  • When looking at the FA results, if a higher rate/amount of maladaltive bx were observed during a certain condition than any other condition, it is likely to be the determinig condition of the fucntion of the problem. bx. 


  • Analog assessments involve arranging the antecedents and consequences of a person's natural environment in order to observe their separate effects on problem bx. Consists of 4 conditions: alone, contingent attention, contingent escape, and cotrol; it also can include a tangible condition. This is the #GOLD standard in the assessments process 
  • The control condition in a functional analysis is the condition in which a client is in a room which free access to reinforcing items/activities and is given attention itermittently (also know as the "play" condition)
  • The escape condition in an FA uses negative reinforcement, it removes the demands that were non-preferred/#aversive. #escape #remove #negativereinforcement
  • The attention condition of an FA uses positive reinforcement, it involves the addition of attention in the environment.
  • The alone condition in a functional analysis involves putting the client alone in a room without access to reinforcing activities, demands, or social interactions. High maladaptive bx during this condition could indicate that automatic reinforcement is the function of the bx.


  • A functional analysis(FA) is a type of FBA. An FBA is a systematic assessment method for obtaining information about the fucntions a problem bx serves for a person. The FBA results are used to guide planning for interventions to decreasing the problem bx and increasing appropriate bx. Functional analyses(FA) involve arranging the antecedents and consequences of a person's natural environment in order to obser their separate effects on problem bx. 



  • A functional analysis is a FBA method that allows practitioners to confirm hypotheses that correlates the functional relations between environmental events and behaviors. A functional analysis involves observing behavior repeatedly under well-defined test and experimental control conditions, which are characterized by manipulating antecedents and consequences to determine their effect on behavior(correlation between IV and DV). 


  • If the problem bx is higher is the Play condition than any other condition, the BCBA should consider conducting another FA to find the function of the bx. This indicates that there maybe a function of automatic reinforement, however this needs to additional assessment to be confirmed. It's also known as the control condition-when the client is in a reoom with free access to reinforcing items/activities, no demands, and intermittent attendtion.


  • The tangible condition is used when the potential function of the bx is access, if the individual's behavior is maintained by the contingent access to tangibles 


  • During an FA/experimental analysis, if the client is asked to engage in a non-preferred task demand to establish an MO for getting out of that task, it tells us we're looking at the contingent #escape condition. The task is #aversive, so the client ways to #gtfo of there.


  • There are two types of functional analysis which consist of Extened Functional Analysis and Brief Functional Analysis. (only 1 exposure to each condition followed by a treatment probe)
  • BCBAs use direct assessments and indirect assessments when assessing the client's behavior.


  • Direct observation involoves observing behaviors in the natural environment ot provide information about what happens immediately before, during, and immediately after a behavior to help identify potential target bx. 
  • Intervews are used to gather information from stakeholders about potential targe bx using communication.
  • Checklist is an indirect method of assessment, a Likert scale is an example of a checklist used to prvide ratinns that try to match qualities/quantities of behaviors to specified statments.
  • Indirect assessment methods include: interview, surveys and questionnaires.


  • Assessments and interventions should always be individualized for each client that the BCBA assesses.


  • A functional analysis is an assessment that involves observing behaivor repeatedly under well-defined test and experimental control conditions, which are characterized by manipulating actecedents and consequences to determine their effect on behavior(correlation between IV and DV). Seeks to demonstrate a functional relationship between probelm bx and the environment. 


  • Direct assessment methods include: ABC data, narrative data, and direct observation. They are the most reliable data collection measure. Direct observation is the most preferred when identifying potential target bx as it records data on the bx as it occurs providing a description using antecedents, behavioral definitions and consequences
  • Receiving hugs and kisses immediatey following a lengthy tantrum is attention given by someone else. Behavior maintained by positive reinforcement(social positive/attention) given immediately following a tantrum can positively reinforce problem behavior.


  • Social positivie reinforcement(or problem bx maintained by positive reinforcement) typically occurs in situations in which attention is otherwise infrequent. This could be due to a weak repertoire to gain attention in appropriate ways or due to individuals in the environment being typically otherwise occupied. 


