Continuous measurement recording procedures
- latency recording, IRT recording, duration recording,
- measure the occurrence of all instances of a target behavior during the observation period(i.e, duration, event recording, timing, etc)
- is most appropriate for using that behaviors with a discrete beginning and ending.
- measures the occurrence of #DiscontinuousBx, thoes that are #discrete and #freeoperant. #clearbeginningandend (행동의 시작과 끝이 명확할때)
- is not appropriate use this for with behaviors that occur at the high rates. They maybe difficult to discern a clear beginning and end of one instance to another.
- we use this with high rate behaviors and behaviors that don't have a clear beginning and end such as tantrum episodes(???? 다시 확인을 해야할듯)
Discontinuous measurement procedures.#timesampling
- interval recording
- kitchen timer, alarm on handheld watch, a tape recording with a sound indicating the end of an interval.(digital tally counter isn't appropriate)
- they measure the occurrence or non-occurrence of target behaviors during observation period.
- records for continuous behaviors, thoes that occur at high rates and have no clear beginning and end. they do not requre constant attdending by the observer(행동의 시작과 끝이 명확하지 않을때)
Partial-interval time sampling : overestimate
- whether a behavior occurs at ANY POINT during the specified interval.
- You use this for behavior you want to DECREASE.
- It helps when you need to measure multiple behaviors at the same time and when you're able to observe the behavior through the whole interval.
Whole interval time sampling: : underestimate
- whether a behavior occurs during the whole interval from start to finish.
- It is a time sampling method which looks at behaviors that occur at high rates and non-discrete behaviors.
- it is typically recommended to use for target behaviors you are trying to INCREASE.
Momentary time samping : involved a very brief observation at the end of the interval.
Event recording(#frequency or #count of a behavior)
- high frequency behaviors and episodes are not appropriate for use with event recording, it would not be able to be recorded as reliably and accurately.
- infrequent self injurious headbanging is the most appropriate behavior in this case.
- wrist counter, tally marks, digital tally counter are good.
- event recording data is a continuous measurement procedure
- timing and event recording
- count/time
Planned Activity check(or PLACHECK)
- involves a brief observation at the end of each interval for groups(momentary time sampling for group #InThatMoment
Percentage of Opportunities to Respond
- when the target response is bound by opportunities to respond, frequency measures should be converted
- when there is a boundary of opportunities to respond, we should immediately think #percentage which takes the number of times a response occurs over the total opportunities to respond.
- is best used with high rate behaviors, those that occur too much to count, like hand flapping, stimming, long lasting behaviors and #continuousBX.
- We use duration for behaviors that don't have a clear beginning and end. We would use duration to measure how long Wendy napped in the afternoon.
'심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림' 카테고리의 다른 글
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