- When the RBT is struggling to balance data collection and providing reinforment ont the programmed schedule: Redesigning the program or providing additional support to better fit the needs of the RBT, Conducting competency-based training to ensure staff competency, Conducting treatment integrity to better understand the needs of the RBT and coningencies governing their behavior.
- If a BCBA does not have time to provide consistent and effective supervision, he/she should postpone the intervention/case, should not accept case.
- Punishment interventions are often overused because they often act as negative reinforcement for interventionist, thus increasing the intervenrionists behavior of implementing punishment-based interventions.
- BST(behavior skill training) involves four critical components: instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback
- Instruction:Providing a vocal and written description of the skill.
- Modeling: demonstrating the skill through video and/or face-to-face.
- Rehearsal: Giving the trainee an opportunity to practice the skill in a training setting and providing immediate, constructive feedback
- Providing Feedback: Observing the skill in the clinical setting, providing immediate, constructive feedback, and repeating necessary steps until established mastery is met in the clinical setting.
- Data-based decision making is used To monitor progress in behavioral skills training(BST)
- Considering, When identifying the contingencies governing staff's behavior : cintrived reinforcers provided in workplace for high effort and performance, response effort of data collection, program implementation, and other duties required by staff memebrs, natural reinforcers contacted through the design of the behavior program.
- In competency-based training, the mastery criteria should be individually developed based on well-established literature, previous and current performances of supervisees and the supervisor.
- When supervising, in order to understand staff members' behavior, BCBAs should use a combination of direct methods, self-reports, questionnaires, behavior-rating scales. IOA and supervisor feedback questionnaires are common examples of these methods.
- In competency-based training, the mastery criteria is determined prior to the onset of training and continues until the competency within criteia has been mastered.
- When beginning implementation of a new intervention of program, the BCBA should be present to: ensure resources and support are available, address unanticipated problem, provide first steps of BST prior to clinical implementation.
- Treatment integrity tells us hou well the treatment protocol/interventions are being implemented as written in the clint's plan. This shows whether the programs are being implemented with fidelity and whether there needs to be more supervision or training to improve the implementation of interventions.