
MO란 무엇일까요? 한국말로 동기화조작이라고 나오는데, 번역하기가 참 애매한 말인거 같습니다. 

MO는 크게 가치(value) 대체 효과와 행동(behavior) 대체 효과가 있습니다. 

가치대체효과(Value-altering effect)는 어떤 사람의 요구가 증가(EO)하거나 감소(AO)하는데 중점을 두고

행동대체효과(Behavior-altering effect)는 어떤 사람의 행동이 증가(evocative) 하거나 감소(abative) 하는데 중점을 둡니다. 

더 자세한 내용은 위 비디오를 참고하세요.

영어이지만 쉽게 설명이 되어 있고, 자막도 있어서 충분히 이해하실수 있으실거라 생각이 됩니다.

특히 심리학을 공부하시는 분이나 ABA를 하는 치료사나 BCBA를 준비하시는 분이면 MO는 완벽히 이해를 하셔야 될거에요.

그 외에 다른 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 언제든지 문의해주세요. 


The evaluation of a behavior program is important because it determines if the program is being implemented correctly and if the goal is being met. 

A BCBA must be able to accurately interpret the data that is collected during the evaluation. They also need to understand why the evaluation process important to the intervention

A behavior analyst should have the in the moment mentality when observing, evaluating, and supervising. Graphing the data as soon as possible the behavior analyst will be able to determine the effectiveness of the intervention and any changes that need to be implemented.

As stated in #the code section 2.09 a behavior analyst must advocate for specific levels and appropriate amount of service that is going to be provided to the client during interventions to promote effectiveness and mastery of goals

A behavior analyst must actively and consistently seek evidence-based practices to ensure that the intervention is effective. A behavior analyst does this by reading researched based literature and collaborating with colleagues with expertise in intervention strategies.

A behavior analyst must be able to determine if the data was collected is accurate. The behavior analyst must take the data the was collected and compare it to the goals that were written to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention

Data is very important in the ABA field. Basically if there is no data the behavior or intervention it did not occur. The same goes to effectiveness of there is data then the BCBA will be able to determine how effectuve the intervention is. 

Increased skill acquisition, reduction in maladaptive behavior, and significant clinical outcomes are all characteristics of a successful behavior analytic program

A BCBA must be able to determine what type of experimental design for each intervention that is implemented.

When a behavior analyst is evaluated the effectiveness of treatment they must consider long-term and short-term benefits that the client is going to have not only for themselves but how the benefit will impact the community.

A behavior analyst must take into consideration that the client has the right to effective treatment as stated in #the code section 2.09. This is why the behavior analyst must evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention to ensure the client's rights are being met.

A behavior analyst must evaluate the intervention consistently and often in order to be able to determine the effectiveness of the treatment of intervention.


Antecedents come behavior the behavior and consequence come after! Ensure that the identified target behavior is associated with the insufficient performance of concern.

In performance diagnostics, behaviors are: the identified responses of the staff member that are associated with the insufficient performance. 

Performance diagnostics are used to figure out what the functions of insufficient staff performance may be so you can effectively intervene - much like we use functional assessment approaches to determine effective interventions for clients.

Performance diagnostics (AKA functional assessment approach)

Before BCBA can effectively use a finctional assessment approach to target staffs' insufficient work performance, you must: completely define the target behavior associated with the insufficient performance of concern, determine the common envrionmental antecedents and consequences that may affect the target behavior, identify what " insufficient performance" means.

Some antecedents to insufficient work performance may include: being asked to complete a procedure without sufficient training and support, receiving harsh criticism form a supervisor or coworker, being overwhelmed or overloaded with tasks. => Be aware of placing too many demands or demands that are too difficult/untrained. Also, remember the general 4:1 ratio of SR+(specific verbal praise) to constructive feedback(specific corrective request)

Common consequences to insufficient work performance may include: Staff tend to avoid or escape from tasks that result in harsh criticism or reprimands. Part of avoiding may include not asking for help or feeling helpless.


People don't want to work with people they don't like and your staff needs to know that you trust them. give them #respect by explaining to them what's going on, not showing up unannounced, and letting them know how they did as soon as possible.

Qualitative and quantitative data each give us unique insight into what's going on.

Designing and using effective performance reinforcing systems is important because the success of client's is highly dependent on the success of the staff. 

BCBA can and should use all necessary forms of data collection to monitor staff performance. There may include, but are not limited to:IOA, treatment integrity, permanent product.

In order to effectively monitor staffs' and clients' performance, you have to plan and implement all necessary data collection.

BCBAs must document any feedback given to supervisees in a timely manner(based on the PECC code 5.06b)



As a supervisor you should continue the training until proficiency is achieved. You do not have to continue training indefinitely BUT you should continue monitoring and supervising.

