
Response rate is proportional to the rate of reinforcement for that behavior relative to the rate of reinforcement for other behaviors. This means that if one behavior is reinforced on an FI-2 schedule and another behavior on an FI-6 schedule, the matching law predicts that the first behavior will occur at three times the rate of the second behavior (i.e., a FI 2 gets reinforced three times more often than an FI 6). This assumes concurrent schedules of reinforcement, and variables such as response effort and immediacy, magnitude, and quality of reinforcement remain constant.  

Consider a child who could ask mom or dad for a cookie because they are both available. The matching law would predict that because mom gives cookies five times more often than dad, the child is going to ask mom five times for every one time he asks dad. The matching law pertains to the delivery of reinforcement on concurrent schedules (i.e., at the same time). The matching law doesn't apply when only one parent is available to ask. 

Matching law predicts that with a VI or FI schedule, the time spent on an activity will be proportional to the reinforcement provided. It also includes the effect of punishment. There are concurrent schedules of positive reinforcement that are equal for the 3 tasks and a concurrent schedule of negative reinforcement for meeting shipment quotas. 

The occurrence of high probability (high-p) behaviors momentarily increases the probability of low probability (low-p) behaviors of the same equivalence class occurring. Complying with high probability requests appears to reduce the AO for noncompliance to the low probability request; this is called behavioral momentum. 

Behavioral momentum results from compliance to high-p requests. That is, the individual is asked to do two to five things in rapid succession that he is likely to do (i.e., high probability request), followed by a request that he is not likely to do (i.e., low probability request). Compliance with the high probability requests increases the likelihood that the low probability requests will be followed.  

A high-p request sequence alters the immediate probability of compliance with a low-p request as a result of behavioral momentum. It is an antecedent intervention, and seems to simply reduce the AO for noncompliance. Acknowledging compliance (and possibly tangible reinforcers), may increase the future probability of compliance with the "low-p" request. 

High probability behaviors evoked by requests in rapid succession (thus establishing behavioral momentum) can increase compliance with an immediate low-probability request. This form of intervention is called a high-p request sequence.  

Brief social reinforcement is usually sufficient for compliance with high-p requests. It is often advised to provide a more potent reinforcer following compliance with low-p requests.

Behavioral contrast occurs when the rate of a behavior changes as a function of a change in the schedule of reinforcement for the behavior in another context. For example, a child teases two peers to get their attention. One of the peers begins to ignore this behavior. Teasing of this peer decreases while teasing of the other peer increases. Behavioral contrast effects may be short- or long-term.

Behavioral contrast occurs when the rate of a behavior changes as a function of a change in the schedule of reinforcement for the behavior in another context. For example, a child teases peers to get their attention - one at recess and one in the classroom. One of the peers begins to ignore this behavior. Teasing of this peer decreases while teasing of the other peer increases. Behavioral contrast effects may be short- or long-term. 

Contrast refers to a negative association between the rates of behavior operating under different components of a multiple schedule of reinforcement. Positive behavioral contrast occurs when a decrease on one schedule causes an increase in response rate on an unaltered schedule. Negative behavioral contrast occurs when an increase on one schedule causes a decrease in the other schedule. 

Contrast refers to a negative association between the rates of behavior operating under different components of a multiple schedule of reinforcement. When the reinforcement schedule is changed in one component, thereby changing the response rate, the response rates in the unchanged components change in the opposite direction

The individual is asked to do two to five things at a rapid pace that he is likely to do (i.e., high probability request), followed by a request that he is not likely to do (i.e., low probability request). Compliance with the high probability requests increases the likelihood that the low probability requests will be followed. This phenomenon is called behavioral momentum.  

The matching law best describes relative rates of reinforcement delivered on interval-based schedules. With a ratio schedule of reinforcement, behavior tends to follow the richer schedule.  


A token is a conditioned reinforcer. Giving them contingent upon behavior results in an increase in that behavior. Suppressing behavior by removing them is conditioned negative punishment. 

Tom's academic behavior accelerated after it resulted in earning tokens. Tokens are conditioned reinforcers. If the rule about token loss contributed to Tom's improved academic behavior, it is a negative reinforcement contingency, but it still involves conditioned reinforcers. 

The contingent loss of points has had no effect on behavior. Reinforcement and punishment are defined by increases and decreases in the behaviors to which they are applied.  

