
Response Interruption and Redirection(RiRD)

- a form of response blocking in which motor or vocal stereotypical behavior is redirected before it can occur. 


Negative Punishment

- there is something removed from the environment to cause a decrease in the future likelihood of the behavior

- Response cost, time-out


Positive Punishment

- a future decrease in behavior as a result of an added stimulus


Contingent exercise

- positive punishment practice that has someone do aversive exercises contingent upon the problem behavior to reduce its occurrence in the future


Punishment interventions are often overused because they often act as "negative reinforcement" for the interventionist, thus increasing the interventionists behavior of implementint punishment-based interventions. 


Response blocking is a form of positive punishment as it adds something(a block) to the environment to decrease the future occurrence of the target behavior #punishment #decreaseBX


Contingent Obervation Procedure #SitAndWatch

- no interaction with kid but just can still observe the environment


Time-out procedure
- do not include overcorrection procedures
- involve removal of the individual from an environment or separating them from an environment.
- the duration, operational definition of the behaviors, and exit criteria for time-out shoud be stated prior to implementation except.

- in order for time-put to be effective, the time-in environment must be reinforcing to the individual.

Punishment procedure
- should always be faded out when no longer necessary, after serving their purpose.

- gradually thin the schedule of reinforcement to increase the behavior
- when using reinforcer, always make a plan to switch from contrived reinforcers to natural reinforcers as early as possible to promote generalization and natural conditions.
- give reinforcer immediately following the target behavior for increase.
- reinforcement does not only increase the future frequency of similar behavior, it also changes the function of antecedent stimuli present before the reinforced behavior

Negative reinforcement

- concern regarding the use of negative reinforcement is that the presence of the aversive stimuli can generate behaviors that compete with the behavior targeted for acquisition. 

Punishment procedure
- most restrictive should be always be with punishment procedure

- it is imperative to record, graph, and evaluate data daily

-effective punisher should start abruptly(suddenly), otherwise it may not be an effective punisher.

-Whenever the target problem behavior is severly harmful to a client or a risk to their safety, it is absolutely necessary to swiftly intervene- for sever SIB, punishment would be commendable to use to efficiently and successfully eliminate the behavior.

- in order to be most effective, it must initially introduced high magnitude
- when implementing punishment procedure, always include plan to fade them out when no longer necessary.
- as soon as you see a behavior occurring,  it is important to deliver the punisher to break the chain.
-immediacy, schedule of delivery and intensity are essential to control when managing challenging behaviors.
-behavior analyst should always include reinforcement procedures for alternative behavior in the behavior change program so that there are not any behavior contrast effects occurring under different conditions with the maladaptive behavior.
- Before implementing punishment based procedure, behavior analyst ensure that appropriate steps have been taken to implement reinforcement based procedure unless the severity or dangerousness of the behavior necessitates immediate use of aversive procedure.
- negative side effect due to Matching Law, the decrease in one problem causes the decreases in the  other desirable behavior.

- before implementing punishment-based procedures, behavior analysts ensure that appropriate steps have been taken to implement reinforcement-based procedures unless the severity or dangerousness of the behavior necessitates immediate use of aversive procedures.

Punisher assessments

- do not use duration of engagement with items to assess the effectiveness of punishers. 

- progressive-ratio/multiple/concurrent schedule reinforcer assessment methods cannot be mirrored for punishment

Matching Law
- matching law formula is the proportion of the rate of behavior to reinforcement, which can be used as a general guide in programming.
- refers to making choices amongst concurrent, competing schedules of reinforcement. (#BehaviorGoesWhereReinforcementFlows)

3 terms contingency for discriminated operant : SD-> R -> SR +

Continuous schedule of reinforcement: provide reinforcement every instance of target behavior.

intermittent schedule of reinforcement
- differential reinforcement rate of responding (DRD, DRI, DRH)
- FI, FR, VI, VR

Post Reinforcement Pause : Fixed schedules of reinforcement has a postreinforcement pause.

VR(Variable Ratio) #casio #slots #VegasBaby
- displays a graph fast and steep line due to high rate of response.
- strongest one because the responding remains steady and respond may produce reinforcement.