  • Social Negative Reinforcement or escape are behaviors that are learned as a result of their effectiveness in termination or postponing aversive events.


  • Attention, dog's whining is a means to gain her mother's attention in the form of petting, hugs, or even eye contact


  • Behavors maintained by automatic reinforcement are behavior that directly produce their own reinforcement include thumb sucking, shaking your knee, and rocking in a rocking chair.


  • Behaviors that result in access to a preferred item, increases the chance that the behavior will occur in the future to gain access to the item. When providing an item and a problem behavior temporarily stops, it is more probable that the behavior will occur again to gain acess to the tiem. This is known as tangible.


  • Putting calamine lotion on posion ivy is a behavior maintained by Automatic Negative Reinforcement because it is a MO that makes the termination of the itch or aversive stimulation reinforcing. Behavior(s) maintained by automatic negative reinforcement occur when there is the presentation of aversive stimulation.
  • The BCaBA or BCBA, should consider the skills and bx that are within the repertoire when selecting interventions to affect behavior change. A person's behavioral repertoire is all the things they're capable of doing at any given moment or have emitted in the past. 


  • When planning to program replacement behaviors, behavior analysts should consider how they can "build" upon the client's current repertoire- what skills they already know or can do. They should take into account  the client's baseline skill level, the bx that have functional equivalence with the target problem bx, and what is most important for the client's progress. Test scores, reinforcers, and punishers are not yet factors to consider during this part of planning. #repertoire #buildoncurrentskills #functionallyequivalent. 


  • When planning interventions, BCBAs should consider skills that are ALREADY IN the client's current repertorie-skills they already know or demonstrate whenever possible. This allows for the client to easily access reinforcement and more efficient learning.


  • It is important to collect baseline level data when selecting an intervention based on a client's current repertoire. Behavior analysts assess the baseline data to build upon the current repertoire of skills and compare performance during the intervention phases to the baseline level to evalutate the effectiveness of the treatment #baseline #repertoire.


  • The intervention commonly used with replacement bx is differential reinforcement(i.e. DRA, DRO, DRI, DRL, DRD) #repertoire #differentialreinforcement #replasementbx


  • Behavioral cusps are behaviors that significantly expand a client's repertoire to new settings, contingencies and stimulus controls. Learning how to read is a behavior cusp that gains access to a whole set of new learning opportunities. Pivotal behaviors are behaviors are behaviors that lead the learner to new untrained behaviors or novel applications of the bx(e.g., learning to mand for items can lead the learner to learn to mand for information)


  • Maladaptive bx, safety, and social significance are all essesntial factors to cinsider when planning interventions as they have more potential to influence(benefit or harm) the client's progress. BCBAs focus on building upon the client's current repertoire and must consider what is most important for the client's progress, their baseline skill level, and functional equivalence. 

Social validity

  • Interventions should always be socially significant, socially valid for the client and individualized for each client needs and functions of bx. Social validity refers to the meaningfulness of the intervention as a beneficial change in the client's life. It does not apply to every skill a person can demonstrate, only those that are relevant to socially-mediated bx. The question to ask here is, does thsi change the client's life in positive and meaningful way?


  • Interventions should always be socially significant and individualized for each client needs and functions of bx. The target bx and interventions need to be relevant in obtaining or improving interactions in a client's life. Teaching someone who cannot hear to listen to music is irrelenvant as they do not have the ability to engage in the bx, it is not socally significant. 


  • When selecting interventions, the intervention must be APPROPRIATE for the client and accepted by stakeholders. Appropriateness refers to the social significance and validity of an intervention


  • Washing hands is an essential, socailly valid skill for the adult client to maintain their health, well-being, and safety- the effects of the teaching the bx is socially important when using restrooms (public and private) eating/handling food, and when the client's hands get dirty.


  • When intervening upon SIB, safety is a key concern which makes intrusive interventions socially valid options to use. We need to intervene upon SIB immiediately to reduce its occurrence and harmful effects. Social validity refers to the meaningfulness of the intervention as a beneficial change in the client's life-in this case it is necessary to use restrictive procedures to produce positive changes and reduce harm.