Because of the nature of discriminated behavior, one does not need to experience the outcome of a response for that outcome to have the intended effect. For example, a sign that says "NO Parking. Vehicle will be towed at owner's expense," is a simple way to discourage parking in a particular area without individual drivers having to experience differential consequences for parking or not parking there. 

실제로 결과를 경험하지 않더라도 결과를 예상함으로써 행동을 방지 할수 있음.  '주차시 차주비용으로 견인 됨' 이라는 표지판이 있으면 실제로 견인을 당하지 않더라도 표지판을 보고 주차를 안하게 할수 있음.

Pain is a primary punisher. That is, it requires no conditioning in order to suppress behavior. Neutral stimuli (e.g., the master) paired with pain often become conditioning punishers. Over time, the dog learns to emit submissive and defensive behaviors in the presence of the master due to a history of abusive treatment, and generalized suppression of its behavior.

폭력적인 개 주인이 개가 짖을때 거센 입바람을 개 코에 불었을때 개가 pain으로 짖는것이 멈췄다면 unconditioned punishment

개를 학대하는 주인이 방에 들어왔을떄, 개가 꼬리 흔드는 것을 멈췄다면, "주인이 다가오는 것" 자체는 conditioned punishment에 해당

개를 학대하는 주인이 방에 들어왔을떄, 개가 밖으로 나간다면, 

"개가 밖으로 나가는 행위"를 지속하는것은 주인이 "Negative reinforcement" 부적 강화이기 때문임. 

Conditioned punishment 를 줌으로써 바람직한 behavior를 없앰 

그룹에서 비밀스럽게  했던 말을 어떤 친구가 다른친구가 했던 말을 다른 사람한테 이야기(가십gassip)했다는 사실을 알고 나면 다음 그룹모임때 그 친구는 말을  안하게 된다. 가십은 conditioned punishment  

The squirt is an application of a stimulus that house cats escape/avoid without training. It is an aversive stimulus that Amanda wants to use to punish the counter-climbing and it requires no learning to be effective, so it is not a conditioned punisher. If the cat stays off of the counter in Amanda's presence, it could be labeled a punisher. 집에 고양이를 쫓아낼때 "안돼" 라면서 물을 뿌리면 "물" 은 "unconditioned punisher" 가 된다. 

The squirt is an aversive stimulus that house cats escape/avoid without training. Amanda is using it to punish the counter-climbing behavior. By shouting "Moo!" when she squirts him, she hopes that the "Moo!" will function as a conditioned punisher so she will have a convenient conditioned punisher to use when the squirt bottle is not handy. 집에 고양이를 쫓아낼때 "저리가" 라면서 물을 뿌리면 "저리가" 는 "conditioned punisher" 가 된다. 

Unconditioned or primary reinforcers are common across all members of a species. Conditioned reinforcers are learned and so can be different for different people. Conditioned reinforcers are learned by pairing a previously neutral stimulus with a reinforcer. Because conditioned reinforcers (like "good job" or a smile) can be brief, take little time to consume, and have less satiation effects, they can be more useful in training than primary reinforcers once established. 

"Good" 잘했어 라고 하면서 미소와 눈마주침을 하면서 먹을거를 준다면, 

so that her words and facial expressions become conditioned reinforcers. "good"과 얼굴 표정은 conditioned reinforcers 조건강화가 됨. 

Unconditioned means that learning was not necessary. Conditioned punishment must be learned. It acquires its properties by being associated with an unconditioned punisher or a loss of reinforcement. Examples of conditioned punishers include the sound of a dentist's drill, an angry expression, the presence of a person who has been abusive, and a restaurant in which you once became ill. 

Conditioned punishment는 무조건 학습되어야 한다. 

Conditioned punishment는 unconditioned punisher 나 a loss of reinforcement 강화의 소실과 관련되어 획득 된다. 치과의사의 드릴소리, 화난 표현, 학대하는 사람의 존재, 식사후 아팠던 식당 

Unconditioned means that learning was not necessary. Examples of unconditioned punishment include temperature extremes, pain, and hunger. Conditioned punishment must be learned. It acquires its properties by being associated with an unconditioned punisher or a loss of reinforcement. 

unconditioned punishment는 학습이 필요하지 않다. 극한온도, 통증, 배고픔이 unconditioned punishment 의 예이다. 

Reinforcement and punishment are defined by their effects on behavior. Walking out is occasioned by the approach of the master, therefore, getting away from the master is negatively reinforced.

