
1. Mentalism points to feeling, sensations, will, and other unobservable and unmeasurable entities. These antecedent entities are given causal status. These antecedent entities are given causal status(e.g., He felt hungry, therefore he ate. She felt sad, so she lashed out.)

-Appeals to feelings or states of mind as a cause of behavior.

-is supposedly an antecedent analysis

- tends to halt further inquiry into casual factors. 

-Once so attributed, and since there is no means of evaluating these events, further inquiry into causal elements tends to stop. 

정신주의는 감정, 감각, 의지 및 관찰 할 수없는 측정 할 수없는 실체를 가리 킵니다.

멘탈리즘은 인과관계 있습니다.

2. Behavior analysis

Sciences used objective measurement.

Mentalism points to feeling, sensations, will, and other unobservable and unmeasurable entities.

Behavior analysis usually uses visual analysis of the data, unlike most social sciences which use statistical analysis.

- its methods are consistent with the social sciences.

- it employs statistical analysis.

- it employs a multidisciplinary approach.

행동분석은 다른 과학과 같이 행동분석을 objective measurement 를 하지만 멘탈리즘은 관잘이나 측정할수 없다. 

3. An explanatory fiction is circular reasoning whereby the cause and effect are both inferred from the same information. 

An explanatory fiction is when a cause is another name for an effect. 

For example, "he cried because he felt sad." the sad feeling and the crying are both inferred from same cluster of depressive behaviors. Words that are sometimes associated with explanatory fictions include: attitude, feeling, ability, talent, expectation, knowledge. (He had great talent from an early age. His practice has reinforced his abilities. His knowledge of music is reinforced by practice.  )

"Knows", "wants", and "figures out" are explanatory fictions. 

5. What is referred to as " feeling" or "emotions" involves many different operant and respondent behaviors, that tend to occur together, within a specific context, and that include physiological responses that the person can feel and tact. For example, when exposed to certain stimuli ( a barking dog), a person might feel his heart rate increase and his breathing quicken(respondent). 

6. Circular reasoning occurs when a cause is determined from the same information as the effect. For example, a child's disrespect for others(cause) may be attributed to a bad attitude(effect). However, the bad attitude is only another description of the behavior. Attitude doesn't cause disrespect. Contrast this to, say, tantruming that is determined attention. The cause (contingent attention) is determined by evaluating the environment contingencies-not the tantrum itself. 

7. Reinforcement

Behavior occurs more often in the future due to the reinforcing consequence. 


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