
An conditioned response is one that we do not have to learn. A startle response from touching a hot item is an example. One's thoughts and holding one's breath are learned. 

Reflex is a response and its associated controlling stimulus.

The NS can become a CS by repeated pairing with an US/UR or CS/CR. If the US/CS does not cause a change in behavior, then the NS will not become a CS. For example, a US typically elicits an increase in heart rate. If the NS/US paring occurs when heart rate is already high, then the NS will not become a CS. A NS occurring after a US will not create a CS.

Respondent behavior can be elicited, but it cannot be shaped. It is elicited by an antecedent stimulus. Respondent behavior can sometimes be brought under operant control. For example, a typical UCR is to draw back from a very hot object UCS(hot object). However, through operant conditioning, one can learn to walk on coals. 

Respondent behavior includes all reflexes. A large variety of internal bodily processes are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and are respondent behaviors. Examples of this include digestion, change in heart rate, and production of hormone. 

Presenting a neutral stimulus along with an unconditioned stimulus will result in the neutral stimulus acquiring unconditioned stimulus properties-i.e., it will elicit a conditioned response. We then call the previously neutral stimulus a conditioned stimulus.  

The aggression and emotional behavior may be respondent, but also may be operant, especially if they result in opportunities to ride the tricycle. For example, if crying is part of the behavioral repertoire that occasionally gets reinforced, then it becomes operant behavior, especially if it stars to occur under stimulus control. 

An unconditioned stimulus elicits behavior that is part of the individual's biology(or phylogeny)-i.e., it elicits an unconditioned response. 

Respondent conditioning calls for identification of an unconditioned stimulus that reliably elicits an unconditioned response and a pairing of a neutral stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus. Also, during the conditioning process, the neutral stimulus must be absent when the unconditioned stimulus is absent

Respondent conditioning process calls for presenting a neutral stimulus with or immediately preceding an unconditioned stimulus.

The unconditioned response is only referred to as such when elicited by the unconditioned stimulus The neutral stimulus must be presented with or immediately before the unconditioned stimulus. 

Neutral Stimulus- no effect

An unconditioned stimulus- elicits responding without prior training.

Discriminative stimulus -reinforcement has been provided in its presence when a given response occurs and has not been provided in its absence. 

Respondent conditioning, classical conditioning, and Pavlovian conditioning are all synonymous.



A stimulus is any condition, event, or change in the physical world. Michael explains that a stimulus affects the organism's receptors-vision, hearing, smell, taste, cutaneous sense(surface touch, surface pain), kinesthesis (muscle sense), vestibular sense(balance), organic sense(deep touch, deep pain). A stimulus doesn't necessarily have a measurable effect on behavior.

-a response exhibited by another person

-a gradual change in temperature

-a response exhibited by self

A stimulus class has at least two member stimuli. It can be defined functionally(i.e., all members have the same physical properties, such as size, color location), or temporally(e.g., all members are either antecedent or postcedent)

-a group of stimuli with one or more common properties, including temporal or formal properties.

A stimulus class is a group of stimuli that have a common effect on a response class. For example, a stop sign and a flashing red light evoke the same driving behavior. Also, different stimuli that are reinforcers for a particular behavior would also be a stimulus class. 

Discriminative stimuli may have one or more common properties. For example, a green apple, a green truck, and a green piece of paper are all part of a stimulus class that represents green. Control by "greenness" would be demonstrated when an individual correctly selects the green items from an array of different colored items. That is, "greenness" would be the single, common formal feature that evokes the same behavior(selecting the green item).


1. The experimental analysis

The experimental analysis of behavior is a basic science methodology. Its focus is more on discovering principles under very controlled conditions, rather than on application to societal problems. Most of B.. Skinner's work was with pigeons.

Basic science focuses more on discovering principles under very controlled conditions, rather than on application to societal problems. A behavioral technology is a validated treatment package. (designed to investigate how students learn to read) 책을 읽는 방법을 가르치는것

 사회문제 보다는 제한된 조건 하에서 원칙을 발견하는데, 중점을 둠.

