
In using the internet to find credible sources, behavior analysts should look for peer reviewed research articles. Aside from validating that the journal article has undergone a peer review process, practitioners can look for characteristics of peer reviewed sources, such as authors who are scholars in the field, authors from credible institution such as colleges, universities, and non-profits, black and white graphics, and content addressing research findings or a new theory/concept.

Peer review is the process of subjecting scholarly work to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field. The purpose of peer review is to ensure the quality of the publications and that the work is original, valid, and significant. Individual peer reviewed contributions on a topic represent the collective knowledge of the field. 

A study is scientifically valid if it uses an ABAB design or other experimental design and a functional relation is demonstrated. You might see such a study presented at a professional conference.

Behavior analysts rely on scientifically and clinically derived knowledge when making decisions about interventions. This can include literature from behavior analytic journals, data collected in the course of treatment, help from colleagues, and other academic sources based on sound scientific principles. 

Procedures from other disciplines should be adapted for behavior analytic applications with the same scrutiny as any proposed approach to treatment. 

When working on multiple-disciplinary treatment teams, BCBAs are sometimes asked to agree to methods that have no empirical support. If the majority is against her, as a compromise she should at least offer to record relevant behavior and continue to assess for functional variables. Her information may be helpful later if the team decides it would be better to make evidence-based clinical decisions. 

When working on multiple-disciplinary treatment teams, BCBAs are sometimes asked to agree to methods that have no empirical support. If the majority is against her, as a compromise she should at least offer to record relevant behavior and continue to assess for functional variables. Her information may be helpful later if the team decides it would be better to make evidence-based clinical decisions. 

When research literature is submitted for publication, it is subjected to a peer review process to ensure that the scientific process was followed correctly and the results are plausible given the design of the research. While research undergoing review does not have to agree with the results of previous research, peer reviewers ensure that the research is original, valid, and significant. 

In using the internet to find credible sources, behavior analysts should look for characteristics of peer reviewed sources, such as authors who are scholars in the field, authors from credible institution such as colleges, universities, and non-profits, black and white graphics, and content addressing research findings or a new theory/concept.

Behavior analysts sometimes must apply the principles of behavior in novel ways to address the behaviors of their clients, especially when there is inadequate coverage of the particular problem in the ABA literature. Using novel interventions should be undertaken only with support of the employer/funder and permission of the client or his surrogate. For publication, the intervention needs to be found effective within the context of an experimental design.

BCBAs often find themselves in the position of treating behavior they have not treated before. To gain competence to work with the issue, BCBAs should read the professional literature. Although family-style group homes are not the same settings as schools, this literature is still likely have applicability to students in schools. 

When research literature is submitted for publication, it is subjected to a peer review process to ensure that the scientific process was followed correctly and the results are plausible given the design of the research. While research undergoing review does not have to agree with the results of previous research, peer reviewers ensure that the research is original, valid, and significant

Behavior analysts must often respond professionally to requests from their clients for changes to programs that are not supported by data. While it is important to seek compromises, BCBAs make clinical judgments based on data. When clients insist on adding questionable treatment components, the BCBA could help them develop a useful data collection system to evaluate its effects. 

Part of the occupation of a BCBA is to discover new ways to work with behavior. Before transferring knowledge gained in working with one population to another population, guidance should be sought in the professional literature. 

Behavior analysts rely on scientifically and clinically derived knowledge when making decisions about interventions. This can include literature from behavior analytic journals, data collected in the course of treatment, help from colleagues, and other academic sources based on sound scientific principles. 

Behavior analysts rely on scientifically and clinically derived knowledge when making decisions about interventions. This can include literature from behavior analytic journals, data collected in the course of treatment, help from colleagues, and other academic sources based on sound scientific principles. 

When research literature is submitted for publication, it is subjected to a peer review process to ensure that the scientific process was followed correctly and the results are plausible given the design of the research. While research undergoing review does not have to agree with the results of previous research, peer reviewers ensure that findings are written according to principles derived from behavior analysis and findings of peer reviewed literature. 

Peer reviewers check that results, while they do not have to agree with previous research or the researcher's hypothesis, are described according to findings from other peer-reviewed literature.

Behavior analysts rely on scientifically and clinically derived knowledge when making decisions about interventions. This can include literature from behavior analytic journals, data collected in the course of treatment, help from colleagues, and other academic sources based on sound scientific principles. 


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