
Respondent Behavior/ conditioning(AKA Classical conditioning.)

- Elicited by stimuli(reflexive response)

- involves the body's skeletal and muscles responses(#involuntatry). These are biological responses. #phylogeny 

- Respondent conditioning has occurred when a conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response.

- Respondent behavior is elicited by antecedent stimuli

- In order to place a respondent behavior on extinction, one should unpair stimuli that were previously paired. 


Operant behavior

- Bx that we learn thorughout out lifetime it results from our #ontogeny - learning history/development

- selection by consequences of behavior. behaviors we #emit/ are evoked by #operant conditioning.

- can have an unlimited number of forms


Respondent and operant conditioning interact with each other in all settings, they work together to reinforce or punish certain responses under sets of stimulus conditions in the environment.

Operant conditioning occurs when a cosequence increases or decrease the future probability of a behavior whereas, respondent conditioning occurs when a stimilus becomes conditioned by being repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus.

Operant is to "the organism controls the environment" as Respondent is to "environment controls the organism."



- the stimulus change that has caused the frequency of the target behavior to increase when delviered immediately after the behavior. 

Unconditioned stimuli #unlearned #BornWithIt #US

- we are not tought to respond to 

- they act on our bilogical responses - heat/cold(low temperature), pain, food, water, shelter, sex

Unconditioned response

- is unlearned and occurs after the presentation of an unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned reflexes 

- can be established through NS-CS pairing

Respendent consitioning (aka Higher order conditioning)


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