
- the verbal operant where a person asks/requests something  they want- this can be expressed through any verbal form of communication; talking, signing, picture system, aac devices, etc.
- when you're assessing the child repertoire, you're looking at their ability to request for needs/wants #GiveMeWhatIWant

- any indication of a want or need through a mode of verbal communication

- an impure mand involves a verbal stimulus delivered by another person that precedes the manding behavior. e.g., Jeniffer asks, "What do you want(verbal SD)", and Caleb replies, "cookie" -> impure mand

- Pure mand does not have any berval stimulus moderating its occurrence. ex), I want one cookie, then mom gives one cookie.

- a type of verbal operant in which a speaker asks for what she needs or wants

- Skinner pointed out that a mand resuts is the delivery of a specific reinforcer, directly benefitiing the speaker.

- from the first day a child is born, they cry. Although as a more complex verbal repertoire is developed, they begin pointing and babbling

- is a verbal operant where the speaker labels things in the environment, they occur a non-verbal stimulus is presented which is the SD for the response desired to obtain generalized conditioned reinforcement #labeling

- a type of verbal operant in which a speakers describes what she sees, smells, hears, feels, or tastes.

- the sd should have control over the respondse with a tact

- can be any #verbal response-communication does NOT have to be vocal- all communication is VERBAL- this can include gesturing, signing, writing, using augmentative devices, or picture system


Intraverbal #conversation #Q&A

- the verbal operant in which the speaker differentially responds to other people.

- there is no point-to-point correspondence and can have formal similarity but its not required

- when assessing the intraverbal reportoire, you see the level of control by the verbal stimuli presented, like the question. 

- they are typically the most complex verbal operant to learn, they have prerequisites of the client mastering manding and tacting.

- it is always followed by generalized conditioned reinforcement

- Early inteverbal usually involve fill-in-the blacks with songs, games, fun activities



- the verbal operant where an individual repeats what another person says with point-to-point correspondence and formal similarity. 

- the verbal simulus and the response match exactly. 

- this verbal operant is a precursor to other verbal operants and is essentioal in the verbal repertoire #BasicOfVerbalBx

- it is a precursor to other verbal operants and are essential in the verbal repertoire. 


Motor imitations

- are similar to echoics in that they have point-to-point correspondence and formal similarity-acquiring sign language is imitating motor movements to communicate with another person.


Listener responding

- the type of verbal operant in which a listener responds to a speaker.

example) asks to turn on AC -> Caleb responds by turning on the A/C



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