Malotte and Suarez describe creating a behavioral technology as the development and evaluation of a treatment package. The package is evaluated for efficacy, but not necessarily each component and it is not necessarily compared to other technologies(treatment packages)

-It seldom provides readily applicable solutions to important societal problems.

- It has its theoretical underpinning in behaviorism.

- It requires continuous observation or measurement. 

2. Applied Behavior analysis(ABA) 

(1) addresses all behavior issues that are important to the individual or society,

(2) has its underlying philosophy in behaviorism, and

(3) behavior is a psychiatric term that suggests mental illness. 

The scope of applied behavior analysis is much broader. 

-The dimensions of applied behavior analysis were outlined by Baer, Wolf, and Risley in the first edition of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. One of the dimensions is relating phenomena in a conceptually systematic fashion. 

- Often applies the finding of the experimental analysis of behavior to social issues. 

3. Behavior Technology

Behavior Technology is a treatment package or product that has been demonstrated to produce the desired results. 

A teacher combines a variety of empirically validated strategies to form her own behavior management system. 

- that has been experimentally demonstrated to improve reading. 

책 읽기를 어떻게 향상시킬지에 대해서 고안하고 전략을 짠다. 


1. Radical behaviorism

Radical behaviorism calls for comprehensive analysis of all forms of activity according to behavioral principles, including actions that are not publicly observable

Instead of appealing to hypothetical constructs regarding presumed mental processes, radical behaviorism asserts that private events are no different than public events other than the tact that they are unobservable by others. 

private event(unobervable behavior)는 public event(observable behavior)와 다르지 않다. 

Radical behaviorism assumes that private events function the same as public events, so all human behavior can be  explained according to the same principles, even though some cannot be directly investigated using empirical methods. 

경험적 방법을 통해서 조사할수는 없지만 인간의 행동은 동일한 원칙에 따라 설명된다.

-a comprehensive description of all human behavior(overt and convert) according to principles derived from the empirical study of behavior

a comprehensive description of all human behavior(overt and convert) according to known behavioral principles, including those events which are not publicly observable, is possible was proposed by B.F. Skinner. 

- the S-R-S model of proposed by B.F. Skinner. 

-"Thinking" is the act of privately talking to oneself.

B.F. Skinner argued that there is no logical reason to assume that behavior operates according to different principles simply because it occurs within an organism's skin. 

2. The word "agitation" as used here is indicative of the methodological perspective - a presumed intervening variable determines how Jane "Perceives" the noise of young children and cause him to behave aggressively. 

agitation은 방법론적 관점.

3. methodological

methodological behaviorists believe that human behavior results from the action of presumed organismic variables that determine how a person responds to external stimuli. 

-Methodological behaviorists adopted scientific methods of inquiry in conducting their research, but continue to use their data to make inferences about hypothetical mental processes. 

An analysis of publicly observable events in order to make inferences about presumed mediating variables that affect behavior.

-S-O-R model 

외부의 자극에 어떻게 반응하냐.

데이터를 사용. 

-These methods are more closely aligned with the philosophy and practice of tranditional psycology. 

-"Talking" is an overt response to stimuli mediated through organismic variable.  

4 Mentalism. 유심론

According to a mentalistic perspective, examining one's thoughts is presumed to be a useful method of observing one's mental and emotional processes at work. 

encourage her clients to examine their thoughts to understand why they feel depressed. 

-the proper subject matter for psychology is the nature and function of presumed mental processes and conscious states of mind according to the traditional view of psychology and the philosophy of Mentalism.

- There are many ways to talk about concepts such as "self-esteem" and " regard for others". Mentalists invoke concepts such as self-esteem, self-reliance, confidence and the other behavioral control agents of " the mind." Behaviorists avoid such terms in favor of operational definitions of observable events.

5. Behaviorism.

The S-R(stimulus-response) model of psychology offered by John Watson in his advocacy of behaviorism offered a unique approach to psychological inquiry by looking for the determinants of human behavior in the environment rather than in the mind. 

