- is used to measure the strength, intensity, or force of a response in or within a response class.
- is used when we want to response at/above or below the strength, intensity or force of a behavior.
- can be used when the outcomes of the behavior are contingent on responses within a range.
- Likert type scale reporesents a measure of magnitude because the doctor is taking the subjective reponse and creating an objective measure within a range of responses to evaluate the level of pain.
- example, the measure of Jackie's snoring volume
Example of when the topography of the behavior changes during shaping : #Shaping across topographies
When you're teaching a baby to hold a bottle, you reinforce them grabbing the bottle, then once that's mastered you reinforce them holding the bottle with one hand, and then once that's mastered you reinforce them holding it with 2 hands
Example of when the topography of the behavior remaings constant:#shaping within topographies
: This is when we reinforce the successive approximatons of a response that look the same as the client masters each step. For example, when you're teaching a child to lengthen the time of their hand washing behavior, you reinforce the behavior for different increasing time intervals until they reach the mastery criterion.
Topography of behavior
- identifies instances of the target behavior by the shape or form of the behavior.
- this is used when the form(the way the bx loos/presents) is critical, it needs to appear a certain way to be valid for measurement #shape #formofbx #howitlooks
- Selecting the topography of the behavior is not a guideline of shaping, does not look the same during each successive approximation. the successive approximations look closer to the terminal behavior as the individual progresses.
Topography-based definition
- identify instances of the target behavior according to the shape or form of the behavior.
- This should be used when there is no direct, reliable, or easy access to the functional outcome of the target bx, and/or cannot rely on the function of the bx because each instance does not produce the relevant outcome in the natural environment or the outcome might be produced by other events.
Definitional measures of behavior are not stand alone measures of behavior. First, use a definitional measure then use a derivative measure to represent the occurrence of the response class.
- Definitional measures of behaivor are not stand alone measures of behavior. Topography and magnitude are a parameter for defining and validating the occurrence of a response class. First, measure the occurrence of the target behavior(i.e. response class), then measure the response(i.e. count, rate, duration, latency, IRT, percentage, and trials-to-criterion)