
Trials to criterion

- is a derivative measure of the number of response opportunities needed to achive a predetermined level of performance #meetingCriterion #performance

- trials-to criterion data are reported as the number of opportunities of trials required for the learner to emit the correct response on a predetermined percentage of trials.

- you can use the rate, duration, frequency, count, and latency measures to determine trials-to-criterion data

-example, During the first 5 dyas, jackie successively scored 5, 20,25,40 and 40 correct responses out of 40 opportunities provided each session. Jackie is able to meet that criteia on the 4th dya, which means she took 160 trilas to meet it. 40*4 days = 160 trials (마스터 하는 그날 까지 횟수를 다 더한것)



- is derived from an ratio, so it has no dimentional qualities.

- has validity, use in the field of ABA

- is used to shoe the proportion of total correct responses to total opportunities to respond.


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