  • When implementing a tanturm behavior, if BCBA has decided to implement an intrusive intervention, it does not have socail validity, intrusive interventions should be avoided whenever possible. Reinforcement based interventions should be used to decrease tantrum bx before any more invasive interventions are considered. It is the BCBA's responsibility to use least restrictive procedures likely to be effective. Social validity refers to the meaningfulness of the intervention as a beneficial change in the client's life. 


  • Social interactions with peers and adults is not a consideration when selecting interventions based on social validity. Social validity refers to the meaningfulness of the intervention as a beneficial change in the client's life. This includes: the social significance of the goals, the social appropriateness of the interventions, and the social importance of the effects of the intervention. example, it is not socially valid to teach an adult client how to play with a child's toy. Generally, it is not socially acceptable for adults to play with childern's toys as they are designed for use by young children/ a lower developmental age range.


Behavioral cusps vs Pivotal behaviors

  • Behavioral cusps are behaviors that significantly expand a client's repertoire to new settings, contingencies and stimulus controls. Example, teaching a teenage client how to drive, teaching a client to imitate, teaching a client how to walk, read, and write. Teaching a client attending skills is NOT a behavioral cusps it is a povital behavior


  • Behavioral cusps take you on a journey to #AWholeNewWorld. Learning to type sentences on a computer leads you to a whole new set of contingencies and setting-you can learn to access the internet and go online shopping, watch videos, send emails, use search engines, etc. 


  • Pivotal behaviors are behaviors that lead the learner to new untrained behaviors or novel applications of the bx. So, teaching a child attending skills can lead the learner to novel bx such as scanning in a field and then discriminating between stimuli, etc.


  • Joint attention is a pivotal behavior, it allows for the learner to use this bx to learn how to use it in new contexts. So joint attention can lead the client to be able to play a game with another person and other new social interactions. 


  • Teaching a client how to ask questions, leads to client to apply that same skill to have converstaions- this is a povital behavior. (e.g., learning to mand for items can lead the learner to learn to mand for information)


  • Untrained behaviors is to pivotal behaviors as to new contingencies is to behavior cusps


  • When conducting behavioral interventions we look at "target behaviors", we narrow down the focus of them when doing preliminary assessments to make an informed decision on their function. This helps us plan which measures to use when intervening on the target bx. Think about it like archery practice, you aim to hit the bullseye(center point) as your "target" which is a small area(narrow range)


  • The preliminary assessment should include information from the client and the stakeholders in their life(parents, caretakers, relatives with whom they make significant direct contact with often). Other people such as friends and teachers are not relevant at this stage in the process yet.


  • When conducting indirect assessments, the BCBA should look at client's behaviors-whether the bx are dangerous/safety risks, impeding client development/learning, and whether the developmenet level matches those of their typically developing peers. The BCBA should not be considering whether the client poses the effort to comply- this is not relevant, nor is it necessary.


  • BCBAs need to make hypotheses on the function of bx- when planning, preliminary measure such as indirect assessments(interviews, checklists, scales) must be conducted.


  • Preliminary assessment=indirect assessment(intervews, checklists, and scales)/ review of documents -> ITP


  • In the preliminary interview with the client/stakeholders of client, it is important to ask "what" and "when" questions- we just want to know what happened and when it happened that led them to seek out ABA services. This stage involves gathering information, not making any decisions or inferences - that comes later. 


  • BCBAs and BCaBAs must pose the question of whether there is a need for ABA Intervention during the preliminary phase. 


  • After ruling out medical factors, an indirect assessment should be conducted in the preliminary stage of treatement planning, followed by direct measures. 


  • There must be a review of documents/records and indirect assessments conducted before writing a treatment plan to properly begin planning interventions. The behavior analyst cannot make any decisions before collecting the information and adata necessary to find out if ABA services are necessary.


