 비자거주자, 학생, 등 세금을 보고한 사람은 받을수 있게 됩니다. 그러나 합법적으로 일을 할수 있는 비자 소유자일 경우에, 비자소유자는 쇼셜 넘버나 텍스넘버가 있더라도 와이프나 자녀가 쇼설 넘버가 없다면 다른 가족들 앞으로는 받을수 텍스 아이디나 쇼설 넘버가 있는 비자 소유자만 받을수 있을거에요.
내일 상원 투표결과에 따라 2000불로 오를수 있다는데, 2000불로 오르면 이미 지급받은 600불을 제외한 나머지 금액을 받게 된다고 합니다.
상원에서는 부담이 클거 같다고 하는데... 아무래도 통과가 되겠죠?
좀 통과가 되었으면 좋겠어요. 몇일전에 엘에이를 갔다왔는데,,,, 헐... 노숙자가 정말 많아졌더라구요. 시에서 이제 관리가 불가능정도롤 많아졌던데.. 코로나때문에 어려움 겪는 사람들이 많은거 같아요. ㅠㅠ
이집트, 캄보디아, 버마, 파키스탄, 등 나라에 돈을 지원해주는것뿐만아니라 지금 문을 닫은 사업을 위해 코로나바이러스 지원금을 주지 말고
미국인에게 2000불을 줘야 한다는 취지로 거절을 했다고 합니다.
아무리 언론이 대통령을 싫어해도 그렇지, 한 나라에의 대통령이 연설을 하는데, 미국 언론에서 제대로 보도를 안해주니, 미국이 진짜 이상하게 흘러가는듯하네요. 대통령이 연설을 하는데, 일반 매체에서 보도를 전혀 안해주니, 트럼프나 트위터나 페이스북에 자기 계정에 연설 내용을 올리니, 언론이 참 썩었다는 생각이 드네요.
“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump said. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever. However, the bill they are planning to send back to my desk is much different than anticipated.”
Trump continued to slam the bill.
“For example, among the more than 5,000 pages in this bill, which nobody in Congress has read because of its length and complexity,” he said. “It’s called the COVID relief bill, but it has almost nothing to do with COVID.”
Trump went to say the bill included “wasteful spending,” with large sums of money slated for illegal aliens and foreign countries.
“This bill contains $85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia; $134 million to Burma; $1.3 billion for Egypt and the Egyptian Military which will go out and buy almost exclusively Russian Military equipment; $25 million for democracy and gender programs in Pakistan; $505 million to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama; $40 million for the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., which is not even open for business; $1 billion for the Smithsonian; and an additional $154 million for the National Gallery of Art; $7 million for reef fish management; $25 million to combat Asian carp; $2.5 million to count the number of Amber Jack fish in the Gulf of Mexico, a provision to promote the breeding of fish in federal hatcheries; $3 million in poultry production technology; $2 million to research the impact of downed trees; $566 million for construction projects at the FBI,” Trump said. “The bill also allows stimulus checks for the family members of illegal aliens, allowing them to get up to $1,800 each. This is far more than the Americans are given.”
Trump then asked Congress to remove “unnecessary items” from the bill.
“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” he said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”
“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple. I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”
넉넉한 물, 음식, 손전등, 배터리, 촛불, 라디오, 총기, 지역리더를 만날 계획을 세워라. 지금 우리의 대통령은 바이든이 아니라 트럼프다.
Lin Wood
Better to be safe than sorry. Make sure you have PLENTY of water, food, flashlights & batteries, candles, radio, 2nd Amendment supplies, & a plan to meet with leaders of your communities. Remember we only have 1 President at a time. Our leader is
CONTENT WARNING: This article contains information regarding death and suicide. If you are struggling with depression or have thoughts of suicide, there is help. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline toll-free number, 1-800-273-TALK(8255).
WOODBRIDGE (CBS13) — An elementary school student killed himself while in his distance learning class late Wednesday morning, the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office confirmed.
Deputies confirm the 11-year-old boy was in his Zoom class with his microphone and camera off when he took his own life. His sister, who was distance learning in another room, found him and alerted a neighbor and her teacher, who helped call authorities.
The sheriff’s office said deputies responded to the 300 block of Sterling Street in the community of Woodbridge just after 11 a.m. to investigate a reported shooting. At the scene, a young boy with a head injury was found. The boy was rushed to a nearby hospital with his parents by his side. He later died from his injuries.
Detectives have since responded to the scene and are now investigating.
Paul Warren is the special education director for the Lodi Unified School District. He oversees mental health services within the district.
“Sometimes we go through things that are temporary emotional experiences and with the support of family and other trained people we can get through those things. It’s tragic. Everybody’s has been impacted by this,” Warren said.
Warren said the district has a team of mental health therapists to work with students and staff.
Renee Bond, a licensed clinical counselor, works directly with children.
“I think it’s really time as a society that we start investing in wellbeing and mental health,” Bond said.
TheNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineoffers suggestions to help: ask for help, make a safety plan, and look for warning signs. Bond says there could be several warning signs someone is in trouble.
“Withdrawing is one of them. When you listen to them talking and they’re talking about hopelessness or nobody loves me. You know you’re children better than anyone, trust yourself,” Bond said.
The Lodi Unified School district tells CBS13 that Woodbridge Elementary School will have class Thursday as planned but counselors will be on hand should students or faculty need that.