
Reinforcer assessement measures the engagement with each stimulus.

Punisher assessments do not measure the engagement with each stimulus as that would not be safe for a client and is highly unethical

BCBA must assess for reinforcers and punishers to determine their effectiveness on behavior and to individualize them to the client.



Punishers are transitory(not permanent). 

Generalized unconditioned punisher/Generalized unconditioned reinforcer : is not a real term. 이런말은 있을수가없음.

Unconditioned reinforcers: food, activity, water, shelter, warmth, sleep, sex

- is due our phylogeny(biologi/genetics)

Generalized conditioned punisher:

-verbal reprimands, response cost, etc.

- can be used to punish a variety of behaviors

- will functions as punishment under most conditions.

- are free from control of specific motivation operations.

Unconditioned punisher 

- establishing a new unconditioned punisher is not possible. we cannot establish a new unconditioned punisher.

- it causes a biological response(pain)

Conditioned punisher

- A stimulus change that decreases the future frequendy of behavior because of previous pairing with other punishers.

- Ex, reprimanda, contingent exercise, overcorrection procedures,time out procedures, removal of preferred item, etc.

- acquires the capability to function as a punisher through simulus-stimulus pairing with one or more unconditioned or conditioned puhisher

- the effectiveness of conditioned punishment will decrease if it is repeatedly presented without the punishers with which is initially paired.


Conditioned reinforcer

- a stimulus change that increases the future frequendy of behavior because of previous pairing withe other reinforcers (already established or unconditioned reinforcer)

- examples : money, praise, stickers, gifts,etc. 

- is due to our ontogeny(#learned)


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