

- is the stimulus that signals the availability of reinforcement (discriminates the condition in which reinforcement is available)


-is what alters the value of the reinforcement that is available- i.e. how much you #desire that reinforcement.

- changes the value of reinforcement

- alter the effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event as a reinforcer, and alter the current frequency of all behavior that has been reinforced by that stimulus, object, or event.
- Have both behavior-altering effects and value-altering effects.

- they are dynamic and have the potential to change in any given moment #InTheMOment


Both UMOs and CMOs alter the momentary frequency of all behavior that has been reinforced by those other events.

Value-altering effect

- when the effectiveness of a reinforcing stimulus(#consequence), is changed to either be more or less effective based on the surrounding situations, or the result of an MO

  • Establinshing Operation(EO): Evocative 행동이 일어나게 하는 원인(상태)

- is a type of MO increases the current effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event as reinforcement or punishment

Evicative effect : the increase in the frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus/event. EO로 인해 행동이 증가 상태

  • Abolishing Operation(AO) : Abative 행동을 감소시키는 원인(상태)

- reduces the value of a consequence(reinforcer)

- it is goinging to cause the consequence less valuable/desirable and less likely to cause you to engage in particular behavior(#abates bx)

Abative effect : the decrease in the current frequency of behaivor that has been reinforced by some stimulus or event.(행동이 감소 하는 현상)

Behavior-altering effect

- affect the current behaviors that has been reinforced by some stimulus or event

- it concerns the short-term effects of the changes on the behavior)


Function-altering effects

- change the occurrence of future behaviors that has been reinforced by some stimulus or event

- occurs when there is a relatively permanent change in an individual's repertoire within their MOs, stimulus, and response relations, caused by consequence, reinforcement, punishment, extinction, or recovry from punishment procedure. 

- it concers long-term effects rather than current



- change in the value of an event resulting from a learning history.

- is a previouly motivationally neutral stimulus that becomes more or less reinforcing due to its relation to another MO, reinforer, or punisher

- alter the momentary frequency of behavior and the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus based an a learning history

- CMO's must be learned in the natural environment and are not instinctual. UMO relay on instinct of deprivation or satiation.

  • CMO-R(reflexive)

- an MO which undergoes a value-altering effect resulting from preceding a situation that is worsening or improving.

- example, flash flood alert, seeing ex-boy friend's car in the parking lot

  • CMO-T

- an MO which undergoes a value -altering effect transferred from the reinforcing effectiveness of another stimulus.

- example, Jennifer just got her faviorite bubble tea. Jennifer is unable to drink the bubble tea because the lid is glued shut. Jennifer sees a straw and pokes a hole in the lid

- example, condom

  • COM-S

- a MO which undergoes  a value -altering effect resulting from being paired with another MO

- example, empty glass

  • CMOs alter

- the momentary frequency of behavior and the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus based on learning history.


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