  • Observations and tests are Direct assessments, they occur after the preliminary assessment measures to hypothesize the function of behavior have been conducted.
  • All records and data should be reviewed prior to the ONSET of a case. 
  • Whenever you start a new case or a transition of cases, the BCBA should always review records and data from the client's history from all relevant sources(i.e. past ABA services, school records, medical history, notes, interviews, assessments, etc)
  • Medical causes/biological reasons always should be ruled out before an intervention can be implemented. Sometimes, a medical condition can be causing maladaptive behaviors to arise and treating them can cause a reduction in the behaviors. Other times, if we can rule them out, wecan determine that the behaviors have behavioral origin.
  • Medical/biological factors can present as antecedent and establishing operations that can change the value of behavior change procedures(reinforcement/punishment). For example, if a child is sick with a stomach virus and the BCBA uses edible reinforcers to reinforce their bx, they will not be effective in this case, as the child may not want to effective in this case, as the child may not want to eat due to the upset stomach #alwayscheckmedicalfirst.
  • Whenever you get a referral, you must request a release of information and files/records from the previous ABA company/providers which should go to the BCBA first, Anna would review the information after the BCBA.
  • Always rule out medical conditions/biological factors first with the referral to a Medical Physician/clinician. Stay within your scope of practice and refer to experts in the medical field for anything that could be of medical nature.
  • Reviewing records and data helps identify problem bx, any medical conditions, and interventions that were used in the pase bothe successful and unsuccessful. The purpose of this is to inform the BCBA for decisions about problem bx using past information, not to rule out past interventions.
  • Behavior analysts do not fabricate data, falsify results, or report misleading results.
  • When getting informed consent for research, you must use understandable language.
  • If you discover an error in your published research you should take steps to correct such errors.
  • You must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations and all professional standards governing the conduct of research when conducting research.
  • a behavior analyst can independently conduct research when they have already successfully conducted research under a supervisor in a defined relationship.
  • When conducting research you must get approval by an indepedent, formal research review board, comply with requirements for both intervention and research involovement by client participants, do so with due concerns for the dignity and welfare of the participants.  
  • In order to avoid plagiarism, you should cite the work of others and avoid presenting portions or elements of others' work or data as your own. 
  • When your clinical and research needs conflict, you should prioritize the welfate of the client.
  • When conducting research you should acknowledge the contirbutions of others by listing them as co-authors OR footnoting their contirbutions.
  • In your research, you must disguise all confidential client information when possible.

Any time you make a public statement, you must minimize risks, maximize benefits, protect confidentiality for your clients', trainees' and supervisee'.


If using past clients' testimonials for advertising purposes you should identify whether the testimonials were solicited or not, ensure they comply with all confidentiality laws, regulations, and policies, and ensure they are aware of how and where the testimonial will be used. 


You must not solicit or use Current clients' testimonials for advertising purposes. 


When posting client-related content on your professional social media platforms or website you must first goet informed consent and include all necessary disclaimers.

When making a public statement you must ensure that the statement is truthful in nature, based on current research, based on behavioral concepts, and not exaggerated or misleading.

Posting client-related contect on social medais platforms is allowed on professional account


When a behavior analyst provides non-behaviroal services, they Most clearly distinguish these services from their behavioral services.


Behavior analysts should only accept supervisees that align with their supervisory competence.


BCBAs' supervisory volume refers to the number of supervisees that you can supervise effectively. When determining your supervisory volume, you shoud consider your capacities, personal threshold, and abilities.


As a supervisor you are accountable for your, your supervisees' and your trainees' practices.


As a BCBA you should, your supervision procedures must comply with regulations, policies, requirements. Your supervision procedures must focus on positive reinforcement, be individualized for each supervisee or trainee and their circumstances, and be evidence based. 


To improve your programs, you should use feedback from others and client outcomes.


When storing supervision documentation, you must adhere to confidentiality rules.


When terminating supervision you are responsible for planning a transition that minimizes negative impacts for everyone involved.


As a BCBA you should, your supervision procedures must focus on positive reinforcement, be individualized for each supervisee or trainee and their circumstances, and be evidence based. 


You are responsible for creating, updating, storing, and disposing of documentation related to your supervisees/trainees and must store documentation for minimum of 7 years. 



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