Conditioned reinforcers are established by pairing a previously neutral stimulus with something that is already a reinforcer. For example, food, video games, money, etc. with neutral stimuli, such as brand names, to condition effective secondary reinforcers. 

Conditioned reinforcer는 개인적이다. 개인의 경험에 따라 틀리기 때문에 개별적이다. 

bahavior가 있을떄 토큰을 뺏음으로써 behavior가 감소하는것은 토큰을 뺐는것인 Negative reinforcement 이기 뚜멘.

Negative reinforcements를 줌으로써  behavior를 바람직한 방향으로 증가 시키는 것

토큰 시스템을 이용 할때 바람직한 행동을 할때 토큰을 받음으로써 바람직한 행동이 증가 하는것은  condontioned reinforcement  .


Continuous reinforcement (CRF) means that a reinforcer is provided for every response. It is the same as FR1. 

Each house will evoke a selling response. A purchase (reinforcement) will likely occur after a variable number of houses (responses). Correct: a VR schedule. 

-아이가 집집마다 돌아다니면서 쿠키를 할때, 쿠키를 팔고 돈을 받을 주기는 variable rate schedule  . 쿠키를 모든 사람이 다 사주는것이 아니기때문에  

Your button pressing only gets reinforced if you respond at a certain optimal rate. That is, an interval of time (1 second) must pass before reinforcement is available. This is a fixed interval (FI) schedule 

-티비 채널을 바꾸기 위해 리모컨을 너무 빨리 누르면 채널이 안 바뀐다. 리모컨 채널 바뀌는것은 fixed interval..

Establishing how often a response gets reinforced or after what interval is a schedule of reinforcement. 

An intermittent schedule of reinforcement is any schedule other than CRF (or FR1). Some responses are reinforced, but some are not. 

FIXED RATIO - reinforcement after a fixed number of responses
VARIABLE RATIO - reinforcement after an average of a certain number of responses
FIXED INTERVAL - reinforcement is provided with the first response after a set interval
VARIABLE INTERVAL - reinforcement is provided with the first response after an interval. The duration of the interval varies around a specific average.

Simple schedules of reinforcement include FR, VR, FI, and VI. 

Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement delivers reinforcement for the first target response after the interval. The paycheck will be deposited into the bank account automatically. Because the paycheck is delivered independent of any target response, this is a fixed time (FT) schedule for noncontingent reinforcement (NCR).

-fixed time은 날짜가 되면  월급이 자동이체 되는것

Every response is reinforced. This is CRF or FR1. 

-자동차 키를 누르면 자동으로 차문이 잠김 

Compound schedules include sequential and simultaneous schedules with one response or two responses consisting of a combination of differential schedules (e.g., DRO, DRH, DRL), extinction, and simple schedules.  


Descriptive praise, labeled praise, and specific praise are synonymous terms. Such praise involves stating the target behavior and specifying the benefit of the behavior. It should be delivered sincerely, with eye contact and an appropriately enthusiastic tone of voice. 

Many naturally occurring reinforcers are secondary reinforcers that must be learned by repeated pairing with primary or secondary reinforcers. Praise and social interaction are very common naturally occurring reinforcers, but they are secondary reinforcers that must be learned. Another form of naturally occurring reinforcement is the automatic reinforcement from accomplishing a task, learning something interesting, reading a book, or producing a product. 

Such praise generally functions as a positive reinforcer and provides a rule for future behavior and reinforcement. Rule following may have a greater impact on behavior than the reinforcement effect of the single praise statement. Unless contraindicated, contingent praise and attention should be included in any intervention using positive reinforcement. 

Descriptive praise, labeled praise, and specific praise are generally synonymous terms. Such praise usually involves stating the target behavior and specifying the benefit of the behavior. (Specific praise always includes specifying the target behavior.) Labeled and descriptive praise should also be delivered contingent on the occurrence of the target behavior. Such praise often functions as a positive reinforcer and provides a rule for future behavior and reinforcement.

Contrived or planned reinforcement is arranged for the purpose of modifying behavior. Natural reinforcement occurs from contingencies that are present in the natural environment of the individual. Natural reinforcers are all reinforcers that are available in the natural (nonintervention) environment. 

A generalized reinforcer is a conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with many other reinforcers, both primary and conditioned. Money is an example of a generalized reinforcer. Money can be exchanged for many types of reinforcers, and so does not depend on any single state of deprivation or motivating operation (MO). This pairing makes the generalized reinforcer resistant to the effects of satiation. Proximity, eye contact, and praise are generalized reinforcers for most people because they have been paired simultaneously with many reinforcers. 

