- When looking at the FA results, if a higher rate/amount of maladaltive bx were observed during a certain condition than any other condition, it is likely to be the determinig condition of the fucntion of the problem. bx.
- Analog assessments involve arranging the antecedents and consequences of a person's natural environment in order to observe their separate effects on problem bx. Consists of 4 conditions: alone, contingent attention, contingent escape, and cotrol; it also can include a tangible condition. This is the #GOLD standard in the assessments process
- The control condition in a functional analysis is the condition in which a client is in a room which free access to reinforcing items/activities and is given attention itermittently (also know as the "play" condition)
- The escape condition in an FA uses negative reinforcement, it removes the demands that were non-preferred/#aversive. #escape #remove #negativereinforcement
- The attention condition of an FA uses positive reinforcement, it involves the addition of attention in the environment.
- The alone condition in a functional analysis involves putting the client alone in a room without access to reinforcing activities, demands, or social interactions. High maladaptive bx during this condition could indicate that automatic reinforcement is the function of the bx.
- A functional analysis(FA) is a type of FBA. An FBA is a systematic assessment method for obtaining information about the fucntions a problem bx serves for a person. The FBA results are used to guide planning for interventions to decreasing the problem bx and increasing appropriate bx. Functional analyses(FA) involve arranging the antecedents and consequences of a person's natural environment in order to obser their separate effects on problem bx.
- A functional analysis is a FBA method that allows practitioners to confirm hypotheses that correlates the functional relations between environmental events and behaviors. A functional analysis involves observing behavior repeatedly under well-defined test and experimental control conditions, which are characterized by manipulating antecedents and consequences to determine their effect on behavior(correlation between IV and DV).
- If the problem bx is higher is the Play condition than any other condition, the BCBA should consider conducting another FA to find the function of the bx. This indicates that there maybe a function of automatic reinforement, however this needs to additional assessment to be confirmed. It's also known as the control condition-when the client is in a reoom with free access to reinforcing items/activities, no demands, and intermittent attendtion.
- The tangible condition is used when the potential function of the bx is access, if the individual's behavior is maintained by the contingent access to tangibles
- During an FA/experimental analysis, if the client is asked to engage in a non-preferred task demand to establish an MO for getting out of that task, it tells us we're looking at the contingent #escape condition. The task is #aversive, so the client ways to #gtfo of there.
- There are two types of functional analysis which consist of Extened Functional Analysis and Brief Functional Analysis. (only 1 exposure to each condition followed by a treatment probe)
'심리학, 행동분석 공부 노트.. 끄적거림' 카테고리의 다른 글
G-1 Use positive and negative reinforcement procedures to strengthen behavior (0) | 2022.11.27 |
F-9 Interpret functional assessment data (0) | 2022.11.26 |
F-7 Conduct a descriptive assessment of problem behavior (0) | 2022.11.26 |
F-6 Describe the common functions of problem behavior (0) | 2022.11.26 |
F-4 Conduct assessments of relevant skill strengths and deficits. (0) | 2022.11.26 |