

  • Backward chaining occurs when you teach a behavior chain starting with the last step of the chain. Every other behavior in the chain would be prompted/taught and the client will come into contact with the terminal reinforcer from the chain each trial.
  • Backwards chanining with leaps ahead has some steps that get skipped because the learner already knows/mastered those steps. It can decrease training time when learning the skill.
  • Forward chaining occurs when the learner cannot complete any of the steps in chain, so they are taught the first step first and then the BCBA helps with the rest and as each step in the chain is mastered indepedently, a step gets added until they are able to do the whole chain independently. Advantage of using forward chaning is easy to implement, easy to use in classroom setting, the chaning procedure can be link smaller chains to larger ones.
  • Total task chaining occurs when all the steps in a chain are taught to the client to successful complete the task.
  • The single opportunitiy method assesses the ability to perform each behavior in the TA in the right order and ends the assessement and chain if the client is unable to perform a step. It is more conservative method. The instructor should stop at the first step that the client cannot complete independently.
  • The multiple opportunity method assesses the level of mastery across all the behaviors in the TA. The client will be completing the steps on their own when assessed by the instructor. The client will be completing the steps on their own when assessd by the instructor. It takes longer to complete, but it increases the chances that learning will occur.
  • Stimulus variation, response variation, and schedule of reinforcement effect the performance of a behavior chain.
  • Response variation is caused by varing stimuli
  • When stimulus variation is a factor of performance when using a behavior chain it is important to introduce all variations of the SD.
  • The longer the behavior chain, the more time it will take for a learn to learn it.


Purpose of creating and confirming a task analysis

  • Task analysis is needed to implement the chaining procedure
  • Task analysis is sequence of steps that breaks down complex tasks.
  • Each step must be teachable, easily attained, observable. 
  • to create a task analysis you can use a few different methods: you can perform the task yourself and see the sequence of steps you needed to complete it, consult with a expert of person that is highly knowledgeable in the particular task, and you can observe a competent individual/expert performing the task and observe the sequence they use. 
  • More complex behaviors can be broken down into smaller steps or multiple chains of behavior.
  • It determines the sequence the behaviors that is crucial and acceptable need to be ordered in to complete the task efficiently.
  • For example, teaching a TikTok dance routine would have a set of dance moves that go in a particular order to complete the whole routine. 


chaining step 

  • assess the baseline level of the mastered steps.
  • create and confirm
  • decide the behavior chain procedure

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