Contrived or planned reinforcement is arranged for the purpose of modifying behavior in a behavioral intervention. Natural reinforcement occurs from contingencies that are present in the natural environment of the individual. That is, they are reinforcers that are available in the natural (nonintervention) environment. 

Descriptive praise, labeled praise, and specific praise are synonymous terms. Such praise involves stating the target behavior and specifying the benefit of the behavior. It should also be delivered contingent on the occurrence of the target behavior. Such praise often functions as a positive reinforcer and provides a rule for future behavior and reinforcement.  


Response effort and immediacy, quality, and magnitude of reinforcement all influence responding. In this case, the response effort of getting the object may exceed the effort of self-injury, thus rendering the intervention ineffective. 

An overabundance or frequent delivery of a specific reinforcer can produce satiation which will reduce the effectiveness of the reinforcer. 

Research with learners with limited behavioral repertoires has shown improved performance of a task if the behavior directly produces the reinforcer rather than an indirect reinforcement contingency (the therapist delivers the reinforcer). If the target behavior is taking off jar lids, and the reinforcer is in the jar, the target behavior will likely be greater compared to a therapist provided reinforcer. 

The "quality" of a reinforcer is essentially the personal preference for that reinforcer. The quality of a reinforcer is independent of the magnitude of the reinforcer. 

Generalized reinforcers are effective with a wide variety of behaviors and can generally be exchanged for a wide variety of backup reinforcers. The variety of backup reinforcers reduces the problem of satiation. Money is an example of a generalized reinforcer. 

Varying reinforcers maintains the EO and improves effectiveness. Sometimes a variety of less preferred reinforcers has a greater effect than a single preferred reinforcer. 

Satiation or deprivation of a reinforcer is a motivating operation (MO). Specifically, behavior is less likely to occur during satiation, because satiation is an abolishing operation (AO) that has an abative effect (reduces the evocative effect) on behavior that has produced this reinforcer. Satiation also reduces the value of the reinforcer which makes the reinforcer less effective. It is also correct to refer to the effect of satiation as reducing the EO for the reinforcer. 

The magnitude of a reinforcer is defined by the duration of time of a reinforcer, the number of reinforcers per unit time (reinforcer rate) and the intensity of the reinforcer. Magnitude pertains to the intensity of the reinforcer and applies to both primary and secondary reinforcers.

Magnitude pertains to reinforcer rate, or the number of reinforcers per unit time.


Generalized conditioned reinforcers are less vulnerable to satiation because they can be exchanged for a wide variety of reinforcers. Moreover, they are not necessarily more or less powerful than primary reinforcers. This depends on several factors, like motivating operations. You would be more likely to do a homework assignment for $100 (secondary reinforcer) than a ham sandwich (primary reinforcer). 

Unconditioned reinforcement occurs when behavior is reinforced by primary, or unconditioned reinforcers. These are typically related to survival of the organism, such as food, sleep, escape from danger, etc. 

unconditioned reinforcer = unlearned reinforcer = primary reinforcer
conditioned reinforcer = learned reinforcer = secondary reinforcer

We are born with the capacity to be reinforced by unconditioned, or primary reinforcers. They are important to the survival of the organism. Humans are born with the capacity to be reinforced by sexual stimulation. 

Unconditioned, unlearned, or primary reinforcers are those that one is born with and are important to the survival of the organism

Unconditioned, or primary reinforcers are those that one is born with and are important to the survival of the organism. Food is a primary reinforcer, whether processed, natural, organic, etc.. The primary reinforcing properties of food are its flavors and nutritional qualities. 

Unconditioned, or primary reinforcers are those that one is born with and are important to the survival of the organism. We are born with the capacity to be reinforced by behaviors that result in our skin temperature reaching a more comfortable temperature, such as putting on a sweater in chilly weather. Extreme temperature changes tend to reinforce avoidance, such as moving a roll of paper towels off of the stove as a burner heats up

Generalized reinforcers are associated with a variety of reinforcers, such as a token or point system in which tokens could be exchanged for a variety of things. 

Generalized conditioned reinforcers are different in that they can purchase a variety of reinforcers. 


Small procedural changes are more likely to be implemented effectively than large changes. 

A system of monitoring procedural integrity will include an evaluation of how well the written program procedures are implemented. It should include a checklist or similar evaluative measure of the critical steps of the procedures. 

