
Response Interruption and Redirection(RiRD)

- a form of response blocking in which motor or vocal stereotypical behavior is redirected before it can occur. 


Negative Punishment

- there is something removed from the environment to cause a decrease in the future likelihood of the behavior

- Response cost, time-out


Positive Punishment

- a future decrease in behavior as a result of an added stimulus


Contingent exercise

- positive punishment practice that has someone do aversive exercises contingent upon the problem behavior to reduce its occurrence in the future


Punishment interventions are often overused because they often act as "negative reinforcement" for the interventionist, thus increasing the interventionists behavior of implementint punishment-based interventions. 


Response blocking is a form of positive punishment as it adds something(a block) to the environment to decrease the future occurrence of the target behavior #punishment #decreaseBX


Contingent Obervation Procedure #SitAndWatch

- no interaction with kid but just can still observe the environment


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