- FR1 : suppressive effects of punisher are most effective (every instance of behavior-> punisher)#ClearContingency

Common misunderstanding about automatic reinforcement
- hand flapping and slimming DO NOT always have the function of automatic reinforcement. they could be gaining attention, to escape/avoid an aversive, to obtain tangible or gain access to something. you need to see each behavior instance according to the situation.  

Common misconception about the use of reinforcement

- Giving indiviuals contrived reinforcers will result in loss of intrinsic motivation.

Bonus Response cost
- the person provided a reservoir of reinforcers that are removed in predetermined amount contingent on the occurrence of target behavior
- ex) giving all students 20 minutes of free-time with the option to earn more based on the completion. however,  students can lose minutes of extra earned time.
- essential to the effectiveness of response coat procedures(decide whether bonus response cost is a preferred option, pratitioners should determine the immediacy of the fine, over-using response cost should be avoided.)

Response Cost may use for the.. 

- produce avoidance responses

- Effect collateral reductions of appropriate behaviors

- Increase student aggressiveness.

Response cost methods may call attention to the undesirable behavior unintentionally serving as a reinforcing consequence. 


Extinction is a schedule of reinforcement that extinguished the reinforcement of a behavior that once reinforced.

Before using punishment as part of a treatment package, a BCBA must obtain consent from the client, parents, or legal advocate.




Superstitious behavior is established and maintained by a response and Non-contingentreinforcement occurring with strong contiguity.

Like reinforcement, the immediacy of the consequence increases the effectiveness. It should have close contiguity(nearness in time and space)



- when two or more events occur close in time and/or space.

-Contiguity in the paired stimuli

-Weaker contiguity typically results in weaker functional relations.


  • Spatial Contiguity

       -when two or more events occur close in space.

  • Temporal Contiguity

        - when two or more events occor close in time.

        - the importance of relation of the response and the immediacy of the reinforcer(nearness in time)



- involves a response's dependence on an SD and response.

- the (temporal or dependent) relationship between behavior and its controlling variables.


Operant Contingency

- most commonly referred to as the 3-term contingency and typically related to "leared" behaviors, "A-B-C", and Skinner.

-involves the relationship between the stimulus, response, and consequences.

Respondent Contingency

- referred to as classical, Pavlovian, or a simulus-stimuls contingency.



Respondent Conditioning

- most successful when the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus are both of these result in more successful conditioning.





Respondent Behavior/ conditioning(AKA Classical conditioning.)

- Elicited by stimuli(reflexive response)

- involves the body's skeletal and muscles responses(#involuntatry). These are biological responses. #phylogeny 

- Respondent conditioning has occurred when a conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response.

- Respondent behavior is elicited by antecedent stimuli

- In order to place a respondent behavior on extinction, one should unpair stimuli that were previously paired. 


Operant behavior

- Bx that we learn thorughout out lifetime it results from our #ontogeny - learning history/development

- selection by consequences of behavior. behaviors we #emit/ are evoked by #operant conditioning.

- can have an unlimited number of forms


Respondent and operant conditioning interact with each other in all settings, they work together to reinforce or punish certain responses under sets of stimulus conditions in the environment.

Operant conditioning occurs when a cosequence increases or decrease the future probability of a behavior whereas, respondent conditioning occurs when a stimilus becomes conditioned by being repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus.

Operant is to "the organism controls the environment" as Respondent is to "environment controls the organism."



- the stimulus change that has caused the frequency of the target behavior to increase when delviered immediately after the behavior. 

Unconditioned stimuli #unlearned #BornWithIt #US

- we are not tought to respond to 

- they act on our bilogical responses - heat/cold(low temperature), pain, food, water, shelter, sex

Unconditioned response

- is unlearned and occurs after the presentation of an unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned reflexes 

- can be established through NS-CS pairing

Respendent consitioning (aka Higher order conditioning)


- any events that influences an organism's behavior.
- anything that a person can experience through their senses, anything that can be seen, heard, smelled, felt, or tasted(5 senses)
- stimulus change occurs before( prior to) a behavior

stimulus class(group of stimuli): common effect on behavior
- formal(physical)
- temporal(when they occur with respect to a response)
- funtional(effect on behavior)

A feature simulus class involves an infinite number of stimuli that share common physical forms(i.e., shapte, color, etc) or common relative relationships(i.e. bigger than, next to , hotter than).