Perceiving stimuli and  and processing information are examples of presumed internal processes. Such explanations were often called explanatory fiction by early behaviorists. Behaviorism rejected explanations of behavior that appealed to presumed internal processes. the determinants of behavior were to be found in the environment rather than in the mind. 

행동은 환경에서 기인한다.


1. Mentalism points to feeling, sensations, will, and other unobservable and unmeasurable entities. These antecedent entities are given causal status. These antecedent entities are given causal status(e.g., He felt hungry, therefore he ate. She felt sad, so she lashed out.)

-Appeals to feelings or states of mind as a cause of behavior.

-is supposedly an antecedent analysis

- tends to halt further inquiry into casual factors. 

-Once so attributed, and since there is no means of evaluating these events, further inquiry into causal elements tends to stop. 

정신주의는 감정, 감각, 의지 및 관찰 할 수없는 측정 할 수없는 실체를 가리 킵니다.

멘탈리즘은 인과관계 있습니다.

2. Behavior analysis

Sciences used objective measurement.

Mentalism points to feeling, sensations, will, and other unobservable and unmeasurable entities.

Behavior analysis usually uses visual analysis of the data, unlike most social sciences which use statistical analysis.

- its methods are consistent with the social sciences.

- it employs statistical analysis.

- it employs a multidisciplinary approach.

행동분석은 다른 과학과 같이 행동분석을 objective measurement 를 하지만 멘탈리즘은 관잘이나 측정할수 없다. 

3. An explanatory fiction is circular reasoning whereby the cause and effect are both inferred from the same information. 

An explanatory fiction is when a cause is another name for an effect. 

For example, "he cried because he felt sad." the sad feeling and the crying are both inferred from same cluster of depressive behaviors. Words that are sometimes associated with explanatory fictions include: attitude, feeling, ability, talent, expectation, knowledge. (He had great talent from an early age. His practice has reinforced his abilities. His knowledge of music is reinforced by practice.  )

"Knows", "wants", and "figures out" are explanatory fictions. 

5. What is referred to as " feeling" or "emotions" involves many different operant and respondent behaviors, that tend to occur together, within a specific context, and that include physiological responses that the person can feel and tact. For example, when exposed to certain stimuli ( a barking dog), a person might feel his heart rate increase and his breathing quicken(respondent). 

6. Circular reasoning occurs when a cause is determined from the same information as the effect. For example, a child's disrespect for others(cause) may be attributed to a bad attitude(effect). However, the bad attitude is only another description of the behavior. Attitude doesn't cause disrespect. Contrast this to, say, tantruming that is determined attention. The cause (contingent attention) is determined by evaluating the environment contingencies-not the tantrum itself. 

7. Reinforcement

Behavior occurs more often in the future due to the reinforcing consequence. 

Methodological 경험적
귀로 듣는것은 중요하지 않음. 경험한것이 가장 중요함.

Cognitive 인지적
귀로 듣는것이 중요함(da' bomb)
생각이 바뀌면 행동이 바뀐다-인과관계(casual status)

Radical 근본주의
귀로 듣는것이 중요하나
인과관계는 인정안함.


1. Experimentation 실험 - factors under investigation are systematically controlled while effects on the dependent variable are measured. Extraneous or confounding variables must be properly controlled. Measuring correlations between one event and another is NOT experimentation.

Systematic arranging of events so as to determine their influence on certain phenomena.

Experimentation is one of the philosophical foundations of behavior analysis. 실험은 행동 분석의 철학적 토대 중에 하나이다.

require control over extraneous variables

ideally requires that all variables be controlled except dependent variables. 

(Cooper et al., 1987, p : Cooper et al.,2007, pp. 5-6)

2. Empiricism 경험주의

Empiricism calls for behavior being objectively observed, thoroughly described, and quantified. 

Empiricism is the result of measurement of carfully defined phenomena and detailed description of procedures. This is typically only found in controlled experimentation. 

