
1. Experimentation 실험 - factors under investigation are systematically controlled while effects on the dependent variable are measured. Extraneous or confounding variables must be properly controlled. Measuring correlations between one event and another is NOT experimentation.

Systematic arranging of events so as to determine their influence on certain phenomena.

Experimentation is one of the philosophical foundations of behavior analysis. 실험은 행동 분석의 철학적 토대 중에 하나이다.

require control over extraneous variables

ideally requires that all variables be controlled except dependent variables. 

(Cooper et al., 1987, p : Cooper et al.,2007, pp. 5-6)

2. Empiricism 경험주의

Empiricism calls for behavior being objectively observed, thoroughly described, and quantified. 

Empiricism is the result of measurement of carfully defined phenomena and detailed description of procedures. This is typically only found in controlled experimentation. 

-science fair project

(Cooper et al., 1987, p 3: Cooper et al.,2007, pp. 5)

3. Lawfulness 합법성

Things don't fly off shelves without reason, defy gravity, or work in totally unpredictable ways. If a car breaks down, we rightfully attribute it to a mechanical problem, not the vagaries or capriciousness of nature. 이유없이 일어나는 일은 없다. 

If given perfect experimental control, you would always get the same results. This lawfulness(or consistency) in nature supports the assumption that behavioral phenomena(like many other phenomena) are orderly and predictable. 동일한 조건내에서는 같은 결과가 발생된다. 

(Cooper et al., 1987, p 3: Cooper et al.,2007, pp. 5)

4. The simplest explanation is the one that relies on the fewest hypothetical constructs. For example, mentalistic explanations of behavior are based on presumed underlying processed that control how a person chooses what to do. A more parsimonious explanation leaves out the hypothetical part about the person choosing, and relies instead on observable phenomenon, i.e., the behaviors the person emits and the consequences that result from them. 

5. a good scientist remains skeptical of scientific conclusions and must be willing to abandon long held beliefs if new data call for it. This is called philosophic doubt. 

6. Philosophical assumptions of behavior analysis include

determinism(lawfulness of behavior)




Philosophic doubt


6. Parsimonious 간소화

Parsimony gives preference to the simplest explanation that adequately explains the data. Therefore, the explanation with the fewest assumptions would be the most parsimonious one.  가정 적은 가정을 가진 설명이 최고의 parsimonious. 

Built on an existing foundation of knowledge or law. 

5살 아이의 tantrum은 "a personality disorder"

7. philosophic doubt 철학적 의심

여러 연결 결과가 있을지라도 연구자는 이 현상의 존재에 대해서 항상 질문 해야 한다. 

The attitude of philosophic doubt requires the scientist to continually question the truthfulness of what is regarded as fact. 

despite several studies that support the utility of behavioral momentum, a researcher questions the existence of this phenomena. 

Good scientist remains skeptical of scientific conclusions and must be willing to abandon long held beliefs if new data. 

Accept the data supporting the intervention until contrary findings emerge. 

8. Ontogenic refers to learning that results from an organism's interaction with his environment. Phylogenic refers to behavior that is inherited genetically. Generally, operant behavior(elicited by unconditioned stimuli) is due to phylogenic history. We use "elicited" to antecedent stimuli and "emitted" to refer to behavior that is a function of antecedent and consequential stimuli.

Respondent behavior elicited by unconditioned stimuli results largely from one's phylogenic history.

Ontogenic behavior(개인적 행동) usually emitted.

Phylogenic behavior is elicited. Behavior that is the result of one's genetic background is phylogenic. 

Operant behavior is largely ontogenic.

behavior resulting from one's ontogenic history is elicited.

Behavior that is the result of interactions with the environment during the individual's lifetime is "Ontogenic".

Ontogenic -> 처한 환경에서 교류하면서 배우는것

Phylogenic -> 유전적으로 얻게 되는것. 

9. Deterministic philosophy 결정론적 철학

결정론은 행동에 원인이 있음 

5살아이의 tantrum은 "we haven't yet identified the factors that control tantrums."

Determinism implies that there is a cause for a behavior. Identifying a relationship with oatmeal points to a possible causal influence. However, attributing a behavior to "getting something in one's head" or stating that they are not "a morning person" does not point to any variables of which the behavior might be a function. Jack Michael refers to such events as explanatory fictions. 

Determinism means that events have causes. With respect to behavior, it means that it is under the control of natural events. Contrast this perspective with that of free will, which postulates that behavior occurs free of environmental and biological influences. If this were the case, behavior would not be predictable or lawful.

Deterministic philosophy would maintain that variability in behavioral data is evidence of uncontrolled influences.


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