An arbitrary stimulus class refers to a limited number of stimuli that evoke the same response but they do not look the same(form/shape) or relational aspects(i.e. size or position)

functional stimulus class (effect of behavior)
- functional stimulus class is described its effects on behavior. Stimulus changes are best conceptualized through a functional analysis behavior and have 1 or 2 effects.
1. immediate but temporary effect of decreasing or increasing the current frequency of behavior
2. a delayed but mostly permanent effect on the frequency of that type of behavior in the future.

temporal stimulus class #time
- described by when they occur with regard to behavior of interest.
- the two stimuli that are defined in terms of this dimension are: the antecedent and consequences

Formal stimulus class #physical

- described by its physical features. They'er frequently described, manipulated, and measured according to this dimension, which includes: size, color, intensity, weight, and spatial position relative to other objects.


- the physical setting and set of circumstances in which an organism exists.

- It is the compliation of the objects and factors that an organisom interacts with/contacts in their life.


- a single instance/occurrence of a behavior
- ex, open the door

Response Class
-set/group of behaviors of varying topography that all have the same function.

Stimuli class
- function, form, arbitrary stimuli class

Arbitrary stimulus class
- includes anticident stimuli that evoke the same response but do not resemble each other in physical form or share a relational aspect(i.e., bigger, smaller, over, under, etc)

- as everything that  a person does.
- it classifies a set of responses
- according to dead man's test, if dead man can do, it is not a  behavior.
- ex, opening door


Three basic principales of ABA : reinforcement, punishment, and extinction.

Three levels of scientific understanding : Description, Predictions, and Control

Highest level of scientific understanding is Control(aka causation) : Experimental Control is the only way to establish causation; that is, to determine that one event caused the other event to occur. (Functional analysis)

Prediction is to Correlation; Control is to causation(ABC data analysis)

A correlation exists when two events consistently occur at the same time; based on this relationship, one can make the prediction that one event will probably occur based on the presence of the other event


Applied #sociallySignifiant behavior change

  • Client's behavior change has improved their quaility of life because his peers now behave more positively with and toward client.


  • identify objective, observable, and measureable target behaviors related to the client's problem.
  • ex, a client comes to you seeking help for depression. you begin asking them about how they feel.-> violation of Behavior


  • By establishing a functional relation between her intervention(independent variable) and the measurable change the targented behavior(dependent variable) in her client's behavior.
  • BCBA develeps an interventions and bu manipulation the variables BCBA is able to prove that interventions is directly responsible fore lowering client's severe SIB.

Conceptually Systematic

  • when they relate to, or are derived from, the basic principle
  • all procedures used should tie back to the basic principles of ABA
  • BCBA implements a program using positive reinforcement to increase client's on task behavior. it realtes to one of the basic principles of behavior.


  • the client was able to generalize the skill across multiple settings. 
  • Generality emcompasses subjects, setting, and behaviors.
  • BCBA should make a plan for generalization by implementing the intervention in all relevant settings.

Technological #operationalDefined

  • to procedures  being identified and described with sufficient clarity and detail for accurate implementation and replication
  • writing an intervention with enough detail so that a trained reader can replicate it effectively describes.
  • if BI takes data wrong because they cannot understand the program-> violation of technological

Effective #clinicallySignificant #degree

  • BCBA shows client's parents a graph that demonstrates intervention has decreased her client's SIB by 85%

4 type of behavior analysis

= Conceptual Analysis of Behavior, experimental analysis of behavior , applied behavior analysis, Behavior Service Delivery

Experimental Analysis of Behavior(EAB) #EAB #lab #mice #skinnerbox(cooper book p 23)

  • basic behavior science research conducted in the lab through the use of basic experiments
  • contained in a controlled/contrived setting using within-subject experimental comparisons to describe functional relations 