As long as the experiment is properly designed and controlled, and data indicate that the prompts were provided as planned, you can assert that any change in the learner's behavior is due to the prompting procedure. Without this data, your conclusions may be called into question.  

Rather than requiring staff to "remember" the correct procedures, it is useful to add antecedent stimuli into the environment where treatment will be carried out to prompt staff to use the prescribed procedures. 

While simpler approaches may achieve higher fidelity, the goals of a program may not permit the use of simpler procedures. By using scripts, checklists, job aids, and other methods to standardize various aspects of the treatment protocol, greater consistency across implementers can be achieved. 

It is preferable to use strategies that are easy to implement, but this is not always possible depending on the specific needs of the client and their behavioral challenge

Monitoring procedural fidelity is one way behavior analysts can assess the effectiveness of the plans they design. While a lack of fidelity to written procedures can lead to a worsening of the behavior the treatment is intended to improve, alterations and even mistakes by therapists can also lead to discovery of better procedures than were originally designed. 

Treatment integrity is a measure of how faithfully and consistently behavior change procedures are followed as written. Synonyms of treatment integrity include treatment fidelity, fidelity of implementation, procedural integrity, procedural fidelity, and program integrity. 

Procedural integrity (fidelity) is a measure of the extent to which actual implementation follows the written intervention. An evaluation of procedural integrity is necessary to assure that changes in the dependent variable are in fact due to the independent variable.

Monitoring procedural fidelity should include evaluation of all aspects of the interventions, including how the environment is arranged, conformity with routines, and responses to challenging behaviors.  

This determination would be made by the designer of the intervention, not those carrying it out. 

Staff should be evaluated on all major aspects of an intervention. This may include prescribed intervention components for problem behaviors, instructional procedures, and management of antecedent variables such as setting up the learning environment as prescribed. 

The contingencies present in the treatment setting that affect personnel performance should be considered when designing interventions. 

Procedural integrity is not a measure of one's knowledge of the procedures; it is a measure of whether the procedures are actually implemented. 

Measurement of procedural integrity involves recording whether elements of the intervention were properly implemented (e.g., the teacher reinforced greetings on 99% of the occasions in which they occurred). Procedural integrity enables the researcher to assert that the change in behavior was due to the intervention. 

Colloquial language and nonspecific terms such as "as soon as possible" and "provide reinforcement" are likely to be interpreted differently by different staff members. 

To foster a high degree of procedural fidelity, an intervention plan should be written with clear instructions in non-technical terms. 

Lack of training is one of many reasons for poor treatment integrity. If intervention plans are not followed correctly, the behavior analyst must further assess the determinants of the behavior. 


A scatter plot may yield relations between a behavior and events associated with a particular time of day. 

Cells filled in a few adjacent rows indicate that the behavior(s) occurred during a few hours of the day over many days. Cells filled in a few columns indicate that the behavior occurred around a certain time of the month. No pattern indicates unpredictability; hence the behavior occurred randomly across times of the day and days of the month. 

Automatic (sensory) reinforcement tends to be available most of the time. For example, the setting event for, say, hand flapping, is always present. It is not a function of a scheduled event. It may also be that demands, a lack of attention, and other EOs may be occurring randomly, thus accounting for the lack of a pattern. Whatever hypothesis emerges should be considered tentative until verified by other methods. 

Occurrences of behavior in the cells of a scatter plot can be indicated in a variety of ways, including frequency, the duration of the interval, and occurrence or non-occurrence depending on the total duration it occurred during the interval. A slash or fill-in of the cell also may be used. 

A scatter plot is a grid upon which occurrences of behaviors are indicated as occurring not at all, a few times, or several times within intervals. A pattern of responding across days could yield a correlation between the behavior and the certain activities or individuals associated with those times. 

Occurrences of behavior in the cells of a scatter plot can be indicated in a variety of ways, including frequency, the duration of the behavior during the interval, and occurrence or non-occurrence depending on how often it occurred during the interval. 

A scatter plot is a grid upon which time of day, session, period, etc. is indicated along one ordinate and the time, day, or date is indicated along the other ordinate. Occurrences of the behavior are recorded in each of the cells that make up the grid. This results in a graphical illustration of the times of day in which the behavior is most likely to occur. Further assessment efforts would then focus on those times. 

In the demand condition-the lowest data series-the individual is prompted to engage in behavior that is often incompatible with the behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement. For example, you can't usually hand mouth and work on an academic assignment at the same time. 

