Shaping across topographies
- is when the topography of the behavior changes during shaping.
- When we reinforce the successive approximations of a response that look different as the client masters each step.
- For example, when you're teaching a baby to hold a bottle, you reinforce them grabbing the bottle, then once that's mastered you reinforce them holding the bottle with one hand, and then once that's mastered you reinfore them holding it with 2 hands.
Shaping within topographies
- is when another measurable dimension of behavior is changed/when the topography of behavior remains constant. when we reinforce the successive approximations of a response that look the same as the client masters each step.
- when we reinforce the successive approximations of the duration of the same response to increase the time spent engaged in the behavior. If the topography of the behavior isn't changing, this is shping WITHIN topographies.
- For example, when you're teaching a child to lengthen the time of their hand washing behavior, you reinforce the behavior for different increasing time intervals until they reach the mastery criterion.
Successive approximations
- are what we use in a shaping procedure, they are any behavior that is similar to a target behavior, these behaviors are a part of a series that are differentially reinforced toward the end goal of producing the target behavior.
- When the sequence of new response classes develops during the shaping process as a product of differential reinforcement
- Differential reinforcement is shaping, reinforcing the target behavior you want to see and then fading out the schedule of reinforcement to natural conditions.
- Response differentiation is a behavior change that is produced by differential reinforcement, you are develiping a contingency for reinforcement of a particular type of response vs another(maladaptive) response.
- Shaping teaches novel behaviors #shapenewbx
- Shaping across response topographies is a type of shaping method. #shaperesponse.
- Chaning criterion during shaping results in new reponse classes due to the different desired behaviors to achieve mastery of each successive criterion.
- Clicker training is used to shape behavior, it pairs a sound with a reinforcer to establish the clicker sound as a conditioned reinforcer when a desired behavior exhibited.
- Changing the response requirements is to shaping as chaning the antecedent stimuli is to fading.
- Terminal behavior is when the behavior reaches the end goal of the performance you previously determined according to certain criteira. #endgoal
- When the terminal behavior has been achieved, reinforcement should continue to maintain the response (so that the behavior continues to occur)
'심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림' 카테고리의 다른 글
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