Organizational Behavior Management #OBM 

: falls unders the branch of Behavior Analysis called Behavioral Service Delivery-where behavior science concepts are used to deliver concept applications in other fields than ABA 

applied behavior analysis(ABA)

  • the one that is knowm as tje tecjnology for improving behavior
  • we use interventions to treat

Conceptual Analysis of Behavior

  • it focuses of the #theory of #behaviorism
  • examines philosophical, theoretical, historical and methodological issues of behavior analysis

6 Attitudes of Science can also be called the Assumptions of Behavior Analysis


Parsimony #simplestexplanations #simplesttheory

  • all simple and logical explanations must be ruled out before considering more complex explanations. 
  • considered when making clinical decisions.
  • if the simple answer works, there is no need to add anything additional,
  • if it doesn't work, then you can systematically increase the complexity of your clinical decision.



Empiricism #facts #objective #datadriven #evidence-based

  • Experimental, data-based approach, drawing upon observation and experience and requires objective quantification, repeated measurement and a thorough description of events.


Determinism #lawfulness, cause+effect #xcausey 

  • Lawfulness of behavior
  • Every behavior occurs for a reason
  • Behavior is predictable and has cause and effect relations of the environment and behavior and the world is an orderly place
  • Behavior occurs for a reason, there are certain conditions that cause the behavior to occur
  • In a perfect world, it can be assumed that control can be held constant and one will always achieve the same results when setting up the conditions the same way for multiple trials.


Selectionism #Darwin

  • Skinner used selectionism to create radical behaviorism.
  • The belief that all forms of life evolve as a result of selection with respect to function.
  • Behaviors that result in the best outcomes are selected and survive leading to more adaptive repertoires.
  • Known as selection by consequences
  • Phylogenic: Natural evolution of species(Darwinism). discipline in biology.
  • Ontogeny: selection by consequeces that occur during an individual's lifetime(evolutions of species). It is learinig that results from an organim's interactions with their enviroment.
  • Cultural: a source of behavioral adaptation where  the evolution of species occurs due to imitation and modeling of others' behavior. We learn by watching others' behaviors.



  • A practical approach to dealing with problems of behavior,
  • source that Skinner referenced for Radical Behaviorism
  • AB-because-of-C philosophy
  • The relation between the setting(A) and the behavior(B) is because of the consequence(C)
  • ex, "How to things come to be as they are?" "How can thins be changed?"


Philosophic doubt

  • To healthy skepticism



In single-subject rearch designs, each subject serves as his or her own control


Practice effect

- to have occurred when performance improves due to repeated opportunities to engage in the behavior during baseline




Methology of behavior analysis is guided by the principle Determinism. Behavior analysts assume that behavior is lawful and determined; that is, all behavioral phenomena occur in relation to other environmental events. 


Experimental Design

- refers to how the independent variable is manipulated during a study.

- refers to the sequence and form of independent variable manipulations in a study.

- onle one variable should be changed at a time in an experiment in order to maintain experimental control and demonstrate internal validity. 

- comprised of (a) at least one subject, (b) at least one dependent variable, (c) at least one setting, (d) at least one independent variable, (e) a standardized measurement system, (f) and experimental design. 

- IV is manupulated by the experimenter

- DV is observed and measured, not manupulated.

- measurement procedures and observations must be conducted in a standarized manner is order to demonstrate Internal Validity and support replication of the study by future researchers.

Experiments are used to achieve the highest level of scientific understanding, control #causation

Experimental Question

- a specific statement of what the researcher wants to learn from their experiment

Experimental control

- achieved when a predictable change in behaivor(DV) can be reliably produced by the #systematic manipulation of some aspect of the environment(IV) #analytic #functionalRelation


The target behavir is an experiment is known as the dependent variable.

Treatment should only be implemented once baseline responding is stable. This is the best way to demonstrate experimental control/internal validity.


Types of baseline responding patterns: ascending, descending, variable, and stable.


Confounding variables

- refer to variavles which were #uncontrolled for but supected to have exerted an influence on the dependent variable.


Baseline logic : Prediction, verification, and replication


- behavior returns to the previously predicted level of baseline responding by termination, or withdrawal, of the independent variable. 


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