-science fair project

(Cooper et al., 1987, p 3: Cooper et al.,2007, pp. 5)

3. Lawfulness 합법성

Things don't fly off shelves without reason, defy gravity, or work in totally unpredictable ways. If a car breaks down, we rightfully attribute it to a mechanical problem, not the vagaries or capriciousness of nature. 이유없이 일어나는 일은 없다. 

If given perfect experimental control, you would always get the same results. This lawfulness(or consistency) in nature supports the assumption that behavioral phenomena(like many other phenomena) are orderly and predictable. 동일한 조건내에서는 같은 결과가 발생된다. 

(Cooper et al., 1987, p 3: Cooper et al.,2007, pp. 5)

4. The simplest explanation is the one that relies on the fewest hypothetical constructs. For example, mentalistic explanations of behavior are based on presumed underlying processed that control how a person chooses what to do. A more parsimonious explanation leaves out the hypothetical part about the person choosing, and relies instead on observable phenomenon, i.e., the behaviors the person emits and the consequences that result from them. 

5. a good scientist remains skeptical of scientific conclusions and must be willing to abandon long held beliefs if new data call for it. This is called philosophic doubt. 

6. Philosophical assumptions of behavior analysis include

determinism(lawfulness of behavior)




Philosophic doubt


6. Parsimonious 간소화

Parsimony gives preference to the simplest explanation that adequately explains the data. Therefore, the explanation with the fewest assumptions would be the most parsimonious one.  가정 적은 가정을 가진 설명이 최고의 parsimonious. 

Built on an existing foundation of knowledge or law. 

5살 아이의 tantrum은 "a personality disorder"

7. philosophic doubt 철학적 의심

여러 연결 결과가 있을지라도 연구자는 이 현상의 존재에 대해서 항상 질문 해야 한다. 

The attitude of philosophic doubt requires the scientist to continually question the truthfulness of what is regarded as fact. 

despite several studies that support the utility of behavioral momentum, a researcher questions the existence of this phenomena. 

Good scientist remains skeptical of scientific conclusions and must be willing to abandon long held beliefs if new data. 

Accept the data supporting the intervention until contrary findings emerge. 

8. Ontogenic refers to learning that results from an organism's interaction with his environment. Phylogenic refers to behavior that is inherited genetically. Generally, operant behavior(elicited by unconditioned stimuli) is due to phylogenic history. We use "elicited" to antecedent stimuli and "emitted" to refer to behavior that is a function of antecedent and consequential stimuli.

Respondent behavior elicited by unconditioned stimuli results largely from one's phylogenic history.

Ontogenic behavior(개인적 행동) usually emitted.

Phylogenic behavior is elicited. Behavior that is the result of one's genetic background is phylogenic. 

Operant behavior is largely ontogenic.

behavior resulting from one's ontogenic history is elicited.

Behavior that is the result of interactions with the environment during the individual's lifetime is "Ontogenic".

Ontogenic -> 처한 환경에서 교류하면서 배우는것

Phylogenic -> 유전적으로 얻게 되는것. 

9. Deterministic philosophy 결정론적 철학

결정론은 행동에 원인이 있음 

5살아이의 tantrum은 "we haven't yet identified the factors that control tantrums."

Determinism implies that there is a cause for a behavior. Identifying a relationship with oatmeal points to a possible causal influence. However, attributing a behavior to "getting something in one's head" or stating that they are not "a morning person" does not point to any variables of which the behavior might be a function. Jack Michael refers to such events as explanatory fictions. 

Determinism means that events have causes. With respect to behavior, it means that it is under the control of natural events. Contrast this perspective with that of free will, which postulates that behavior occurs free of environmental and biological influences. If this were the case, behavior would not be predictable or lawful.

Deterministic philosophy would maintain that variability in behavioral data is evidence of uncontrolled influences.


