
Time-out procedure
- do not include overcorrection procedures
- involve removal of the individual from an environment or separating them from an environment.
- the duration, operational definition of the behaviors, and exit criteria for time-out shoud be stated prior to implementation except.

- in order for time-put to be effective, the time-in environment must be reinforcing to the individual.

Punishment procedure
- should always be faded out when no longer necessary, after serving their purpose.

- gradually thin the schedule of reinforcement to increase the behavior
- when using reinforcer, always make a plan to switch from contrived reinforcers to natural reinforcers as early as possible to promote generalization and natural conditions.
- give reinforcer immediately following the target behavior for increase.
- reinforcement does not only increase the future frequency of similar behavior, it also changes the function of antecedent stimuli present before the reinforced behavior

Negative reinforcement

- concern regarding the use of negative reinforcement is that the presence of the aversive stimuli can generate behaviors that compete with the behavior targeted for acquisition. 

Punishment procedure
- most restrictive should be always be with punishment procedure

- it is imperative to record, graph, and evaluate data daily

-effective punisher should start abruptly(suddenly), otherwise it may not be an effective punisher.

-Whenever the target problem behavior is severly harmful to a client or a risk to their safety, it is absolutely necessary to swiftly intervene- for sever SIB, punishment would be commendable to use to efficiently and successfully eliminate the behavior.

- in order to be most effective, it must initially introduced high magnitude
- when implementing punishment procedure, always include plan to fade them out when no longer necessary.
- as soon as you see a behavior occurring,  it is important to deliver the punisher to break the chain.
-immediacy, schedule of delivery and intensity are essential to control when managing challenging behaviors.
-behavior analyst should always include reinforcement procedures for alternative behavior in the behavior change program so that there are not any behavior contrast effects occurring under different conditions with the maladaptive behavior.
- Before implementing punishment based procedure, behavior analyst ensure that appropriate steps have been taken to implement reinforcement based procedure unless the severity or dangerousness of the behavior necessitates immediate use of aversive procedure.
- negative side effect due to Matching Law, the decrease in one problem causes the decreases in the  other desirable behavior.

- before implementing punishment-based procedures, behavior analysts ensure that appropriate steps have been taken to implement reinforcement-based procedures unless the severity or dangerousness of the behavior necessitates immediate use of aversive procedures.

Punisher assessments

- do not use duration of engagement with items to assess the effectiveness of punishers. 

- progressive-ratio/multiple/concurrent schedule reinforcer assessment methods cannot be mirrored for punishment

Matching Law
- matching law formula is the proportion of the rate of behavior to reinforcement, which can be used as a general guide in programming.
- refers to making choices amongst concurrent, competing schedules of reinforcement. (#BehaviorGoesWhereReinforcementFlows)

3 terms contingency for discriminated operant : SD-> R -> SR +

Continuous schedule of reinforcement: provide reinforcement every instance of target behavior.

intermittent schedule of reinforcement
- differential reinforcement rate of responding (DRD, DRI, DRH)
- FI, FR, VI, VR

Post Reinforcement Pause : Fixed schedules of reinforcement has a postreinforcement pause.

VR(Variable Ratio) #casio #slots #VegasBaby
- displays a graph fast and steep line due to high rate of response.
- strongest one because the responding remains steady and respond may produce reinforcement.

- FR1 : suppressive effects of punisher are most effective (every instance of behavior-> punisher)#ClearContingency

Common misunderstanding about automatic reinforcement
- hand flapping and slimming DO NOT always have the function of automatic reinforcement. they could be gaining attention, to escape/avoid an aversive, to obtain tangible or gain access to something. you need to see each behavior instance according to the situation.  

Common misconception about the use of reinforcement

- Giving indiviuals contrived reinforcers will result in loss of intrinsic motivation.

Bonus Response cost
- the person provided a reservoir of reinforcers that are removed in predetermined amount contingent on the occurrence of target behavior
- ex) giving all students 20 minutes of free-time with the option to earn more based on the completion. however,  students can lose minutes of extra earned time.
- essential to the effectiveness of response coat procedures(decide whether bonus response cost is a preferred option, pratitioners should determine the immediacy of the fine, over-using response cost should be avoided.)

Response Cost may use for the.. 

- produce avoidance responses

- Effect collateral reductions of appropriate behaviors

- Increase student aggressiveness.

Response cost methods may call attention to the undesirable behavior unintentionally serving as a reinforcing consequence. 


Extinction is a schedule of reinforcement that extinguished the reinforcement of a behavior that once reinforced.

Before using punishment as part of a treatment package, a BCBA must obtain consent from the client, parents, or legal advocate.




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