
Sd or discriminative stimulus

  • is the antecedent stimulus that is present when a behavior is reinforced/signals when reinforcement is available for a particular response. 
  • The SD is the discrminative stimulus that signals the availability of reinforcement for a particular consequence. It is a stimuluts in which some responses have been reinforced and in the absence of which the same type of responses have occurred and no been reinforced in the past. For instance, the notification sound of your phone signals that there is a text message and lets you know there is a message for you to read.  When there is no notification sound dinging, you haven't gotten any messages. You've been trained to response to the sound of the phone dinging. #SD #IsReinforcement available?
  • A simple discrimination only involves a single discriminative stimulus that shows when there is reinforcement available.



  • S-delta is any antecedent stimulus that is present when the behavior/target response is not reinforced. This does not serve as a signal for us to respond. We know that this simulus is not going to give us the effect we want. When you see a baseball you do not think that it is time to eat, or that it is food, we learned that baseball is not a food. 
  • Extinction is the procedure used to establish an S-delta which is a stimulus, in the presence of which, a particular operant is not reinforced. It sets an occasion for a decrease in operant responses. Extinction is the procedure we use to withdraw/remove reinforcement for a previously reinforced response to reduce or eliminate it from occurring in the future.
  • S-delta is when the response is trained not to occur in a particular situation.


Conditional discrimination

  • is established by REINFORCING the discriminated response ONLY if an additional particular stimuli is also present. Urinating in the women's restroom, stopping at a red traffic light, and cussing during coversation in front of your friends all require multiple SDs
  • A conditional discrimination is established by REINFORCING the discriminated response ONLY if an additional particular stimuli is also present. EX, whispering in class when the "quite" light is on.
  • A conditional discrimination is a contingency in which the response dependent on multiple discriminative stimuli.
  • Matching-to-sample, oddity matching, and arbitrary matching are all procedures used to estblish conditional discrimination.
  • Conditional discriminations involve learning under what conditions it is okay to respond. For example, learning when it is acceptable to make out with your boy friend or under what conditions it is appropriate to slap anthoer guy's butt(football game vs. dinner with friends)
  • A contitional discrimination is a contingency with multiple discriminative stimuli.(conditional stimuli+Antecedent stimulus -> response -> consequence)


Stimulus discrimination training = Discrimination Training.

  • the process of reinforcing behavior only when a specific antecedent SD is present. A specific respose is more likely to occur in the future when an SD is present but is less likely to occur when an S-delta is present. There is one behavior but multiple antecedent stimuli conditions. Remember the trick of adding(multiple) before stimulus discrimination-you're discriminating between multiple stimuli for response.
  • requires one behavior and two different antecedent stimulus conditions.


  • is when you are presented with a sample stimulus and told to match another secondary comparison SD to that sample, followed by a reinforcer to increase the likelihood of the response to occur in the future. This creates conditional discriminations.
  • Matching-to-sample procedures teach conditional discriminations by reinforcing responses that match the comparison stimulus to the sample stimulus.
  • Vocal insturctions presented during matching-to-sample procedures, such as "where is the..", "Match the.." or "Hand me the.."
  • It is often distracting from the stimuli, increase difficulty of the task as they are required to process multiple modes of instruction, and shouldn't be used with early learners.
  • During matching-to-sample procedures, each sample stimulus should be presented with multiple comparison stimuli to foster conditional discriminations.
  • The sample stimulus is presented first during a match-to-sample procedure, the secondary comparion stimulus is presented last #MTS



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