예를 들어,
배변을 안하려고 하는 아이가 있습니다.
아이는 배변을 매일 저녁식사 전까지 하면 cake를 먹을수 있습니다. 배변을 하고 바로 cake 를 먹을수 없는 상황이 있을수 있기때문에 (reinforer는 60초 이내에 줘야 효과적)
이제 이것을 rule-governed behavior로 적용을하면,
저녁식사 전까지 배변을 하면 아이는 케익을 먹을수 있고, 그렇지않으면 아이는 케익을 받지 못합니다.

* difference between Rule-governed and contingency-shaped behavior.
그렇게 verbal description 으로 해서 아이가 저녁식사 전까지 배변을 하면 케익을 먹을 경우에 rule governed
배변을 저녁식사 식사 전까지 하지 못해서 케익을 못받은 경험때문에 다음날에는 저녁식사 전까지 배변을 할 경우에는 contingency shaped behavior

-a description of a behavioral contingency
행동 상황의 기술
: 아이는 배변을 저녁식사 전까지 하면 아이는 케익을 먹을수 있다.

The statement of a rule controls the response decribed in that rule.

규칙통제 행동
Behavior under the control of the rule.

Direct control of behavior by a contingency, without the involvement of rules.

Rule-governed behavior는 indirect-acting contingencies이고, indirect-acting contingency는 deadline이 있다.

저녁먹기 전까지 배변을 봐야 저녁식사시간에 케익을 먹을수 있다.에서
"저녁먹기전"이라는 deadline 이 있다.

저녁식사후에 배변을 볼 경우에 아이는 케익을 먹는 기회를 잃는다.


unconditioned stimulus(US) 무조건 자극

a stimulus that produces the unconditioned response without previous pairing with another stimulus

이전에 경험과 상관없는 자극으로 무조건 반응이 나타난다. 맛있는 음식을 보면 침이 나옴. 맛있는 음식이 무조건 자극임. 

Conditioned stimulus(CS)    조건자극          

a stimulus that has acquired is eliciting prosperities through previous paring with another stimulus

이전에 경험한 자극을 통해서 습득된 자극. 종을 치면 먹을것을 갖다 주었던 경험이 있으면, 종만 들리면 침이 나옴. 이때 종은 조건 자극

Unconditioned response(UR) 무조건 반응

An unlearned response elicited by the presentation of an unconditioned stimulus

무조건 자극을 통해서 나타난 반응. 맛있는 음식을 보면 침이 나옴. 침은 무조건 반응임.

Conditioned response(CR) 조건반응

A learned response elicited by the presentation of a conditioned stimulus.

조건반응을 통해 나타나는 반응. 종을 치면 먹을것을 먹었던 경험이 있으면, 종 소리가 나면 침이 나옴. 이때 침은 조건 반응

  Activation syndrome 활성화증후군

a set of  smooth-muscle phycological responses that control the stomach, heart, grands, and so on. It is unconditioned response elicited by painful stimuli, and it enhances our strength and speed, often making it possible for us more reliably and more quickly to escape those painful stimuli.

미식축구 선수가 다른 선수가 덥치게 되면 그걸로 몸이 다치거나 아프게 되고(unconditioned response, 무조건반응), 처음 통증 UR 이지만 그게   CR  된다. 그래서 그걸 피하기(escape) 위해서 다음에는 더 빨리 뛰고 피하게 된다.


before              behavior             after

Rat shock on -> presses lever -> shock off


공부를 하다보니 몇가지 단어가 헷갈리는데요.

제가 정리를 해보니..

negative reinforcer : shock => negative reinforcer 라는 traditional term 대신에 지금은 Aversive condition (혐오자극) 이라고 사용 

그러니깐 negative reinforcer와 aversive condition은 같은 말임.

reinforcement : shock off 

reinforcer 는 stimulus(자극) 임. 



 Positive reinforcer


 Positive reinforcement

 Reinforcement by the presentation of a reinforcer

 Negative reinforcer

 Aversive condition

 Negative reinforcement

 Reinforcement by the removal of an aversive condition


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