When training a staff member to conduct an intervention you should provide an UNAMIGUOUS(AKA precise) definition of the intervention procedure. ALthough you should observe the trainee complete the intervention procedure, you don't have to have anyone observe them at ALL time.. and having another TRAINEE observe them without supervision can actually be counteractive. 

After a staff memebr can competently perform an assessment or intervention precedure, you should continue intermittently monitoring and supervising them on the procedure. 

BCBA should only allow staff to independently conduct assessments when they have demonstrated proficiency in the procedure.

Before training staff memebrs on an intervention procedure you should create a precise, complete and unambiguous operational definition of the intervention.

How to competently perform an assessment: modeling the assessment process, providing written directions on how to conduct the assessment. 

It is crucial for a BCBA to remember when training staff to competently perform an assessment, BCBA must continue training until proficiency is achieved. 


Your supervisee may know how to break a goal into steps and self-manage their progress but, like, we're all human. And modeling prioritizing these crucial steps towards achieving goals is key.

Performance-based training includes demonstrating the skill for them and having them demonstrate it to show mastery. 

Competency-based training includes continuing training until the supervisee can demonstrate proficiency in the skill

Behavior goes where reinforcement flows. Reinforce the behavior and achievements to increase these desired behaviors

The goal you set for your supervisees should always set attainable/intentional goals, support your supervisee, and reinforce achievements and desired behavior. 

BCBAs should set reasonable, achievable, attainable goals lead to reinforcement, which leads to an increase in the behaviors. 

BCBA can use competency-based or performance-based training to assess your supervisee's skillset. The only difference is that competency-based training CONTINUES until proficiency, mastery, expertise is demonstrated. 


When a behavior analyst provided feedback to a supervisee they should follow this protocol:

1. Start with a statement that is positive

2. identify the skills the supervisee performed correctly. 

3. identify the skills the supervisee performed incorrectly.

4. describe how to change or improve upon the performance issues.

5. Allow the supervisee to ask questions.

6. Explain what should be done next to the supervisee.

7. End feedback with a positive and supportive statement


A behavior analyst should not only take clients beyond their scope of competence they should also not take supervisee out of their scope of competence. 

A BCBA provides services to clients and their supervisees they need to make sure they do not take on more than they can handle because it could make the supervision that is provided less effective. 

When a BCBA is part of their job to make sure that their staff in trained in all aspects of the job in order to perform their job at the best of their ability. If the staff does not have the proper skill set the BCBA must provide training of the skills needed.

When a BCBA is implementing a procedure that a change in behavior is to occur they must think about how the behavior change will be used, supported by stakeholders and the change will last

A behavior analyst should begin supervision at the start of every case to ensure that supervisees are trained and are provided feedback to correct deficiencies.

Behavior change agents are considered to be the people that are implementing the behavior change programs. They are also the people that will provide a lasting change within the client's environment.

As a behavior analyst it is important that the they take cases that they can consistently and actively provide supervision to. If the behavior analyst can not perform thoes duties from the start it is advised that they do not take the case.

A step involved in evidence-based staff supervision

  • continuously evaluating staff performance
  • correcting a supervisee deficiencies immediately
  • Identifying staff behaviors and performance
  • provides feedback