In the demand condition, the individual is prompted to engage in behavior that is often incompatible with the behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement. For example, you can't usually hand mouth and work on an academic assignment at the same time. 

Functional analysis data are typically graphed by session number on a line graph with each test condition on a separate data path and visually inspected for differences between the test conditions and the control condition. 

Functional analysis data are typically graphed by session number on a line graph with each test condition on a separate data path and visually inspected for differences between the test conditions and the control condition. 

Functional analysis data are typically graphed by session number (on the x-axis) on a line graph with each test condition on a separate data path and visually inspected for differences (number of responses per session on the y-axis) between the test conditions and the control condition. 

Note that the rate of self-injury is similar across all conditions. This suggests either an automatic reinforcement function or the function cannot be determined. 

Note that the rate of self-injury is consistently highest in the demand and alone conditions. However, the moderate rate in the attention condition may indicate an attention function as well. An alternative explanation for the attention function is that the play condition is lower than demand and attention because play behavior competes with the behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement. 


The Independent variable(IV) is the arrangement of events by the experimenter to exert control over the target behavior(i.e., the intervention). Examples include implementation of a reinforcement procedure, implying a prompting procedure, using a particular curriculum, and introduction of a medication.

-"particular aspect of the environmental that the experimenter manipulates to find out whether it affects the subject's behavior". It's also called an "intervention," "treatment," or "experimental variable." It's called an "independent variable" because the researcher can change it independently from subject's behavior. 

-An independent variable is what the experimenter(or teacher) does

-When the experimenter manipulates the response rate requirement to earn points for typing number that match numbers on the screen, response rate requirement

-When the experimenter does manipulate the probability of attention for slapping, probability of attention  

-the behavior change procedure or set of procedures.

-verbal reprimand and response cost. 

-is controlled by the experimenter.

-differential reinforcement of other behavior

-is the behavior change procedure or set of procedures.

-contingent loss of privileges.

-may involve a change in the environment.


-starting the child on a medication

-prompt fading sequence

Which could be an independent variable for a student in a classroom?

-rate at which the teacher delivers reinforcement.

Which could be a dependent variable when the teacher's behavior is the target of change? 

-rate at which the teacher delivers reinforcement.

The dependent variable(DV) is the target behavior and the dimension of that behavior that is being measured.  Example include the target behavior and the dimension of that rate of greetings, duration of study, and frequency of hand biting.

-Target behavior in an experiment, or more precisely, a measurable dimensional quantity of that behavior(e.g., count, frequency, duration, latency, intensity)

-is the behavior that the experimenter is trying to change by manipulation the independent variable.

-When the experimenter manipulates the probability of attention for slapping, frequency of slapping 

-When the experimenter manipulates the response rate requirement to earn points for typing number that match numbers on the screen, the number of letters typed per minute.

-out of seat behavior during the first hour taking medication.

-frequency of prompted response. 

-involves a measure of the behavior of the subject.

-duration of tantrum episode.

-specifics the target behavior

-frequency of safe bike riding.

-number of correct math problems completed in a minute

-number of bite marks on skin

-designates the dimension of measure.

-rate at which students responds to teacher. 

Extraneous or Confounding Variable - All features of the environmental setting other than the independent and dependent variables. They are sometimes called confounding variables because they may affect the dependent variable.

-When the experimenter does not manipulate the probability of attention for slapping, probability of attention  

-When the experimenter does not manipulates the response rate requirement to earn points for typing number that match numbers on the screen, response rate requirement

Variable - A measurable, dimensional quantity that varies across a set of values. Behavior analysts manipulate independent variables such as the probability of caregiver attention (from 0 to 1) and measure the effects on dependent variables, such as the frequency of hand biting (from 0 to 30 bites per minute). 

Baseline conditions usually consist of what is going on prior to a planned intervention. This could be no intervention or an ineffective intervention. Baseline provides data to compare with the planned intervention. 

The purpose of baseline is to have something to compare to treatment. Therefore, it precedes planned treatment and includes data collection. However, it should not be conducted if it is dangerous to do so. 

could include an intervention


If a Behavior Analyst feels that a relationship is potentially harmful, they should attempt to resolve it with regard for the best interests of the affected person.


세션을 자주 바꾸거나 취소 하거나, 늦거나 일찍 집에 간다거나 사전 이야기 없이 그만두는 것은   ethics and professionalism guidelines 의 어느 부분을 어기는 것인가?


*the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts


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