Time sampling
when selecting a interval schedule for a time-sampling procedure, you should select a time less than the baseline rate to ensure that you are capturing the behavior.
Momentary time sampling
is useful when you are limited in time or resources, or are taking data on multiple client's bx at the same time
Whole interval recording
- shows whether a behavior occurs during the WHOLE interval form start to finish.
- it is commonly used to measure bx that you want to increase.
Temporal Locus
- interresponse time and latency
- occurs when the same behavior occurs at multiple instances over time #dataReoeatsitself
- repeatability measures behaviors that are discrete- have a clear beginning and end #discretebx #free-operantbx
Discontinuous measurement
- would be appropriate for behavior measured via discrete trials percentage, Behaviors occuring at high rates, Behaviors occurring over long periods of time, there is no clear beginning and end of Behavior
- can cause measurement artifacts where some instances of the response class are not detected. Example: the time sampling methods of measurement cause artifacts because they are discontinuous.
3 indicators of trustworthy measurement : validity, accuracy and reliability
- these are necessary to advance scientific knowledge and guide our data based decisions.
- reliability is the indicator that tells us how much repeated contact of the same behavior yields the same results
- Validity indicates whether we're using the correct measure to measure the dimension we intended to measure.
: accuracy tells use the extent to which an observed value matches the #truvalue.
- jackie weighs 147 pounds, but the scale says she weighs 142 pounds. This is lacking ACCURACY.
Cause of measurement artifacts
- poorly scheduled measurement periods. It is when we record data on the behavior at a time that doesn't properly represent the behavior. Ex, when you record data on a behavior at 5 pm but it typically occurs at 10 am
Trials-to-criterion #masterylevels #setcriteria #performance #competency
- is a measure of the number of response opportunities or learning trals needed to achieve a predetermined level of performance.
- we use this when you want to assess a learner's competence in acquiring a related class of concepts.
Permanent Product data
- helps reduce the possibility of skewed data due to reactivity effects-the removal of an observer during the engagement of the bx will provide a more accurate representation of the outcome. #resultsafter
Celeration Measures the frequency of change of bx over time,
- this is useful when the rate of response change over time is crucial.
- For example, think about how fast you can complete your SAFMEDS within a time limit and how that changes over the entire study period before you take your exam. You want to be as fluent(fast and accurate) with the SAFMEDS as possible when the exam comes around #celeration #rateofchangeovertime #precision #fluency