  • When the RBT is struggling to balance data collection and providing reinforment ont the programmed schedule: Redesigning the program or providing additional support to better fit the needs of the RBT, Conducting competency-based training to ensure staff competency, Conducting treatment integrity to better understand the needs of the RBT and coningencies governing their behavior.
  • If a BCBA does not have time to provide consistent and effective supervision, he/she should postpone the intervention/case, should not accept case. 
  • Punishment interventions are often overused because they often act as negative reinforcement for interventionist, thus increasing the intervenrionists behavior of implementing punishment-based interventions. 
  • BST(behavior skill training) involves four critical components: instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback
  • Instruction:Providing a vocal and written description of the skill.
  • Modeling: demonstrating the skill through video and/or face-to-face.
  • Rehearsal: Giving the trainee an opportunity to practice the skill in a training setting and providing immediate, constructive feedback
  • Providing Feedback: Observing the skill in the clinical setting, providing immediate, constructive feedback, and repeating necessary steps until established mastery is met in the clinical setting. 
  • Data-based decision making is used To monitor progress in behavioral skills training(BST)
  • Considering, When identifying the contingencies governing staff's behavior : cintrived reinforcers provided in workplace for high effort and performance, response effort of data collection, program implementation, and other duties required by staff memebrs, natural reinforcers contacted through the design of the behavior program.
  • In competency-based training, the mastery criteria should be individually developed based on well-established literature, previous and current performances of supervisees and the supervisor. 
  • When supervising, in order to understand staff members' behavior, BCBAs should use a combination of direct methods, self-reports, questionnaires, behavior-rating scales. IOA and supervisor feedback questionnaires are common examples of these methods. 
  • In competency-based training, the mastery criteria is determined prior to the onset of training and continues until the competency within criteia has been mastered.
  • When beginning implementation of a new intervention of program, the BCBA should be present to: ensure resources and support are available, address unanticipated problem, provide first steps of BST prior to clinical implementation.
  • Treatment integrity tells us hou well the treatment protocol/interventions are being implemented as written in the clint's plan. This shows whether the programs are being implemented with fidelity and whether there needs to be more supervision or training to improve the implementation of interventions. 
  • Things as simple as common courtesy and greetings can be enough to provide an opening for collaboration. Think of the golden rule and don't be an asshole. BCBA's must collaborate with staff implementing the treatment plan as well as any other support staff or stakeholders who serve the needs of the client(when applicable) to ensure consistency and quality of treatment
  • This exemplifies the CODE of Ethics the BACB that all borad-certified ABA professionals must follow. Cooperation as a team with stakeholders and other clinicians/providers in the clint's best interest in essential.
  • BCBA's must collaborate with staff implementing the treatment plan as well as any other support staff, stakeholders, clinicians, teachers, caregivers who are held responsible for the care of the client(when applicable) to ensure consistency and quality of treatment.  Even if the other providers do not use evidence-based techniques, it is important to provide behavior supprot with these other disciplines to gain success. 
  • Behavior analyst must consider  when BCBA is developing a program. 1. How stakeholders are going to be reinforced by the behaviors, 2. How stakeholders are going to support the client's new behavior repertoire. 3. How will the client receive reinforcement within the natural environment. 
  • When a BCBA is planning and/or writting behavior programs they must take into consideration how the client will be supported which includes how the stakeholders will be able to support the client beyond the service term.
  • The BCBA is responsible for planning, instituting, reviewing, and managing the treatment plan that the client's support team implements and follows. THey are the supervisor/case manager that must ensure the quality and efficacy of ABA services. 
  • A BCBA must consider how the stakeholders are going to be reinforced while developing programming. Client achievements should be a natural reinforcer for staff. 
  • The BACB Ethical Code states that a BCBA must collaborate with other support staff, educational staff, and stakeholders in the client's best interest. BCBA needs to ensure the success of the teacher by heling provide support or training during the tiem they impement their services to best collaborate. BCBA should observe what is going on in the school setting directly and understand the needs of the other professionals as well as her/his own.
  • Collaboratin is one of the essential compliance codes of the BACB Ethical code that BCBAs must follow. Even if the other provides use Non-Behavior Analytic methods, it is important to provide behavior support with these othere disciplines to gain success. BCBA's must collaborate with staff implementing the treatment plan as well as any other support staff, stakeholders, clinicians, teachers, caregivers who serve the needs of the client(when applicable) to ensure consistency and quality of treatment. 
  • Non-behavior analytic support staff may be able to help implement the treatment plan across setting and stimuli with the proper training and support from the BCBA to ensure consistency for the client. They also play important roles in the client's progress, so make sure to collaborate with them(and play nice!)
  • A behavior analyst should always plan for maintenance and generalization. Securing support for the client ensures that these procedures are more likely to be carried out by the stakeholders.
  • A BCBA should always be planning for reinforcement within a natural environment. This starts when the BCBA is developing programming and interventions. 
  • A behavior analyst should alwasy maintain professionalism when working with clients, attending meetings, and working with stakeholders. A behavior analyst should also maintain professionalism within the community and attending event associated with their profession. 
  • There are many strategies that a BCBA must take into consideration when working with stakeholder. Some of the main strategies are to take into consideration that a BCBA does not use technical language, promote integrity, maintains professionalism, and listens what the stakholders have to say. 
  • A beahvior analysts should try and train stakeholders with a natural environment whenever possible. The client will have increased probability to come in contact with natural contingencies when stakeholders are trained in a natural environment
  • When a BCBA collaborates with others it promotes teamwork and increases the likelihood of treatment involvement. 
  • If the intervention is evidence-based and has been proven to be a successful intervention for the behavior, then the behavior analyst should try and modify the plan to fit the client and the stakeholders. 
  • When securing support of the client a behavior analyst must take into consideration concerns and ideas of the stakeholders. This builds a better support system for the client.
  • Behavior analyst must teach all stakeholders that may come in contact with the client. This promotes generalization and maintenance of the client's repertiore. This is especially significant when teaching social skills. 
  • BCBA should start to plan for support during the beginning phases of treatment. THis will help with any adaptations that may need to be made if there is a lack of support for the client. 

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