MO는 아래 글을 참고해주세요.
Motivating Operation(MO)동기화조작 이란?
MO란 무엇일까요? 한국말로 동기화조작이라고 나오는데, 번역하기가 참 애매한 말인거 같습니다. MO는 크게 가치(value) 대체 효과와 행동(behavior) 대체 효과가 있습니다. 가치대체효과(Value-altering e
SD(Discriminative stimulus) = signals the availability of reinforcement
S-Delta= signals the non- availability of reinforcement
- An abolishing operation(AO) in the value-altering effect that reduces the valude of a consequence(reinforcer). it is going to cause the consequence less valuable/desirable and less likely to cause you to engage in a particular behavior(#abate ba). #AO It is not valuable in that #MOment. If you're offered salty pretzels after a 10 mile run, you're thirsty AF! So NO, you don't want pretzels. There's an AO here.
- AO decreases the effectiveness of the consequence as a punisher, so the punisher is not effective at reducing a particular behavior, so as a result it has an evocative effect for the bx.
- The EO, or establishing operation, increases the value of a consequence(as an effective reinforcer). It is going to help increase the likelihood of the behavior occurring (#evoke) to obtain that reinforcer.
SDs and MOs
- SDs and MOs are both antecedents, as they are present before behavior occurs.
- MO's change the value of reinforcement and SD's signal the availability of reinforcement; both of these interact and result in changes in behavior.
- Discriminative stimulus and motivating operations share tow similarities.
1. They both occur before the behavior which makes them antecedents.
2. They both evocative functions which bring out behaviors.
- A motivating operation alters the value of reinforcement and the current frequency of behavior.
non-contingent reinforcement(NCR)
- Delivering non-contingent reinforcement of a particular reinforder that is directly related to (maintain) the function of the problem behaviors.
- If the reinforcement they're seeking by engaging in the problem behaviors is freely available and often, they have less need to seek it out by engaging in the behaviors.
- When you provided reinforcers on a fixed time or variable-time interval scheduel, regardless of whether behaviors occur or not. So you're going to give Timmy an M&M every 5 minutes or an average of 5 minutes, whether he's doing anything or not in the session. Non-contingent=not contingent upon anything.
- a fixed-time schedule is different than a variable-time schedule because fixed-time uses the same time-interval to determine adminstration of the reinforcement, while varible-time interval uses varing time intervals that average out to the specified interval.
- The problem behaviors signal that there is a need not being met, or there is deprivation, of a certain reinforcer - so making that reinforcement more abundant freely, will meet that need. #NCR #filltheircup
- A disadvantage of NCR is that free access to the NCR may reduce motivation to engage in the desired behavior. This is because they are at a level where their MOs are satisfied and they are not motivated to engage in the desired behavior. There is not as much value placed on the reinforcers because they are available all the time.
High-probability request sequence(behavior momentum)
- an antecedent intervention in which a few easy tasks with a known history of learner success are presented in quick succession immediately before the more difficult target task, or low-p request. This helps build behavioral momentum-which is a rate of responding and its resitance to change following an alteration in reinforcement conditions.
Antecedent intervention
- High-probability request sequence, NCR, Functional cummunication training(FCT)
Functional cummunication training(FCT)
- an application fo DRA. Differential reinforcement of an alternative behavior than the target problem behavior which serves as a functional replacement.
- establishes an appropriate communicative behavior to compete with problem behaviors evoked by an establishing operation.
- When first implementing FCT, the alternative communicative response should produce reinforcement on a continuous schedule to establish a functional relationship for the reinforcement. This increases the likelihood of the alternative beahvior occuring in the future.
Ecological intervention
- recognized the relation between behavior and the environment, the teacher moving the student that kicks others' chairs to an isolated desk next to hers is altering the environment to improve the behaviors.