Radical behaviorism
- form of behaviorisom founded by Skinner that attempts to understan all human behavior including covert behaviors such as thoughs and feeling.
- it acknowledges both private(casual effect of private event) and observable events to the understanding of behavior.
-uses environmental explanations of behavior.
- the philosophy of the science of behavior.
- inner dimention exits and causes behavior by trditional psycology, Freud, id Ego Superego
-state of mind
Mentalistic language(Circular Reasoning, Hypothetical construct, Explantory Fraction)
- explains behavior that assumes that a mental, or "inner" dimention exist
Circular Reasoning
-behavior anylysts do not use to describe explain behaviors,
- there is no evidence or factual reasoning to support the claim.
-when the cause and effect are inferred from the same information. (Liat doodles because she has ADD)
-these are bothe inferred from the same attention/distraction based behaviors.
Hypothetical construct: #freewill #memory #readiness #information processing #Freud
- are presumed but unobserved, entities
-ex, we have the free will to do what we want.
Explantory Fraction #want #think #figure out #know
-uses fictitious or hypothetical variables that are not abservable, they don't contribute to the understanding variables that maining the behaviors. (ex, I think he is angry)
Watson : Methogological behaviorism
- acknowledges publicly observable events in the analysis of behavior
- does not consider private events.
Non-technical language(Layman's term) :
-explain the term in an easily, understandale way.
-BCBA should not use mentallistic language or technical terms that way it can convey a solution to the undesired behavior.